This could change the world. No more coal, no more oil, no more Saudis, no more Islamists.
1.5 Gigawatts of fusion power, nicht?
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Inshallah my fellow German. We shall light up the world with the passion of the heart of the prophet.
But this essentially dooms Muslims. They will sit on worthless oil, so they will have to go back to fucking goats instead of American supermodels.
Still a long way to actual harvesting any energy. The thing looks crammed and im looking forward to seeing them try to incorporate a radiator and turbines into it. You know for actual power generation. Also it barely runs for minutes at this point right?
This is working off marks rodins coil design, vortex math etc
Labelled as a schizophrenic joke a decade ago, now apparently it's legit
>incorporate a radiator and turbines into it
I thought they will just heat the water with it and steam will run the turbines. Am I wrong?
You really think (((they))) will let us have shit like this? Silly goy.
meant for
Generally when someone purports to have developed such new technology, they're offered ungodly sums of money to give the secrets to the Jewish elite.
And when they refuse the offer, they're suddenly exposed to've always been mentally ill, then die in a car accident.
What're you talking about, German?
We will still need oil for things like airplanes or places without electrical grids.
Yeah. I've been hearing that since the late 1970s.
Don't hold your fuckin' breath. There have been a few generations of "phyisicst" who've milked this for their life's work now. Lots of thesis work done, all celebrating trivial breakthroughs.
They're not much ahead of the Farnsworth Fuser.
Give me cheap electricity, and I can make oil out of air (CO2) and water.
Read, for Example, Zubrin's "The Case for Mars"
Simply epic, discrediting your entire project only two bullet points in
Americans will never stop coalburning.
Based nazis
No, you are write. The generation of electricity works just as in a uranium nuclear power plant or coal plant. Water is heated and the steam used to generate electricity via turbines.
>1.5 Gigawatts
> You need 1.21 Jiggawats to go back in time
Something foul is amiss.
Funny isn't it? and in a couple years we're gonna hear that Andrea Rossi and Randell Mills were right after all
There's even weirder. Judging from the number of people building them and witnessing they work, the Magravs generators from Keshe aren't apparently bullshit.
I hope when you turn it on it explodes
Your RETARDED country deserves it for ruining Europe a third time
This is correct. Also, Europe could build a large set or connecting tunnels with trains in them going 800km/h, essentially replacing local air travel in Europe.
How is life in Niger?
>Simply epic, discrediting your entire project only two bullet points
3D engineering is hard as fuck. What is your point? We typically only want to engineer two dimensional and let the third dimension be some kind of easy symmetrical system (either a straight line or some kind of curviture).
how do americans gets this flag?
Strange times
Don't listen to this luddite. It's perfectly safe to turn it on.
Think about the capacity!
How many football teams who kneel at the behest of their corporate overlords to push a narrative!
How many self flagellation classes for the native kinder!
How many Islamist shakedown cells!
How many bugmen selling netflix suscriptions to africans living in micro apartments so they can watch weinsteins latest call to anti-white violence staring Jamie Fox!
> no more Saudis, no more Islamists
Yeah right... why do you think they are shoving islamists into Europe (and making sure their racket isn't questioned in any way) JUST AS THIS TECH IS COMING OUT!?
They are losing relevance because of oil and wish to retain power through their cult rackets instead.
So MORE Islamists and Saudis. They are not being cut-out but folded in.
>all muslims states collapse into civil war
>tens of millions more refugees pour into Europe
>this essentially dooms muslims
At least we won't need eyes
Underrated comment.
You might not know that, but Fortress Europe has been established now. We only get 15,000 per month illegally now, even though 30,000,000 want to come each month.
Yes, because the rest are allowed in legally. Your point?
My point is that 30 million people are not led in legally. Actually pretty much no one is let in legally.
>literal ball of fusion in the sky putting out more energy than we could ever hope to use
>science monkey's still feel the need to spend billions building machines that can do the same thing a fucking solar panel can accomplish
When did we get so fucking stupid?
You'll still need oil to produce some goods
Tokamaks are really shit. Look at pic related. Just amazing how stellarators are so much straight forward than Tokamaks... even with shitty non HTCs.
But not much. Norwegian and Canadiam oil will do.
So much this, they are still in 2016.
Balkan route closed, eastern europe reinforced.
Not one single politician left who still believes 2016 cannot happen again.
This was probably one of the last bigger migration waves, next are murricans when they get their pseudoshithole glassed.
>Can do the same thing that a solar panel can accomplish
Not even close. Fusion is like tapping into the core of the sun directly, not simply skimming off some of its radience, some of the time.
Fusion is like the jump from wood to coal, or coal to oil.
>This could change the world.
You're betting it all on that stellarator after the regular tokamaks completely failed to perform? Bed news for you: We've been making these things since the 50's and NONE OF THEM FUCKING WORK.
Can you build a solar panel which runs at night? Can you build a solar panel that can replace base load capacity? You do know countries such as Germany get like 20 percent of the eelectricty out of solar panels than in the Sahara. Complete waste to put solar panels on German houses.
Yes, but no longer required for just burning it for production which is the vast majority of its use.
energy production*
The fusion effort is one of the most underfunded unJewed branches of science that exists right now. It is very well documented and this experiment is a big but reasonable step forward
Yeah maybe if we actually got some decent funding but no we gotta make sure niggers have gibs. And no investor wants to fund anything with an ROI of less than 5 years thanks to Shitlicon Valley. We are closer than ever before thanks to W 7X and it will probably produce fusion before ITER
What a strange life you must live. Whenever you express your thought on various matters, it's other nonsense and delusions.
You must be aware of this, on some level, and how should one proceed with such a knowledge? Never speak, out of shame? Only express yourself in an ironic manner? Or simply own your stupidity and speak about it with great confidence..
>We've been making these things since the 50's and NONE OF THEM FUCKING WORK.
America stopped stellarator fusion research in the 1960s before the advent of supercomputers and HTCs, both of which are needed to make the concept work.
>Fusion is like the jump from wood to coal, or coal to oil.
Fusion is like a jump from wood to pretending you can burn dirt.
You can burn dirt. In fact we did for a long time - peat aka proto coal
Not entirely true, we have a few small stellerators
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory was actually building a stellerator before the funding Jew got to them. NCSX was supposed to be our W-7X, I actually got to see the parts still sitting around mothballed while I did research there.
Peat is NOT dirt.
>both of which are needed to make the concept work
I'll believe it when I see it. Constraining plasma with a magnetic field is like compressing air in three dimensions with jets of water.
>a certain type of top soil is not dirt
Anything going on with the National Ignition Facility?
Only difference is that wood coal oil and sunlight are free for us to pick out of the ground or the sky, while this fancy new science project will cost billions and accomplish the exact same thing solar panels can.
Solar panels for sunny places, wind and tidal energy for us in the north. If you would have taken 3 minutes to google some statistics you would understand that there is more energy available on earth than we could ever, ever use.
Google is your friend:
"Many people believe that soil and dirt are the same thing, but they're not! Dirt is what you get under your fingernails, while soil is the thin living skin that covers the land. Plants rely on soil to grow. Those plants then provide shelter and food for both animals and people."
I can't believe some asshole is arguing with me pretending dirt is flammable because he doesn't want to accept that fusion is a fucking waste of time and money.
Dumb way to look at it. What is dirt? Made up of all sorts of shit. Rocks, clay, organic, all different and spread out.
The raw materials required for fusion are picked out of sea water, and it does not accomplish the "exact same thing" that solar can. Fusion, it is works, is a complete game changer. It is the sort of technology that makes sci-fi simply sci. It gives us access to ammounts of energy that make what is now impossible, cheap.
>If you would have taken 3 minutes to google some statistics you would understand that there is more energy available on earth than we could ever, ever use.
Now look at pic related and look at where solar is in the energy mix after hundreds of billions of investments. 1.2 fucking percent. And we are the leader in solar and wind after China.
Building such a device would take a decade. The amount of attention and detail that goes into building it means it won't be mass produced. Therefore it won't go viral. Just as nuclear reactors it will fail to compete with coal and gas.
That's probably what the Jews are going to suggest desu. But the problem is, that it's going to turn out like it did with the Qin.
> Foreign engineer suggests river canal system to boost farming output.
> Qin agrees, because they want that extra money to invade Poland, I mean, the rest of China.
> Cucked Chinese thinks that this will weaken the Qin because now they can't invade others.
> Instead this lets the Qin repopulate their farms, and the boosted agricultural input lets them invade everyone and unify China.
I like my historical parallels.
Ask ten thousand people and 500 experts and they will all agree with me.
Fucking get yourself. Dirt doesn't burn, you faggot. If it did, ALL OF CALIFORNIA WOULD BE ON FIRE RIGHT NOW. Nope, just the trees and grass are. (And the houses.)
>this level of pedantry
Yeah, about that, about 2/3rds of our reserves are untapped, so that wouldn't be much of a problem.
>The amount of attention and detail that goes into building it means it won't be mass produced
And why would that be? We need about 5,000 of those at least.
How would you explain to a rich-melanin person where do you live?
There simply isn't enough copper to do that. Sorry mack, but the solar future means more copper cable than there are economical reserves left. We're pretty much not going to do that for that reason. Solar panels have their place, but they're not the industrial powerhouse that fusion will be.
You're the fucking retard pretending dirt burns. We both know anyone in the world would tell you that's bullshit. Dirt does not burn.
Are you retarded?
You have already filled your country with islamists, and it had nothing to do with oil.
Japan has said no to refugees and Islam forever and still can buy as much oil as it wants.
But why we already have solar just put a bunch of them on every roof or un- agricultured surfaces and you have the energy you need
What about wave energy
>the industrial powerhouse that fusion will be
What if fusion is just a meme? A pipe dream?
>a mixture of organics like peat and oils plus some grit
>non flammable
It's almost as if a small international coastal financial elite of some sort have done their best to stop this, thus keeping the US active in the Middle East or something.
how is it legit, it won't work
Yes fusion is fun for space travel and all but that is not something we should concern ourselfs with, we better first figure out how to make our planet better before we start fucking with others.
This is because solar and wind energy have to compete with coal and gas for MARKET SHARE you fucking economically blind kraut. Should I post a graph that shows which percentage fusion reactors make up or will you reply that it's still developing?
This was device was the result of thousands of hours of supercomputer simulations to calculate the exact magnetic forces. And just Makin the magnets is hard because they are unusual twisting shapes. Let talk about putting it together. Since you can't yet automate this process it will need manpower. If I remember correctly this device took a million work hours to put together.
I don't see how this could be improved really...
Then the Thorium stopgap will just last longer.
End result is still similar: We get cheap energy and we don't have to buy ME oil.
>no more oil, no more Saudis, no more Islamists.
Why do you think they are importing Muslims around the world now?
>Yes fusion is fun for space travel
It can do the same on earth. For example, it makes desalination of ocean water completely viable.
And if solar and wind were economically comparable to coal, this would not have mattered in the slightest you dumb fucking gouda.
Once you know how to build them, you can make machines that make the building easier. And once you have those machines you can improve on them.
Or, or! We just use the millions of cheap slave labourers that the Middle East so graciously provided us. I mean, now that the Turks are leaving Germany, it sure was nice that a new wave of underpaid dumbshit labourers arrived to replace them.
Can someone explain?
To be honest, who the fuck knows? If the EU grows independent of the international markets, and doesn't need anymore imports, then they don't need to give a fuck about what the US thinks about things, and thus those muslims will sooner or later either get with the program and become the new abusable underclass with their low IQs and zero political clout, or they'll be beaten into submission. The only reason that this hasn't already happened is because let's face it the current population doesn't hate them enough for it yet. But give it a few years...
Google fusion reactor.
It's the German effort into the fusion race. They have wierd magnets.
but cold fusion is a myth
With cheap enough electricity, we don't need to import oil anymore, but can instead use electric powered vehicles. This does really bad things to the status quo, but it will in the long term be good for the planet. (But not for the muslim countries, as they lose more and more clout.)
classical commie, wants to have a life free of effort, germans are fagoots
>Once you know how to build them, you can make machines that make the building easier. And once you have those machines you can improve on them.
First you need to build a couple of prototypes. A single one took a decade. You need to actively modify it to get break even(more energy out than in). You can't because this device is so exact that moving anything around is impossible.
>I mean, now that the Turks are leaving Germany, it sure was nice that a new wave of underpaid dumbshit labourers arrived to replace them.
Oh man, you need more than a dumbasses... To make this machine you need thousands of undergraduate students spending all their time.
MIT come up with this very small reactor. Check It out
>Science is hard!
Yes, we know. Didn't stop us.
You're a myth.
seeing as you're country will be happy to take all the poor doomed muslims, sounds more like the end of germany
>implying the left won't just use it as another excuse to bring in more third worlders
"Look at how much abundance we have now! We can easily afford a few million more refugees on welfare!"
>he's not a myth
Likely is, but this is hot fusion. They need the torus and strange magnet setup to heat the fuel well past the temperature of the sun.