What's the most retarded political ideology?
What's the most retarded political ideology?
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Anyone that doesn't want to kill marxists
I'm sure this thread will get many thoughful and well written replies.
Anarcho anything
Lolbertarians for sure. If all their policies were enacted it would ruin that country fairly quickly, far quicker than Communism would. On top of that they all see themselves as smarter than everyone else without realizing how stupid they are, it's a dangerous combination.
Probably Communism.
Explain. I just want to have my rights and be left the fuck alone.
Anarcho Primitivism
Anything other than Sharia
Finish your sentence: "...and why is it pic. related?"
Socialism, then communism, or vice versa.
This probably. Communism is retarded but people who are anarcho-whatever while acknowledging that communism seemingly completely dismisses the notion of humans having an inherent nature is just, like, extra retarded, man.
It's one of the things that bothers me about Stefan Molyneux.
>B-but the biggest criminal brutes surely won't rule with an iron fist because we'd have PRIVATE POLICE!
So fucking dumb man
Because nobody else will say it; National Socialism.
Communism and socialism
because they incentivize laziness while punishing excellence and hard work.
You can work as hard as you like, but in the end of the day everyone gets the same reward.
>wake up in lolbertarian paradise
>electricity was shut off again, couldn't afford the $2,000 a month bill off of bartering my shiftily grown vegetables
>go outside and my overly priced crapshit car was stolen
>oh well still have my bike but ill round up a posse later to try and catch that criminal
>plus the bike is better anyways since the roads a broken to shit
>get into town and try and trade my potatoes for some clothes
>no dice they have way to many potatoes already oh well
>gather up the posse and find my car in someones back yard
>he claims that I stole it in the first place and he just took it back
>no paperwork or proof that it was mine initially
>quick trial is held and I accidentally misidentify something on my car
>taken out back and shot
>thank god everyone left me alone
Sup Forums's chaos country: infinite political parties.
I think you might have libertarians confused with something like anarcho-capitalists
I've seen people do that for years now on here and it's always confused me.
Anarchism isn't a political belief, we are talking about political beliefs and libertarianism causes the most anarchy and capitalistic tendencies dumbshit.
Firstly Islam closely followed by communism in second. Capitalism is third worst. Anything invented by Jews really so I've covered two and a half Jewish ideologies here
you do know that Libertarians still want a government right? We need them for laws and infrastructure (yes roads holy shit).
You can also be libertarian and also be anti monopoly and oligopoly. Most libertarians are so for the social reasons than the monetary reasons.
Anything that relies on man having a nature other than the search for profit is retarded. We do what gains us, as best as we can determine, and every system must account for that or else. The fitness quality of a system is how well it does so.
So you're not a true libertarian then? Why not just admit that? Jesus Christ this is why I said libertarians are so stupid without even realizing it.
you're like one of those atheists who go "you're not a real Christian" because they choose to not follow some parts of the bible or religion and you don't know how to deal with it but you still want to seem like you're smarter than them.
I also never once claimed I was a libertarian.
>What's the most retarded political ideology?
Honestly user, it's anarchy. And I know you might find that insulting, but reality is that organizing into a governing body gives a group an advantage. So if we ever get anarchy, it will collapse almost immediately, and the only way to prevent that is to have a massively powerful GOVERNMENT to break up any other governments that try to form.
Politics in general is the worst political ideology.
It all started with the agricultural revolution.
What happened? People in those areas (what we now call cradle civilizations) would starve until some tribal guy realized that seeds would sprout new plants; so he farmed and farmed, until some plants were able to grow. It was slow at first, because they had to enhance their knowledge about agriculture. Once they realized how it worked, they wanted to improve the technology, because it involved too much work..
However, labor requires incentive. Around this time, slavery had to be introduced one way or another. In many parts of the world, economic feudalism occurred; and in other parts of the world, it was basic slave labor. The lords realized they could tax people or restrict the amount of grain they were allowed to have, and it would incentivize them to work harder and longer for more grain (so they could trade). The merchant class created systems of writing to use in trade, and they kept track of how much product they were trading; and a lot of those merchants attained wealth simply for existing. Then the idea of interest was introduced. I mean, we get the word "Lord" from a contraction of "Loaf" and "ward", someone who was supposed to bake bread for people.
The idea is cyclical. We make money so we don't starve; they forcibly starve us so we work to make money so they don't starve.
Capitalism has, in turn, become one of the worst things in humanity, because it plays on our sense of urgency.
Salty foods to make us thirsty; caffeinated drinks to make us addicted and even more thirsty, combined with lots of sugar to make us hungry again.
Billion dollar sex and media industry; sells us sexual gratification, then sells us media which makes sex normal; then proceed to create a market around "THIRSTY men" because we literally make the most money.
We create urgency, because it's profitable; we profit to satisfy our own urgency.
Capitalism doesn't exist, you imbecile.
You're stupid.
Anarcho-Communism. All others might be cruel or open to exploitation but they still tug along. An-Com is a fantasy.
>hurr durr capitalism makes things more expansive and lower quality
Sure. That's why your computer is better than the one used to land Apollo on the moon and 100s of times cheaper.
National capitalism.
Christian fundamentalism or monarchy
Radical capitalism aka pic
>Anarchism isn't a political belief
Democracy. To the extremely complicated questions of governing a modern society the answer is given 'Let's just ask every random person who knows nothing and count the votes'. On what fucking view of rationality or common sense would this possibly work?
And a republic of elected representatives, while better than actual democracy, is still retarded, why would the people be any good at choosing representatives, the people are completely ignorant.
Anything that starts with "anarcho"
>anarcho communists
Buy into marx's bullshit that everyone will be friendly and share as long as they are not exposed to market economies, failing to realize that those were the conditions for thousands of years and that there was more fighting then than there is now. Completely deny human nature. Don't realize that you need a government to force people to be communist
Not quite as retarded as ancom but naive. Think that the free market will solve everything, failing to realize that human irrationality and unintelligence will prevent this. Denies the existence of market failures. Thinks that people will form factories and build toll roads so they can get more money than if they were a warlord. Thinks that anyone would care about muh nap
>anarcho primitivists
Either genocidal or stupid. If they realize that returning to primitive hunting/gathering would result in the planet only being able to sustain about 0.5% of the worlds current population, they're genocidal. If they don't realize it, they're stupid.
Is this even real? If so, they clearly don't realize that a government is necessary to prevent men from leveraging their natural power to keep themselves above women.
easy. so easy. Nazism managed to destroy the most powerful nation on earth to such an extent it was getting spitroasted for 50 years by Capitalist and COMMUNIST LOL
>answers own bread
My computer could have been even faster and cheaper tho
The modern left or whatever the hell they're supposed to be representing.
it's actually a pretty easy question to answer.
It will be in a few years.
My nigga
Anything whose end goal is no or little hierarchy or is naive about human nature.
So in order from dumbest to least dumb
We can never have a perfect ideology that takes every event into account and deals with it perfectly, but NatSoc is the closest we've gotten to it because they realize that society can't just be left alone to rot or rust, it needs to be maintained.
if we actually had capitalism yes
coming from the greatest failure of any ideology in history lol
shut the fuck up. your ideology was complete failure and you are a moron for supporting it.
I have never heard an intelligent conversation from someone in this square
fuck natsocs
anyone that is in the greensquare in the political compass, at least commies can give decent arguments and save their asses and ancaps can sometimes defend their nonsense ideology
being an ideologue is retarded in and of itself you low-iq subhuman
All of them except benevolent dictatorship.
>Anarcho anything
Same thing really.
Libertarians want a free market and a Government that exists solely for infrastructure and to protect Individual rights.
>drug use is a victimless crime
What a dogshit website
In posting that image you have answered your own question.
Oh wait, its not an ideology. Just a meme
anything with anarchy in its name is an unworkable fantasy