What's the appeal of gyaru when they're so obviously worst-tier whores?

What's the appeal of gyaru when they're so obviously worst-tier whores?

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Because they're worst-tier whores

>he doesnt like gyaru

>talking about gyaru
>posts ganguro

Japanese desperately desire more races in their life.

But don't want to actually have other races in their country.

So they dye their hair, wear contacts, get deep tans, and put on black face. But it's all fun and games for them. Exotic without being foreign.


It's a subculture of gyaru numbnuts, like how NTR is netorare, netori and netorase.


I wonder who is behind the pushing of this shitty culture onto pure Japs?

the fact that others are pussies

>Yamato Damashi

as in some woman playing the shamisen? well gee that sure sounds appealing to teenagers

It would be if their minds weren't poisoned by western degeneracy.

From time to time, it's good to indulge in some A-class trash. Go absolutely degenerate.
And that's the appeal.

So, gyaru is Islam?

Because they're worst-tier whore.
Love me some gyaru x shota.

This desu.

Niggerjaps aren;t the only ones, you should see the Cholas. Who the fuck knows who's pushing that shit there or why they take to it in the first place.

1. american culture (which black culture is a subset of) permeating across the world


If you can't answer this by yourself it means you are a faggot.



this desu

Pure as snow.

i want to impregnate a galmom

Such mystical creatures.

>what's the appeal of gyaru
They are used goods. And used goods stories always interesting.

This doujin was so sweet.

>they're so obviously worst-tier whores?

Read Henshin Ganbou! if you love gyarus. It's a quick but good read

When girls look and act like Gyarus but are actually pure

That is the height of Gap Moe.



Best girl.
S2 never.
Manga finale never.