Do any africans actually browse this board? What's it like down in that shithole?
Do any africans actually browse this board? What's it like down in that shithole?
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TFW Africans have a higher standard of living than you
Hot I imagine.
>Live in South Africa
>Have to erect walls to keep nignogs out
Yeah totally the norm in Africa senpai.
Thats south africa. That's WHITES! u degenerate mentally inferior mongrel. R u black ( dont even bother to answer )
>Live in USA
>Have to erect walls to keep beaners out
There used to be a considerable amount of Africans on /new/. Havn't seen many Africans ever since this place became Sup Forums.
>American Education
That's Nigeria, largest economy in Africa. They'll have a larger population than the US in a few decades.
>south Africa
>making fun of other countries while hiding behind meme flags
The Africans, black or otherwise, who browse Sup Forums probably have a higher living standard than most of Indians, Arabs, Balkanites and South Americans.
Yes, welcome to Sup Forums
>people still drag northern africa with the rest of nigger africa
fuck this desu
Only desert separates you from nigs and you have muslims which is probably worse. Deadly dangerous combination
>Russian talking down on other people
They don't call you white nigger for no reason sergei
i don't care how "they" call me. No nigger country ever put man in space but we did it first and we have enough nukes to destroy any enemy. I transcended the level on which i supposed to care what "they" think.
it's all good until you spill vodka on your nuke terminal that runs windows XP.
i browse this board eveyday
>What's it like down in that shithole?
really bad especially when i saw some senegales today
shut the fuck up
what are the sub-saharan nigs like?
There was a Somali on Sup Forums awhile back.
Yeah I remember that
>pic related
a pirate?
you are american i think you know better than me
Damn son. 100% true though
An inventor?
do people in central africa even have computers? I don't think I've ever seen a central african republican flag or swaziland one
but they cant do anything they fear from us
kenya has faster internet than the US.
Also, visit nairaland, pretty big Nigerian community.
For instance, Nigeria has internet penetration of about 50%. Brazil has 60%, India has 35% (and there are plenty of Indians here), and so on.
I have never seen a Kenyan flag on here and I rarely see a Nigerian one
Well, it could be that they just don't care about the website. I've never heard of African trolls either, so.
this is just a rare flag bait thread
They are out phishing I guess
American blacks have some admixture and in many cases, especially before the 1970s, they were highly civilized communities. Sub Saharans are not even close to our Africans.
>other people csn nuke you snd others
>I have transcended
Hm, you are no better than a nafri.
Except you'll have ethnic cleansing and not enough food to sustain such growth before.
How useful is the internet to people in Africa? I wonder if African villages ever organize barn-raisings on the internet.
I was born in the Canary Islands, so I guess I'm african lol.
Not very useful
>they were highly civilized communities
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is what CivNats actually believe holy shit kill me
Nigeria and Kenya have twitter wars. Nigeria has decent bants.
You're only fooling yourself. Nigerian Americans perform INSANELY well, much more so than African Americans even with their stupid affirmative action. It's gotten to a point where there is infighting between Nigerian Americans and the old nignogs.
No, welcome to cowardice.
Only the smart nigerians can immigrate to the US, it would as if you got all the college graduates country and transplanted them to another.
GDP doesn't mean shit. this country is trash.
Which country?
There was a race riot in Tulsa that took down the civilized Black Wall Street because the KKK was jealous of their accomplishments.
It represents systemic oppression of blacks by whites. It's sad that people say that blacks weren't civilized. They WERE CIVILIZED, yet whites managed to fuck them over like always.
Of course, but that's not the point. The question is why nignogs are still so dumb. And that's simply because when you have a smart black dude/girl, the "gangsta" types, tell them to "stop acting white".
Welcome to faggotry
Every single one in Africa.
WOW nigeria is such a shithole. god bless kenya
>I transcended
I'm sorry, you said something about nukes? I couldn't hear you from the moon. But grats on being the first ones to not actually go anywhere in space, l guess.
African blacks are similar to segregation-era American blacks. Problems arise when you give them a victim complex.
I visited Morocco this May, it wasnt this bad and internet connection was great. which city are you from though?
You are not on the Moon right now, your country is using our Soyuz rockets to get to orbit and read this for fun
Are there sub saharians who browse Sup Forums?
Rich Africans stay in Africa because you pay less tax and your money generally goes a lot further over their.
come on my ruski comrade, Russian space industry is dying out. SpaceX will make our rockets irrrelevant in a few years, that's it
Don't believe in liberal propaganda. SpaceX cannot alone satisfy the growing demand in all categories of payloads.
They're literally degenerate whores who'll get fucked by anything. That was enough for me to nope. Never really realized it until recently though. Used to watch it, can't bring myself to anymore. Kinda disgusts me.
> there is actual a wikipedia article about "Acting White"
I hope this shithole of a Planet gets hit by a giant space rock soon.
How big are we talking here?
>They'll have a larger population than the US
I always get confused, when people say this, do they mean people who live in africa, or niggers?
fuck off shill
Dunno, is there internet to steal down there?
What is the "shill" here? Genuine question. All I did was posting a new article and making fun of nignogs.
I've seen rare kenyan, pretty decent bants