Why don't white nationalists align with Israel? I have never understood this...

Why don't white nationalists align with Israel? I have never understood this. They seem to have virtually all of the same interest; a desire for a national culture, a savage dislike of Muslims, and similar beliefs for how a government should be run, a mix of democracy and high social freedoms combined with strict immigration controls.

Benjamin Netanyahu even loves Trump and said his UN speech was one of the best he ever heard. Why no common ground here? It makes no sense why Israel and the so-called members of the "alt-right" don't see their natural common interests and align.

Other urls found in this thread:


They only seek to use us for their gain, under the guide if shared values . They will do anything to achieve if, when we are no longer useful they will
Use someone else

Because israel looks out for israel, everyone else is expendable.

anti-semitism is a jewish trick

>One of Israel’s most prominent broadcasters says Israeli leaders are welcoming the resurgence of white nationalism and anti-Semitism in the United States that has accompanied Donald Trump’s winning presidential campaign.

>In a column for Israel’s Ynet, Yaron London, long a prime-time host on Israel’s Channel 10, wrote that “a worldview which supports white supremacy matches our government’s interests.”


When dealing with a Jew, don't be surprised when you wind up with a knife in your back

>Why don't white nationalists align with Israel?
They do. Look at Richard Spencer for example.

Also, there were collaborations of German nazi newspapers and Zionist organizations - there was even the Haavara Agreement between Zionists and nazis.


Irrational hatred leads to stupid decisions.

Back to the synagogue shlomo


>why don't white nationalist align with Israel?

I'm serious. The US seems to have far more interest right now with Israel, Japan, and Russia than with Canada or Germany who just want to fill their countries with third world immigrants

>we muslims fucking hate Israel
>we muslims gonna push Israel and the jews into ocean
>whooops we are too busy to fight each other and invading armies from the other side of the globe
I wonder who was behind this war

Spent over two decades working under the system. At the end get publicly humiliated, have my nerves ripped out. You can't use no internet, jump, art, nature etc european descent. The usual.

I agree. But those countries don't give in to globalists as much, making the left - politically dominant - hate them.

Israel is a two sided coin.
While I do believe the Jews make a dictint ethno-culture and deserve their own land, they also fuck with others on a stupid scale.

If Israel wern't fucking massive cunts to litterally every other nation on earth, I would be 100% okay with them being them, its their shitting on others that makes me dislike Israel, not the concept that they are a nation.

Who do you think is responsible for the shitskins being in Europe? Do you really think the majority of Germans and Swedes actually want to be browned?

Wtf are you saying, bong? It's like you're speaking in riddles.

>if jews weren't jews I'd be okay with jews
You said a whole lot of nothing there, brittany.

Same thing as America First

Exactly. Israel bribes our congressmen and drives us into wars

I keep saying this as well.

Even if you hate Jews and believe them to be a secret cabal --

-- you would have to admit that such a secret cabal would be far less able to control society if they were all based in Israel.

"Destroy Israel" is the same as "Keep Jews in the West".

>The US seems to have far more interest right now with Israel
I wonder why...

>Germany who just want to fill their countries with third world immigrants
I also wonder why would you go from considering them apes to wanting them in your country among you without any (((foreign))) involvment...


>Keep Jews in the West
They never left, what is double nationality? And you can also own banks from overseas.

This sentiment is correct. Different nationalists aren't a team like a globalist alliance. Rather, they are individuals that stand alone but have similar interests

so why would we side with the guys who already infiltrated and poisoned our country? america first means nuking israel, or at least allowing iran to do it.

Stormfags are ratarded

they were shilling for degeneresco a couple days ago



the jews wish to destroy every great nation into small more managable pieces. first it was the great European empires of the 19th century, now its the large Arab Republics, eventually it will be the western super powers.

>implying we voted to get culturally enriched

Not a single referendum was had in regards to bringing in more 3rd world savages.

Tell that to your politicians.

>Do you really think the majority of Germans and Swedes actually want to be browned?

Yes. My country is sandwiched between Germany and Sweden, and they really are that cucked.

Kikes. Why is this so hard to understand?

Slide thread.

It's the same question being asked over and over again in different ways.

You seem retarded, or Muslim.

A person can only be in two places at once. Anyone who is in Israel is not in the West. Look up the Jewish population of Israel yourself - that's millions of Jews who are not in the West.

Sure, Jews in Israel can own banks. As I already pointed out however, it's much harder to exert influence from Israel than from the same country. That's e.g. because telephone conferences are never as effective as meetings in person and because the bank could easily be found to be "israeli owned". Even if you're thinking of some kind of secret management, the situation that they are based in Israel is an additional piece of information to reveal them compared to being based locally.

>implying people didnt vote for Trudeau knowing what he wanted

You have that backwards. Israel is just a casus belli printer for USA to get that sweet sweet middle eastern oil.

> Do you really think the majority of Germans and Swedes actually want to be browned?

Yes I do in fact, because they keep voting for it. And their main cultural attitudes are allowing more migrants in. They want to be cucked, or at the least are terrified of giving another impression.

Maybe not but Canada still keeps voting for the people that will make it happen. Plus, like Germany and Sweden, Canada has a cultural attitude of wanting to appear the "anti-US" and wanting to appear really tolerant. Canadians take a lot of pride in destroying their nation

I've tried that believe me. All these 'maybe this one is the answer' politicians always turns out to be ZOG what ever they even realize that.

why would we support a jewish ethnostate when jews are anti white and don't support white people having an ethnostate?

This is just a shill trying to get all of you to accept the boomeresque version of nationalism, They did this with the boomers to quell their rising suspicions of the marxist professors.

Jews are never factional in their beliefs towards our people.

>OY vey goy did you see that we supported south africa and their racis- I mean totally justified apartheid regime! We jews hate niggers too!
>Thanks south africa for the Nuclear weapons! Now fuck off and die a disgraceful death, also we will teach these niggers and have them rule over your once prosperous nation and systematically destroy you.

Fuck off you disgusting cretins.

Destroying Israel will only increase Jewish sympathy

Theres no need for jewish sympathy when all the kikes are ash.

They don't have common interests you fucking nigger, Jews have Jewish ethnic interests, and whites have white ethnic interests.

I do. I don't align with Israelites in the U.S.


You're a fool if you trust them to do anything other than stab you in the back.

>Israel is our ally goy ! Quick, spend trillions of dollars in another war in the Middle East !

Maybe that's why:

Are you literally retarded ? How can you put Russia and Israel on the same side when Russia is allied with Iran and Syria and Isreal wants both of those countries destroyed ?

>How can you put Russia and Israel on the same side
is pol this naive?

Would smash the right one.

Its not Jews who commit terrorist attacks in Europe and act like savages

You have never understood that White Nationalists have a savage dislike of Jews and vice versa?


We will gas you.

You don't understand how many of our politicians have dual America-Israeli citizenship. They can be in either state and rest assured that no matter what happens to that one, they can get on a plane and fly to the other. Why would they have loyalty to us?

All Jews should be deported to Israel, then let them get on with it, they'll kill each other in no time with no goyim to exploit. They hate us, but they hate one another more, this is a redpill about Jews which any kike will confirm.

I support Israel. I don't support Jews in Europe

>uss liberty
i assume you never had a friendly fire incident?
>spying on the US
you spy on us, you spy on all your allies. we do that that too, what a surprise.
>selling your missile technology
iirc we sold Python and arrow missiles. they weren't your missile technologies, they were either developed by Israel or jointly developed by us and you.
>we broke all our agreements
>oops we bought off your congress
>oops we broke your democracy
sorry that your democracy works that way i guess
>oops we killed an american
no clue who is that guy
>thanks for all the free money
ye thanks, but it goes back to you anyway

First of all
Israel is the fucking Mordor of this world.
It's the head quarters of filthy Zionist kikes who want to destroy the white race.
Israel controls and owns the Usa
The Usa gives billions of American money to fucking Israel for no fucking good reason at all.
Israel is responsible for the attack on the USS Liberty that killed American Soldiers.
Israel has this thing called the SAMSON OPTION.
Which is a method of mutual destruction.
Basically Israel has all of it's Nuclear Weapons pointed at the Anglo-Sphere and Europe.
Because they know that one day the goyim (whites) will finally wake up and see the kikes as our fucking enemy.
They know that once this happens, America will lead the invasion of Israel.
So if Israel falls, they want to take everyone down with them.

Kind of like the USSR's Black Hand Project during the Cold War.
It was a system designed to assure that if Moscow falls and the USSR falls due to Nuclear Attack, and if the high command is all killed, this A.I Machine which is like Skynet, will still be alive and it will deploy all of Russia's nukes to America.


t. Judeo-Christian cuck
Real Christianity hates kikes

Although they are mostly correct about having their own self interest, Israel (and Jews in general) are extremely vengeful and hate gentiles.


Bibi is best ally :3



Right wings kikes exist to turn our racial problems into religious ones they can exploit.

The first video is taken from a satire show.


West's biggest geopolitical challenge: immigration. It's welcomed by lots of white people. Jews are bit players in this.

Second biggest geopolitical challenge: China (including North Korea) and the Chinese long-term economic threat.

Third biggest is Islam, including Iran. Iran uses Obama's cash to help North Korea.

Fourth, international drug trade.

Somewhere down the line: Russia.

Online fascists: "but it's the Jews, thus Israel. Despite no evidence other than a ship attacking during a war decades ago and lies. Israel has nothing to do with cultural Marxism.

US national security establishment: "but it's Russia" overplaying the Russian threat

Because Israel, through its proxies like AIPAC and its diaspora, act to undermine and suppress white nationalism any way they can. They are our enemies.

US foreign aid to Israel largely buys weapons and defense technology from US firms.

>Jews are bit players in this.
lol fuck off Herschel


Even if tat is true, how does it differ from how they actually act.

Because Mossad did 9/11


Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin?

I guess you have never heard of the jdl and how they behave in europe especially france.

They caused two world wars to get Israel, you stupid fuck

>Zionist groups funding rise of nationalists in the Netherlands
>Israeli lobby pushes for Geert Wilders
>Austrian Far-Right finds allies and support in Israeli parliament
>European far-right and Israel form strategic alliance
>Jewish groups back the AfD and Pegida in Germany
>European Fascist parties receive backing from Israeli right
>Israeli intelligence services conclude that a far right Europe would be safer for Israel
>US Jews pour money into financing of anti-immigration parties in Europe
>European Far-Right forges links with Israeli right
>European far right dangerously anti-Muslim and pro-Israel conclude European intelligence services
>Dutch Secret Services investigate Israeli links with Dutch Far Right
>Israel warned us against Iraq invasion, US officials say

>Israel has nothing to do with cultural Marxism.

Jews have nothing to do with cultural marxism?

You're right, there's no "proof", other than the overwhelming evidence that Jews control congress and endless number of coincidences. The problem with calling it a conspiracy is that conspiracy implies secrecy

Why dont they? What the fuck are you talking about? They cant survive without making themselves booby’s bottom bitch. You know this. Get this “guy’s” fucken corrupt ugly face off my board

Friendly fire = accidental. The term you're looking for is "act of war"

So you admit spying... so remind me why we'd let you assholes walk around our country?

This, pol is satire.

Every country has spies are u retarded, ambassadors diplomats tourists u are retarded stop larping with that flag
>Muh white babies

>Israel: A cornered rat


Valid counterpoints except the USS Liberty was a little more than normal friendly fire. I'm pretty sure you did it to trick us into nuking Egypt.

israel pushes anti-semitic conspiracies

If you followed the money they do