Why not just marry a nice jewish girl. You know her parents want kids and you are saving the white race...

Why not just marry a nice jewish girl. You know her parents want kids and you are saving the white race. You can move to isreal after the happening

It's not that easy when you're competing with a bunch of smart, successful Jewish men.

Whats that? Someone resurrected by the White walkers?

Her tits look like fried eggs

A fucking siren.

all you have to do is walk up and say shalom

>even just 1% jewish

stop purity spiraling faggot

I wonder, can you be "just 1%" parasite? Can you be "just 1%" tay sach sufferer? Is it ok to cut off just "1%" of a baby's foreskin and suck "just %" of the blood squirting out?
Jewish IS jewish.

As I Jew I can tell you with absolute certainty that Jewish girls aren't marriage material, unless you enjoy constant screeching and an undeserved sense of entitlement.

>mixing = saving


For what it's worth the only two girls that I have dated and fugged who have redpilled on race realism were both jews. Shiksas always swallow the prevailing PC propaganda.

i like femdom

oy vey Mordecai wheres the couscous ?

Jews are white?

as white as the bottoms of nigger feet.

kikes aren’t white; how brainwashed are you?

Because are here Jewish women are crazy and will cuck you

Couscous is more of a Sephardi thing. Ashkenazi master race here.

If you marry a Jew that doesn't condition the marriage with you converting to Judaism, she's not a GJG (good Jewish girl) to begin with and isn't worth anyone's time. If she is a GJG, and does demand you to convert- well... Are you sure you wanna go through with that just to get some Kosher™ pussy?
Also, Jews aren't white. Ashkenazi got some mixed blood, but (most of them) are still dominantly Levantine- so I'm not sure what race you're planning to save with that route.

The only ones available are absolute rejects since jews marry jews.
Ok the 99.9% of the available ones to satisfy the horny morons out here with their fantasy.

you have to be blind to see white skin and not think white
jews have won. they have destroyed our nations and culture and i want to switch to the winning side

I'm Danish.

There's no jews here


if the woman makes the condition that i convert, but i force her to fall in love with me and my nazi ways and renounce her judaism, i get the best of both worlds. I get the pure girl and don't have to convert or raise my children jewish or circumcise them.