Sudden uptrend in popularity of eating ass the past two years

>sudden uptrend in popularity of eating ass the past two years

>California mysteriously has epidemic of Hepatitis A

Really activates my almonds

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"Eating ass" is just a nicer sounding way of saying "I like to lick shit out of other peoples' assholes.

yeah thanks captain obvious

of course a German would feel the need to explain

dey eat da poo poo?

You can trust this guy, he knows a thing or two about scatporn

Wait, I thought this was just an ironic meme? People actually eat ass (aside from fetishists)?

Can someone nuke Cuckifornia?

>eating pussy is the norm and expected
>why not move an inch back and licc dat brown ass well
That is why sex is only for reproduction, in the dark, with a condom

People will literally set themselves on fire because they saw it on the internet.

The BroScienceLife guy put out a vid a few years back about the “modern” lifting bro. Basically about the modern lifter being obsessed with social media and doing nothing but lower-body intensive powerlifting.

He made a joke about how the modern bro will do sumo deadlifts (a weird wide stance deadlift) and eat butt, both of which are things previously thought to be completely fucking deranged but the modern bro is now expected to do it.

That was the first reference to eating ass that I can remember.

you can really get hepatitis a by eating ass?

No it's just a meme, eat as much ass as you'd like.

>with a condom

can someone explain proper etiquette of eating ass
asking for a friend of course

Why does that pussy and asshole look so disgusting...

Ask your grandpa or fathers about if they ate ass. Most will say yes.

hep a is spread fecal oral route. most hep a isn't life threatening, which is what is disturbing about the cali outbreak killing people.

Not if she's clean

brown puss and man hands

Most of the outbreak is occurring in homeless encampments. Hobos aren't exactly healthy as a rule.

So what you think cause it?

its what happens when it gets pounded regularly since an early age.
judging by the fake blond hair, the type of underwear and the football paraphernalia she is the kind of slut that hangs out with "barras" (soccer fans) and tries to be "one of the guys" and gets passed around the whole "barra".
Her ultimate dream is to service a player from the team, get pregnant and live off child support for the next 18 to 24 years.

>tfw have ass licking fetish from porn
Should I be worried Sup Forums?

People are vaccinated for hep a and b and c is for heroin junkies. At least this is what non Haitian countries do. People act like a vag is a destroyer of diseases. It’s not

this is what she looks like btw
(google search the image if you don't believe me)

you are full of shit. Anyone who has actually been laid knows they aren't clean like in your porn. Most don't bleach or get enemas so you'd be retarded to put your mouth on it.

There’s nothing there. Sex is gross. Bodies are gross. Why arent you cutting two holes in the sheets

when she expects you to eat the booty

>can you really get diseases by tonguing a shithole?

Dude, that dude is a dude, dude.


>He's never put his tongue on a qt's anus while she sits on his face

You've never lived

>There’s nothing there.
Boi either that is a memeflag or you only do oral I tell you hwhat

nope, just a very old lady, product of mixing native americans with polish migrants in the shanty towns around buenos aires.

asses weren't even considered attractive 20-30 years ago
this is just another example of nigger culture spreading throughout our society

>What is a shower

>I can't believe these skanks don't have bleached assholes.

It's degenerate and I actually have no excuse, but get real.

Maybe it’s different for women. Sure. When i first decided to not listen to bullshit i read the bible really hard. Ignored psychiatric memes. And was trying to get over what i thought would be at least smelly. All the brainwashing. Oh goodness this will be so gross and etc etc. Now there’s truvada. And ive never smelled or seen a damn thing. The ass closes on itself and has two muscles that do that. Nobody is waiting with anything there or that low

This has more to do with homeless shitting in the streets. Authorities have had to scrub the streets with bleach because of how bad it's gotten.

>women who are "interested in sports"
not even once


It's a subset of the overarching 'thiccc' psyops. Enjoy your festering cancerous fecal mouths goys.

But michael douglas got throat cancer from candida fungus va jay jays

Get some therapy bro.

Oy vey best goy

hol up you're telling me you can grab a random twink and fuck his ass and not get poopdick even though he hasn't prepped? that's some doujin memeshit

>eating a girls ass
>not making her eat your ass


waist to hip ratio was always a thing, burger

If your exposed to shit you can get it. Eating ass is one way that happens

Contrarianism ftfw my bro. We wouldn’t have made this shit bucket of a society if we knew what we were doing. Is it a popular secular thing? Do the opposite. There are more people who think like you than like me. So. Extend the logic and the biology already wins. It’s either, for me, become a monk in a cave. Or. Not light my hair on fire. And i give pretty half decent explanations too. Anyways gotta go now. Enjoy your foreskin hehehe

She had shit in her cunt most likely.

>"Muh truvada" faggot lecturing anyone about anything

Not everyone wants to self destruct in hedonism.

I eat my wife's ass. Nothing too serious. Has to be pretty clean, too. Not sure what the big deal is.

I think this thread is full of homosexuals and virgins.


Most of the outbreak are from homeless ppl brought over other states who don't want to deal with their homeless problems and sends them to cali causing the outbreak cause of other fag got states bring their human trash to california

It's mostly cause homeless shot from other states

Yeah, i eat her ass too.

Yo what dat ass taste like mayne?

>piss in streets
>piss contains ammonia
>authorities bleach streets
>all homeless die from toxic gas


bags of sand
salty milk

>eating shit
>but it's ((((clean)))) shit! it's fine!
literal monkeys

Was just about to post the same thing. Learn to shower you fucking dirty NEETs

>eating wife's 'clean' ass
>sharts on you when she orgasms
>you puke Taco Bell in her asshole

and that's how ebola happens

>sex is only for reproduction, in the dark, with a condom

I always get that deodorant on my shit to keep it fresh

trying to talk about women and sex with Sup Forumslocks is like trying to talk about software development with niggers

which one?

I saw things about it a few years ago. A lot of black guys said it was going to be the next big mainstream thing on social media. I don't really have any sexual limitations, but speaking openly about something like sucking and licking assholes seems so antisocial and nog tier. If I ever talked to a white woman who mentioned that uniornically, I would drop her immediately.

BroScienceLife mentioning this is profound for a few reasons though. For one, powerlifting has become totally feminized and ghettofied. The aesthetic is shit and has been for years now as well. Full of dull, feminized men who talk about their faggy beards and masculinized women poasting shit about their "booty gains" and displaying all of their bullshit and problems for the world to see. These trends also reveal that all social media is cancer, with a constant regression to the mean. Their is no dignity in it, and no true Aryan should participate in their stagnant memes or their shit aesthetic.

Instead, perhaps a newer and more esoteric/fascist style of weight training needs to be created, focusing primarily on upper body strength and classical aesthetics or martial prowess (which would immediately exclude split tails). I say this only because powerlifting is kill and bodybuilding """culture""" is monetized poison at this point. Even if you think these things contribute positively to your life (I know they have for me) you cannot deny the social debasement associated with them, which is infectious and gay.

Vaseline because I intensively care about my asshole

There was actually a propaganda push for eating ass a few years ago. I remember the thread on Neogaf - Ass Eating General

I wonder who could be behind it?

>make thread about eating ass
>first post is shit-eating German
>Der Ewige Sheissenesser clarifies that eating ass is actually fecal consumption

like pottery

>pic related, typical German

I haven't heard of this trash years ago, of course it's degenerate westerners starting it.

whey coll it anulliging

olympic weightlifting is the true white man's pursuit

Uh huh. Sure.

It's not about that. What you do with wife or gf is not the issue. It's advertising "eating ass" fucking EVERYWHERE that is groace and nog tier. And if you're a man providing any kind of oral in a pump and dump situation, in current year +2, you are kind of fucking stupid tbqh.

German scat porn and fetish only started after wwii. Probably in 70s. I'm quite confident it's the Jews, since they also dominate the American porn industry. One of their goals is the extermination of Germans.

>I love eating ass
>vaccinated for hep A and B
feels good

it's true retard go binge watch friends they act self conscious about their butt getting bigger. this sentiment among white women was what inspired the i like big butts and i cannot lie intro, solidifying the connection that our sexual attractiveness was niggerized as the jews gave them preeminence in pop culture


I legit thought this was chris chan at first glance from the thumbnail. A little disapointed desu.

Not true. It's the worshiping of fat asses in everything that is 3rd world tier and doesn't belong. More so, just focusing on one part of a woman's body is fucking bizarre and antisocial.

But, assuming it is normal, legs > bewbs > asses is the trad white hierarchy of fem parts.

No it's just a meme. Even normies have picked up on it as a meme

The hep outbreak is from all the illegals and homeless, you retard. They literally had to power wash the sidewalks.

never doubt a german on this subject, all "ass eaters" aka coprophiliac are going to swing on the day of the rope unless they die beforehand thanks to their degenerate lifestyle


It happens. It's not as common as vaginal or oral sex but it happens.

>California has legalised pozzing unsuspecting negs

So tolerant

You wont get Hep from eating ass fuck off lmao, Ive eaten every girls ass ive been with and never gotten an std because i dont fuck rando bitches

It is 100% not a meme, every girl in the US loves their ass eaten

In Some Like It Hot they make a reference to a woman's shapely ass.

Wtf does that do?

I mean I eat ass, but only if I know the chick is clean. it's less gross than eating pussy most of the time to be honest.

Why would I eat ass? There's nothing to gain, I'd rather stick my dick inside.

Getting aroused from normal sized ass is not new and is not the same as liking thick nigger ass.

>go binge watch friends
No, kys

Does that even do anything for a woman?

I mean he was gay, so of course he'd sing about asses. I don't think a song about men's asses would go over so well back then though.




"kissing" is just a other way of saying "i like to lick the decaying food, bacterial acid and digestive enzymes out of someone else's mouth whilst they also lick my equivalents"