So what did you guys think about the episode? I wonder what BONES are going to add to the Teru fight.
Mob Psycho 100
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The episode was great and left me super hyped. Teru's voice makes me want to punch him in the dick, so the VA was cast perfectly.
I love it when jocks are total bros.
Yeah, his voice is perfect, he really sounds like a smug asshole.
Them extending the fight with Mob playing hide and seek with Teru.
I've been doing Ray Lewis pushups ever since.
They were great this episode. Also the view from when Musashi was thrown in the air was great.
I need a webm.
>all those are just middle schoolers
I'm not ready for SADNESS to be animated and crying Mob to be voiced.
I think Dimple's not death will feel really cheap and the joke about Mob not caring about his death will fall flat since he has only shown as Mob's partner for one episode
It's not like he's been with mob for 10 chapters in the manga.
Man that Teru guy has some nice hair.
Would be a shame if something happened to it.
I'm waiting for a close-up of his ass-acne desu
I think I need to re-read that part, I though he had been with him a bit longer
Why isn't Mob smiling like a goof? Did they take out the best part of this scene?
>second spoiler tag magically disappeared
Because no one would bother look at it and it's hardly considered a fuck up anyway.
There's a minor change I think would help a lot.
I would start the episode with the flashback to the guys trying to beat up Mob and Ristu, with Mob losing control and injuring his brother. I feel like the brief flash to Ritsu lying bleeding on the ground is more effective without having it interrupt the fight with the context.
That would be pretty good, they might do it when Mob passes out though.
I hope they keep this in.
Mobu is so moe
>hearing Mob's VA go "eek"
Yes please.
Isn't Teru's VA some guy who voices a bunch of harem MC's? It's a pretty fitting voice.
Kirito actually. And the cooking redhead in Souma.
>Kirito getting his ass-kicked
It'll be so satisfying to watch.
It's like BONES picked him as a VA on purpose for that reason.
Who voiced Koyama again?
Dunno. Did they even list any VAs besides the main characters?
They are the best. I really like how much they support and care for Mob
>It's only saturday
But today is Sunday.
I want Australia to leave.
The two ONE stories are peppering each other with cameos.
It's neat when this kind of thing happens.
Yeah, I love this kind of stuff.
>That itty bitty tatsumaki in the back
I really like how ONE and Murata are such good firends.
I'm curious how Mob ends up unerwater in the preview. Does Teru toss him into the school pool?
They're pretty much Saitama + Genos and Reigen + Mob analogues I feel like.
Minus all the homo
Yeah that seems pretty likely.
Can't believe I almost made it, now I just have to survive the weekend
Yeah, tell me about it. I'm going to re-watch the eps and read the manga again.
It's not like we have any alternatives
Isn't that scene just referencing one of the volume covers?
Fuck never mind. I'm tired and thought you meant the OP, not the preview.
That's actually my favorite volume cover.
They could be doing that by adding the scene in the fight, ONE said they extended it in the anime
Will I ever be able to buy mob psycho in Europe?
I have no idea. I wonder if I could use and get them to ship them to america...
I think you can, I was wondering when we'll get an official release like, in Italy
I just hate how usually when they localize a series, they shit all over the volume covers.
I fucking hate Viz.
If they do that, I'll just keep reading the scans, what a sad world
>anime-only fags are hyped because Mob is going 100% to fight Teru on the next
>tfw Mob isn't going to fight at all, and the 100% isn't even hostile.
but we'll see ???%
Exquisite claim, Fist of fury.
I don't know, seems BONES are changing it up a bit. Should be good either way.
I fucking love the volume covers of Mob, ONE is really good at that shit.
Yeah, the covers are really good, I'm a big fan of them.
This wait is hell.
i didn´t expected they care about Mob being kidnaped because he´s an musculess boy amount muscule mountains but they not only go on his rescue, they even want to leave without injuring anybody else after getting him released. They are fucking based
He was with dimple for like 4 chapters, they didnt even cut anything out from the dialogue with dimple.
So what do you want them to do, extend the Episode and make more dimple filler up? Why are you that stupid is another question i got for you.
>Garou heading towards Watchdog Man
That would not be good, you need to see Mob struggle and refusing to use his powers and then show the reason why he does. Why blow your load at the beginning.
Anyone caught that Fubuki Psycho One Hunnid.
Where do you live for it to have been Sunday already? Kiribati? Is it comfy, senpai?
>inb4 New Zealander 20 minutes eager to post.
I reallly want some volumes too. Hope they get them in Germany once the anime gets a bit more popular.
Well i hope they do some fancy shit with the ???, if it is really only one season anime-only should get at least a taste of the madness.
I'd be kinda surprised if it wasn't at least split-cour, seeing some of the stuff they put on the OP.
It would be stupid for them to tease broccoli, Mogami and ??? all in the first 5min of the first episode. Just to not make them appear again at some point later on.
>please go read the source material for all that stuff we hinted at onegaishimasu
Ahh the daily Flop Psycho < 100 sales thread
>July is over and we're now about a month into the runs of most summer 2016 TV anime. So, Charapedia has checked in with their latest 10,000 reader poll (open July >28-August 3). Female voters edged out the guys in the pool of responses 50.4%-49.6%, with 66% coming from fans in their teens and 20s.
>From 49 suggested titles, the top picks were:
>20. Handa-kun - 160 votes
>19. ReLIFE - 163 votes
>18. First Love Monster - 179 votes
>17. Tsukiuta. THE ANIMATION - 192 votes
>16. Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma: The >Second Plate - 194 votes
>15. Days - 197 votes
>14. Servamp - 207 votes
>13. Rewrite - 211 votes
>12. Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak >High School - Despair Chapter 215 votes
>11. B*Project - 242 votes
>10. The Morose Mononokean - 243 votes
>9. Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak >High School - Future Chapter - 259 votes
>8. Qualidea Code - 281 votes
>7. 91 Days - 302 votes
>6. This Art Club Has a Problem! - 314 votes
>5. The Heroic Legend of Arslan: Dust Storm >Dance - 349 votes
>4. Love Live! Sunshine!! - 392 votes
>3. The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. - 413 votes
>2. Sweetness and Lightning - 443 Votes
>1. New Game! - 525 votes
>Female Voters
>10. Days - 157 votes
>9. First Love Monster - 169 votes
>8. Sweetness and Lightning - 173 votes
>7. Tsukiuta. THE ANIMATION - 192 votes
>6. Servamp - 195 votes
>5. 91Days - 200 votes
>4. The Morose Mononokean - 219 votes
>3. B*Project - 228 votes
>2. Arslan - 243 votes
>1. The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. - 339 votes
>Male Voters
>10. Danganronpa 3 - Despair - 104 votes
>9. Arslan - 106
>8. Danganronpa 3 - Future - 116 votes
>7. Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 3rei! - 118 >votes
>6. Rewrite - 173 votes
>5. Qualidea Code - 249 votes
>4. This Art Club Has a Problem - 253 votes
>3. Love Live! Sunshine!! - 254 votes
>2. Sweetness and Lightning - 270 votes
>1. New Game! 479 votes
Not even your beloved fujos can save this shit.
>slideshow code that high
Why should I care about this again?
I would also be ok with an american release, just anything I can understand
>he can't shitpost with stalker charts anymore so he now resorts to shitty polls that no one cares about
I dont think Bones would do it like that. Thy want their products to be seen as complete adaption, thats why they end them with originals all the time. I trust them for now.
It's a meme
A bad one
More like OP fucking when?
Dude no shit the majority of Japanese anime watchers are retarded, look at the anime that get made. 95% of all of them suck every season. Anime are not made for the general audience they are made for waifu loving otakus like you.
I lose my shit everytime.
Guys, guys. I heard that there's this crazy thing called a website that has the information to the stuff you seek.
Like, it's apparently called
Do you think it's genuine?
>No release date for the OST
Check-mate user kun.
Here mob's first name is the first - SHIGEO kageyama
While on Reigen's page his last name is first - REIGEN arataka.
What the hell?
Which means that there will NEVER be an OST. Never ever forever. It's over. Mob Psycho 100 is finished. Dead. A flop already. There will never be a release for the BDs either. Episode 5 is the last episode that Bones has worked on. There will be no episode 6 and more. It was all just a joke.
I guess no one really knows which is his first or last name.
>you will never be this desperate to shitpost
Reigen is an existence that transcends reality.
Reigen please.
Is this a deconstruction of the shitposting genre?
It's the Madoka of our time. Truly the Evangelion of shitposting.
Hyped for seemingly Norio Matsumoto inspired animation next episode. Does anyone else feel reminded of the Naruto vs Sasuke fight in Naruto part 1, just by looking at the preview.
>the average mob poster . jpg
They'll add "look at how artistic we are" painted scenes mixed up with scribbles and other epic still frames.
user, get a clue. No one's buying into your falseflagging.
What are you on about, Mob AOTY. Rest of this year is shit so not much to compare it to.
>Literally same thing happened to OPM
I can never take this flop meme seriously.