How come local militias didnt aid the people that got burned alive at Waco?
Why didnt militias help Waco?
Your kidding right?
Are you against freedom of religion or the 2nd?
Friendly reminder the federal government did nothing wrong (except maybe letting delta do the assault itself)
>We didn't start the fire
*begins to play*
When is the last time a militia did anything since 1776?
How come the American people don't overthrow the government if they dislike it so much?
We can't agree on why we hate it, and the media has convinced most of us to hate eachother more than them.
1. America is 50/50, you'll always hear half of us complaining
2. Hasguns currently control the government currently. We need not do anything. The noguns liberals can't do anything. No when the noguns get power again, I'm guessing 2024, you might see some shit. Stay tuned.
I wonder who's behind divide & conquer strategies.
I want to die
This is literally one of the reasons Muslims attack us is because we aren't doing enough apparently.
Also, Waco was a cult run by some degenerate who thought he was some final prophet. His shitty cucked religion doesn't even compare to those of the ancient times and should not even be taken seriously.
Don't try to justify Muslim extremest you liberal shit dick.
Not my words dummy. This came straight from that ISIS magazine.
You regurgitating it is practically the same. Especially since you didn't cite it.
Anyway who gives a shit what they think.
I wonder...
Because they burned themselves alive.
>Crazy doomsday cult kills itself, more at 11.
Welcome to the 90s.
>White man refuses advice and thinks he knows everything
See this is your problem and why white countries are being destroyed from within. It's not about what they think dumbass, it's about what is right. Sure they are crazy but a broken clock is right once in a while. I'm not a Muslim or some libshit but there are some things you need to fucking understand. There are non-whites out there that actually give two fucks about your destructive ways. White countries CANNOT disappear because of your degeneracy. You will upset the balance of nature and ruin everything! You need to fix these problems in your own house or else everyone will be fucked!
Chief Seattle said this centuries ago, they didn't get it.
I keep my own house in order. As for everyone else it's a free for all.
As for all this "white this, white that" I'm a white male, only male out of 6 grand children, carrying on family name. You need to drop the race card all together. Identify as an American and go from there.
getting warmer...
Nasal hair?
some idiots just need to turn to ash
It's the Naval Shipyard Industrial Complex isn't it
>Because *according to the government, they burned themselves alive.
Yes, they were loonies. But there was enough shady shit that happened on the government's behalf during the post-event investigation phase, that I seriously doubt their narrative.
>posts a literal jew manipulator
>"almost there"
your maymay has run its course you dumb goy
There's literally nothing wrong with siding with the government.
>finally names the jew
There you go
Basically it comes down to communication. This was before the internet so everyone bought the govt/media/propganda shit about this guy and his child abuse and all that shit, when it was really just another attempt at the govt setting up a fall guy to look good(because they can't catch real criminals) and everything went to hell(because govt is incompetent).
Something like Waco couldn't happen again because the people inside would have a voice in the public conversation and anti-govt forces have better coordination due to the internet. Notice how the Bundy standoff went down. There will be no more free Wacos. If the govt wants to get all jack-booty some people will stand up.
>Nazis gassing millions of people
>nothing wrong with siding with the government
>USSR killing millions of people
>nothing wrong with siding with the government
>North Koreans killing and enslaving people
>nothing wrong with siding with the government
>Saudis stoning people
>nothing wrong with siding with the government
Are you retarded?
More than half the population does it, are they wrong? If so, why not overthrow them?
That's the power of democracy.
Beecuuz dey wuz a bunch o' peederfy-ills wid illeegul webbins an' dey start'd da fy'er demselves, da nice gubmint man told me so.
Are you retarded, honestly?
They had investigators from sweeden or something look into it and he agreed that the fire started in places the ATF did not have access too.
If you see hoof tracks in the forest and the government tells you it's deer you don't assume it's a zebra. Sometimes it is what it is. Optically it was a cluster fuck anyways.
>Notice how the Bundy standoff went down.
A crazy redneck gets blasted going for his gun and the entire family gets arrested?
>investigators from sweeden or something
Sounds legit.
Because their leader was a child fucking pedo and a religious lunatic to boot.
Stop holding those retards up as heroes. The FBI were fucking incompetent but that doesn't make the cult good people.
Nice tin foil hat there guy.
That wasn't the standoff, that was the govt coming for payback. The actual standoff the govt had to back the fuck down. So far the govt hasn't been able to get any convictions in court.
We have full bellies.
>Hasguns currently control the government currently.
lol ok man enjoy those republicans going for semi auto bans because las vegas got shot up (again)
i really wish conspiracy theorists could take a step back and look at it from a normal persons point of view
no one likes these horrible doomsday cults. why would they have to lie about setting a fire? even if they said "we went in with flamethrowers and incindiary grenades" people would probably not take issue with it, because it was a horrible child rapist doomsday cult camp
why would they cover up something no one would have minded?
I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist at all, actually.
If however, you seriously think that nobody would've minded the government killing 80-odd people, then you're not one to talk about a normal person's point of view.
Because the line in the sand has not been crossed and the average quality of life is still quite high. People still have work, food, water, electricity, and a fair bit of personal freedom.
Civil war is an awful and messy business that will have far reaching and long term consequences, and is not something that should be looked forward to.
>ITT: "Dude its okay they were kiddie diddlers and Satan worshippers who lit the fire to commit suicide, the FBI said so!"
Huh, I guess you're right. Its not like they'd have a reason to mislead the public after besieging people in their home resulting in the deaths of all involved.
you're pretty dumb yeah?
Sure is fucking Sup Forums in here today.
>local militias
Because it was a cult and probably because local militias didn't want to deal with ATF or FBI. The locals might have said they were nice people or whatever but realistically when it comes to dealing with government agencies most people would rather just stay out of it unless they're forced to.
I don't know why, but I decided to do a new version of this.
>now with 100% more lightning link and drop-in sear stickers!
Those children they were worried Koresh was diddling? Most of them died in the fire.
People would care, and in fact, most people who remember Waco believe the government started the fire by accident. That is the mainstream belief, not some conspiracy position.
The conspiracy is that they started the fire on purpose.
we learned from the mistake of the french.
As much as we dislike the bastardized government we have now, overthrowing the government instead of reforming it back into shape would likely result is a worse government than what we want and have.
We would need a modernized constitution that spelled everything out even more than our current one does. (No I don't mean spell out in a sub-human way like mexicans and all the others do.)
Basically, we need to either kill all leftists or only let property owning male citizens vote before we kill the leftists in government.
That and cults by definition and practice of recruitment and maintenance of members are unsavory to begin with.
>The conspiracy is that they started the fire on purpose.
They meaning the government.
It isn't 1776 anymore and modern Americans are gigantic pussies. They're all talk.
So basically you mean this: and that militias are all talk/no walk larpers?
Ok I will man. Because it hasn't happened nor will.
Thanks for playing.
just because a criminal says they're not a criminal doesn't mean they're not a criminal. same thing for republicrat traitors.
You sure?
>This was before the internet
battle of athens 1946
>american "militas"
>not obese, circle bearded LARPERs that wear ill-fitting outfits and would run away at the first sign of trouble
2014, when blm decided to be double niggerfaggots and do the exact opposite of their reason for existing.
the standoff in Nevada? Lincoln kinda ended much of power of the militia during Civil War by greatly expanding Federal power. His actions set the precedents for why FDR was able to put the American Japs into concentration camps during WWII, why Bush was allowed the Patriot Act, etc.
Waco came out of nowhere. They were an insular cult who wanted to be left alone by EVERYONE, not just the Feds. They barely had contact with even the local nosy sheriff, and he was on good terms with them because he was very religious and could trade bible quotes with Koresh. They were a hippy dippy religious commune who just happened to be prepping for the end of the world b/c of year 2000 mania... and because they were Texans, had a bunch of guns. That's not really your standard militia type; no reason for them to be on each other's radar. Even still the siege DID catch the attention of the anti-Fed militia types, ie: Timothy McVeigh
Waco is what happens when you get an authoritarian build up by Libertarian leaning conservatives (who are wanting to protect what ever minor libertarian concepts they have) handed off to a liberal progressive regime who think they know better than everyone else and have a ruling elite mindset.
pre-mass internet and well before we know mainstream news were rotten to the core. If something like that happened today where the internet news could gobble it up there would of been a much higher shitstorm.
My kidding what?
Every once in a while ((((they)))) let us elect someone we actually want in office.
You sure you didn't mean neo-con?
where was this thread moved from?
because they were insane cultists armed with weapons illegal under the law we all live under and opened fire on officers who were just doing there job. You have to be a cuck to care about that den of heathens. Those mothers had 1,000 chances to evacuate their children, and instead they chose to hang out with murdering criminals because they thought they were god. They were not expressing free speech, they were not oppressed, they were resisting arrest, were clearly guilty, and were faggots anyway and got exactly as they deserved
Ahhhh nobody expected the fed s to show up with tanks....and you do remember OKC right? Not that it was helpful but it kind of reminded the govt that people don't like it when the federal govt sends tanks to their houses.
>with weapons illegal under the law we all live under
Bin that illegal high capacity clip!
yummy boot licking
Cowards who under the spell of the Talmudvision psyop.
FUN FACT: The original raid on the Branch Davidian Seventh Day Adventist sect was on 28 February 1993. This was a Sunday.
The government of the US attacked a church on Sunday. America stood back and did nothing.
It was a test.
We failed.
Seriously you can't even defend your own beliefs.
bull fucking shit!! the only reason militias dont shit is because their pussy's, fat and dont want to get killed by the government. Look what happened to the patriot who was killed in Oregon. All of his comrades got scared and he was the only one not and he payed it his life.
you are literal dindus. They broke the law and resisted arrest, got exactly what they fucking deserve. you faggots are like niggers asking for preferential treatment, gas yourselves.
they were cultists, not christians or cucklics. Their "church" was an affront to god and was rightfully destroyed.
meant for
They killed themselves. Why does everybody forget this about Waco?
The government fuck-up was making the crazies think that the government was going to murder them all, which made them kill themselves so the children wouldn't survive.
so you blame the government for the fact that the cultists were delusional psychopaths? how fucking retarded are all of you? literally like spoiled children with no understanding of responsibility.
>government gives parents 1,000 opportunists to evacuate
>they refuse, despite living in the basement of a warzone.
>police could not enter building without taking casualties
Even among right-wing anti-government types, the Branch Davidians were known as some creepy pedo cult. No one is sad to see them go but can be used as a symbolic martyr against government overreach.