what's your IQ and political orientation query
^^^^^Shorter test that you're unlikely to have taken before so autists embellish less
what's your IQ and political orientation query
^^^^^Shorter test that you're unlikely to have taken before so autists embellish less
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Tested at 150 even. I want to gas the kikes. It would be nice to bypass the upcoming race war, but it seems quite possibly unavoidable even if we were to gas the kikes today.
national transhumanism
100 (full score)
Scored 126 on this, says its the max score?
Not even trying to sound like a know-it-all but this was an easy as fuck test.
I don't really like labels, I'm moderate mostly, with conservative and liberal views on different issues.
151 and in Mensa, I'm conservative.
I vote for the guy I like the best
also I'm stoned right now
I vote for the guy with the best memes
>112 I'm a super nigger apparently
i don't know nor do i care.
Some proofs ?
I voted for the guy who is nationalist and has named the jew
152, reactionary, absolutist, ethnonationalist
107, right leaning libertarian
seems likeable enough
I'd vote for him
146 from stanford binet test. Unironic Trump supporter.
being 3 standard deviations more intelligent than the average is frustrating, if you have a normie iq imagine if 4 out of 5 people you interacted with were drooling retards who couldn't figure anything out, that's literally what it's like.
retook it because i miss clicked the first time.
I got 126. I wasn't super focused, but that sounds about right to me.
I got 35.
top fuggen kekkerz
Voted for Pickle Rick
Everything has been planned onto the hidden to most timeline.
It's inevitable, too many (((coincidences))) to be ignored.
I'm curious however as to what platform will be used to counteract the tide that is drowning us. People are far too incapacitated to go out in the street with torches and pitchforks anymore. Angry comments on social media just doesn't cut it.
112, social traditionalist and economically leaning right.
One shot Johnny
126 on test.mensa.no
Eugenist, transhumanist & consequentialist.
>Felicitări! Aceasta este rezultatul maxim ce poate fi obținut cu acest test! Doar 4% din populație are un IQ de 126 sau mai mult.
>Pentru aderarea la Mensa e nevoie de un IQ de 131 sau mai mult, care este realizat de primii 2% din populație. Aveți o bună șansă de a fi eligibil Mensa. Înscrieți-vă la testarea Mensa pentru a ști sigur!
>>Congratulations! This is the maximum result that can be obtained with this test! Only 4% of the population has an IQ of 126 or more.
>>For joining Mensa, an IQ of 131 or more is needed, which is achieved by the top 2% of the population. You have a good chance of being eligible Mensa. Sign up for Mensa testing to know for sure!
This test was easy as fuck
Gas the kikes
yep, 126 is max on that test, it was pretty retarded desu but the IQ tests for higher intelligence are usually less precise
126 - I would like an anarcho-capitalist white ethnostate.
119. But I just had a big lunch and was lying in bed so I'll bump that up to 120.
I just want people to be free, educated and have a purpose. So left leaning libertarian, I guess.
Yeah I've done one of these stupid online mensa tests before and usually they have some legitimately difficult questions in them. We're all geniuses, apparently.
Yeah, usually the one showing your lowest score will be the most accurate test.
It's not, it goes to 140
>know-it-all but this was an easy as fuck test.
There's few questions that are harder than on the .no one, but most on the first half are easier. It's just steeper.
If you get anything lower than a perfect on this test you might be a retard. There wasn't a single thing here that made me pause except that goddamn delay on clicking the answer, clicking it twice and accidentally skipping a question
then screenshot your 140.
Right leaning Christian capitalist
Si? Spune-mi, e destul de mare?
Si libertarian/minarchist.
It only goes to 126
>IQ 122
>98 percentile verbal reasoning (genius level)
>54 percentile numerical reasoning (brainlet level)
Politically, philosophically and morally I just believe in nihilism.
I'm pretty sure that I only picked the right alternatives and got only 126.
at least put some effort into it
Big Crimson clearly OP
No, it doesn't.
It's made to test if you can go to around 131 to take their real tests irl.
I'm sure it's at least 140, maybe 150.
pls screencap a 126+ result.
mensa do this so that you can get an idea of whether or not you would be elligible for mensaship
that way they can continue to charge for their membership entry IQ test
at least romanian mensa give you an estimation, uk mensa's online IQ test is all like "YUP YOU SHOULD BUY OUR REAL TEST"
oh shit that was actually funny
Lol they're selling this to you. They make it easy and give you bullshit numbers so they an fleece retards that want to appear smart. The first thing you click after taking the test is asking for money. Are you really this dumb or just pretending?
I fight for women rights
It says that if you're under 125, YOU ARE UNLIKELY TO BE ACCEPTED BY THEM. It's made to warn you.
After every test, it tells you how likely you are to be accepted by them, and 126-136 is /likely/
centrist-right leaning
trump supporter.
They're showing you how to sign up, not asking you for money.
IRL tests are free and under international Mensa standards and scrutiny.
Only if you pass, you get to pay to be in Mensa amongst other autists.
again, 126. I think that this is an incomplete test that has 126 as max. If you get 126 then you should be able to do the real thing and see if you're actually able to be a mensa member.
it actually stops at 126, and it says ''more than 126''.
I'm retarded
In leaf-land it costs ~$100 to take the test
my actual tested IQ by a shrink was 136.
So you don't think it is suspicious that everyone that is screenshotting is getting 126? Maybe the in person test goes higher but as far as this internet shit test is concerned it has retard tier questions.
By the way, I got tested in real life by a psychologist (Stanford Bidet), and got 136.
Currently studying CS at Imperial.
nope, im just high and stupid. On most of them it says ''more than 126''. Didnt notice.
I thought this test is better because it's unknown, but it has a shit range.
Why be a Mensa member? Last permissable IQ test I took when I was 8 and scored a 148. Looks like it qualified me for membership. Anyone that wants to sell me on joining?
White male "conservative" nationalist.
140 according to this site [possible piece of shit].
Center and heading slightly Economic Right.
Mostly Lolbertarian.
No. They only want your money.
A 95%+ Muslim school near me did the Mensa test, and apparently most people got 130+ IQs, which I call bullshit.
They purposely inflate you score to take your shekels.
>score 143 on romania test
>in real life only 131 .... i cry
>you should be able to do the real thing and see if you're actually able to be a mensa member
I told you, that's their business model
they charge for the full test
>had to take the test twice to verify it's capped
brazil you are a wonder
Shut up roach nigger
Yes, I was autistically screetching about how the test gave me "only 126", but then after using google translate I know that the test just said "your IQ is estimated at
more than 126".
Try this one:
(this is the most accurate).
radical moderate
tribalism and libertarianism are ok with me
pls why even post that without rolls
Neo Conservative
this is better. do the 50 question, multiply your score by 2 add 60.
2.5 sd out from norm (high end). So probably 99.5%ile. Right wing, not religious though, those people can fuck themselves. Probably more libertarian, freedom from government, personal choice, etc.
IQ according to this test: 122
Previously I got tested at 129 though but since I may have destroyed my brains with alcohol.
Right wing, race realist.
I could support EU if it wasn't cucked but it is so I don't.
Not sure if europeans with immigration background should be deported.
Economically moderately libertarian. I am pro certain environmental legislations.
Pro direct democracy.
If I lived 50kms to the south I'd vote for Thierry Baudet
Everyone lies and iq tests are irrelevant these days.
That test is pure trash. Find a good mensa link.
real iq tests are administered IRL and heavily, thoroughly studied. these self-administered online tests have always been meaningless bullshit
at the end of the test it said 126 was the max
>a thread full of genius-level intellects
>still confused about the IQ cap
k whatever imma go be slightly above average elsewhere
later losers
test is probably accurate.
when i was 8 the teachers thought i was retarded because i wouldn't behave and generally made their jobs really hard, so they told my parents to get me diagnosed with something. i got an adhd diagnosis and they told me my IQ was 135. so that's at least one data point in favor of it's accuracy.
Ive done countless iq tests, and i always get around 68-70
My life:
>Still lives with parents at 29
> Never had a job in my entire life
> can barely string a sentence together when speaking
>no qualifacations
>was in the bottom sets for everything in school and failed eveything
>took me 10 minutes to type this out (serious)
are you serious user? if you are i'm really sorry. can you tell me more about what it's like to be stupid?
apparently i have an iq of 180 then
this test seems kinda bullshit
Spent like 2 minutes on one question, ran out of time and guessed on the last 2 so I know I got those wrong
Taoist Centrist; a bird needs both its left and right wings to fly, both sides have valid points, both sides can be wrong.
Transhumanist in favour of both genetic and technological augmentations; those that do not go along with this will go the way of all weak tribes unwilling to play the technological game of thrones. They will either be utterly destroyed/assimilated, or will regress into a pathetic land of gibs, mad at those who chose correctly.
Right now, China is on the right track, but their flimsy morals will be their downfall so long as the West enters the genetics race too.
Also i'm fundamentally anti-immigration and a massive anti-islamist. Islam is the greatest cancer this earth has ever seen, and it must be dominated and eventually destroyed like the filthy ideological cancer it is.
I vote for PSD.
You wouldn't be able to communicate even
Whereas Talmudism is just fine amirite
116 Centrist-ish
I support geniocracy,non extreme eugenics and lean towards cooperative nationalism!
I've got a family member that's at like 75 or something like that due to childhood brain damage. He wouldn't realistically be able to run his life on his own, and you can tell pretty quick you're talking to somebody who's not right, but he communicates just fine. He's actually pretty entertaining just because of what he comes up with to comment on and how he does it.
They have some merits, perhaps not fully relevant for the age we live in, but they nevertheless had the goal of chiselling out a more functional society.
Islam is middle-eastern communism; it results in miserable shithole after miserable shithole, failed state after failed state, all the while its apologists will cry "true Islam has never really been put into practice! Just give us one more chance!"
Islam is cancer.
Communism is cancer.
And the fact the 'unholy alliance' between the two exists is more proof of the fact they truly are on the same toxic wavelength.
How'd I do