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His career is over. How dare he?
I used to follow Vince Staples on twitter for the lulz. He's a funny and fairly bright guy. But he's all in on the "black excellence" meme.
How is blacks being proud of being upstanding citizens instead of niggers a meme?
Who? Some nignog said wot m8? Eminem, isn't he like 44 years old and has HIV now? Only girls and wigger nerds listened to him in his "prime". Was always mainstream radio pop rap for brainwashed leftist morons, why are people now realizing this? Maybe you need to go outside and breathe in some nice air, provided to you by white men, for a while, then come back in and reassess your life.
eminem has more influence on thousands of white kids than some retarded frog, so yeah
There is literally no such thing as an upstanding black citizen
what does this make tyson? An Ooga-Jewga?
>a 50 years old wigger
>spent half a century pretending to be a nigger
jej, eminem btfo cuckself.
No, Em used to have influence over poor, uneducated cultureless white trash, not "white kids". What frog do speak of? Pepe has nothing to do with this. Know how I know you're a loser? Hahaha @ defending a fellow aging wigger. Get better taste, shit bird.
Eminem hasn't been relevant in ages, he can't even do a hit song without a Rihanna feat.
I actually don't disagree with you, but that's not Vince does. He still raps about gangs and violence and all that stuff.
"Black Excellence" isn't some idea of upstanding citizenry mimicking the wealthy WASP class or something, it's essentially just a vague black supremacist line. They have made it very clear they don't want to be upstanding citizens the way white Americans view upstanding citizens.
>keep that shit ball
it's insincere
Maybe he is /our guy/
>more influence on thousands of white kids
LOL it isn't 1999 anymore oldfag.
i don't listen to niggerbabble anymore but vince doesn't glorify that stuff at least.
Literally every candidate that ran except for sleepy Ben who people liked anyway, "looked like us".
he's talking about the white people defending Eminem here
I liked the part where all the random black guys were silently standing behind Eminem, nodding in approval.
Look at his wiki and he definitely sounds like a libertarian/conservative type just by looking at how he actually does things he believes in, rather then just bitch about bullshit talking points all day and not do anything productive like 99.9% of leftist do.
that's some pretty real nigga hours right there
and I mean this in a good way
hotep confirmed
Fuggin ol raciss ass Uncle Tom
I liked Eminem till he let borat tbag him.
True, true, my mistake. And I'm in the same boat as you, I don't listen to that since taking the redpill.
I know Sup Forums likes to go all in on the "nigger hate" (and sometimes I question where that comes from), but if anything coming from where we're coming from, as far as relying on our history and our people, we should understand the motives behind "black excellence" and other movements like it. Many of the things they're saying may not be authentic or factual, but they're just looking for a base to move forward on, and we should encourage it in the way Jared Taylor and others encourage it, without giving up our own ground. You can think whatever you want about them, but their "leaders" taking responsibility for their people is can be a very good thing for us, and I sincerely hope they can figure something out.
>he can do better
he is not /ourguy/.
Also, the fucking kikes made eminem or his song writers slap together a quick anti Trump song to help push the agenda, nothing more.
I bet they didnt spend more than a day putting that song together.
K H A Z A K ' D
Fuck you and fuck this nigger.
He can fight for his people but he is not ours.