Answer honestly: Should Light have won in the end?
Answer honestly: Should Light have won in the end?
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You don't get to make mistakes in the real world and get away with it unless you meet one or more of the following criteria:
he did win in the end
you remembered to stop watching after episode 24 right?
Honestly, yes. He should have.
he won my heart
I don't even remember what happened after he killed L.
was that when he killed L? cause thats when I quit.
He never could have. He dreamt of being a god, but he was only mortal. He was blinded by his own ego and doomed to fail.
I'm okay with this. But who is going to be Light?
are you fucking 12 you nigger
You haven't heard?
After the Higuchi play he pretty much deserves to win.
The law always wins
He should have won in the end.
>He outs himself as God. He effectively is ruler of earth.
>Demon says it was fun and departs.
>The Death Note falls once again and is picked up by an anarchist/rebel.
>We see Lights picture and name behind him on a giant propaganda poster.
He should've stopped using the DN for pretty much every situation
I mean, he did get a cult following who would've gladly blown themselves up for him like those jihadists
but he had to use the death note for everything
Even if he killed Near, it would only be a matter of time until someone took him down or his would-be successor. Light wasn't immortal.
a nigger.
The manga really should've ended when L died.
I think even the mangaka said something along those lines.
That's the one thing I like about the live action movies, those first two at least.
No he didn't
and Lfags should kill themselves
>implying nips can into proper acting
Light was Right.
no, light needed to be put down like the rabid dog he was.
No. Mr. Turner was in the wrong.
It certainly would have been a nice change in pace.
You forgot to add:
I was talking about the mangaka, you dumbfuck
Wasn't there an hentai anime where the MC is like Light and he rapes bitches and gets away with everything in the end? That was fucking fantastic. Does anyone know the name for that?
Sounds like Rance.
I think it makes sense that Light shouldn't live if his arch-nemesis is dead. Like you can't have Goku without Vegeta or Jotaro without DIO.
Answer honestly: Wasted the character
Not the Light he was at the end. I liked the original idea behind Kira but Light went complete apeshit later on, he lost himself.
But 2bh it is a valid theory that the unknown shinigami from the OVA is him, trying to finish his work via proxy because he can't do it himself. Technically kira's work should end crime, which prolongs lives, which is not allowed to him anymore. If it's him, then nothing can stop him anymore
Show would end when L if nips weren't so goddamn moralfags. Edge5life
No, and Rance is not exactly an evil guy
He's like some corporate magnate in the anime industry
There's a scene where female seiyuu loses her virginity to a fucking microphone
I prefer the ending of the live action movie, felt like it was more of a natural conclusion to the story than the manga or the anime.
Might as well add Black while you're at it.
Why is the Death Note fanbase so fucking autistic?
Why does everyone dick ride L so much
I get that he is supposed to be Sherlock Holmes equivalent but this isn't his fucking story
Goddamn obnoxious cunts
If they get away with it why are they all in jail?
No one gets away with anything except bankers and elite
Too true. Look what Hillary got away with.
A lot of them are dead.
Why does he look so stupid though?
If you think Light should have won you are 13 years old.
Most shinigamis do. Ryuk won the shinigami look lottery and he still looks creepy.
And if you don't you're twelve
That's L, you idiot.
so is everyone on Sup Forums 13 years old?
Light, L.. same thing.
I never got people's autistic obsession for L and "muh Death Note ended when L died". I guess it only fits given how L is an autist himself.
Eerything after Ls death is subpar. Near and Mello arent as interesting characters. Whats there not to get?
Animeonly fag detected
It's common knowledge that the post L arc was rushed in the anime adaptation
Read the manga, faggot
He would have created a peaceful world. That would have been too alien to audiences.
Light was a tragic hero.
He definitely should of died but it was the way he died.
No reflection, no recalling his accomplishments or sincerely thinking about whether he was truly good.
The author purposely wrote him to die in the most pathetic way because he wanted to make it clear he was a bad guy. Instead of writing a satisfying way for light to die he was more concerned about beating us over the head with how evil he was.
For a manga with only one good character its clear this guy is autistic and doesn't know how to write them.
This and Bakuman have convinced me the first half of deathnote was just luck.
I lost all respect for the show when he fucking fed the information that he could control people before their death to L because 'muh sportsmanship'
It's sort of like Twin Peaks: after you find out the dad did it, everyone lost interest.
Shlomo Shillowitz
penultimate episode of death note and final episode of twin peaks were the best episodes of their respective series.
None of it really matters as the authors intent was clearly to set him up as the bad guy. Bad guy dies in the end.
Don't people have a theory he became one of the Shinigamis?
Near and mello were still garbage characters in the manga what the fuck you on
You jelly you ungodly cunt?
He relied on fanatics to do the job for him. He deserved to lose.
And L relied on Kidnapping and making his father fake kill him to get information
So? It was fair game, and Light's father was trustworthy. You can't trust fanatics. They're the scum of this earth.
L lost too though.
You have gone too far this time world.
Who/What/Why/When did this happen and who what?
I think Near should've died with Light.
Murica did nothing wrong, you racist.
Anime Light was stupid.
Everyone was stupid in the anime, so much cut and rushed content.
Mikami was great though, his hammy deleting was hilarious.
>whites in gits
>Oy vey its anuddah shoah!
>niggers in death note
>ahahaha why do you care? are you a racist?
cant make this up
Anime only moment I love
Yes, he should have died. Light was a complete bastard that deserved everything bad that happened to him. The fact that he killed best girl is testament to that fact.
Also, Near > L.
Absolutely, that was fantastic
He was stupid for no reason in the ending but the ending was all sorts of retarded
There was also
>Near just casually happens to watch that speech Mikami did defending Kira and suddenly is 100% sure he's the new Kira
That was the moment I regretted watching DN after L's death, and I was only proven right going forward
>there are people who think the manga is any better
Light should have died because of his lifespan was up the day after he killed L.
That would have been the best troll ending
kill yourself animeonlyfag
that same scene is a whole chapter in the manga