Explain this republicunts
Explain this republicunts
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I know comrade. Let's ban them all
That's not even a real gun...
Bill of Rights, not Bill of Needs.
Also we can blatantly see you agreeing with your own message. How retarded can you be?
>overthrowing the bourgeoisie with a kitchen knife
you guys are retarded even by your own logic
Can I buy one of these?
I don't have to justify my firearm rights.
You have to justify stripping my of my rights.
You do know we have ID's here, right?
Either you're a shit tier forum sliding shill or you're the dumbest gun grabber to walk the earth. Which is it?
Probably both.
Lol thats the gun from the Alien films
That's a pulse rifle from the movie aliens though.
Be careful showing your self on a board like this, hans. Pol is communist now
Lol, lefty pol is nazi too. Keep dreaming faggot.
>british humor
>Be careful showing your self on a board like this, hans. Pol is communist now
No, it's not you faggot.
Communism is Jewish and Sup Forums will never be Jewish.
Are you retarded?
Fuck you no gun faggots. Small pecker liberals. Here is what a real mans gun looks like: reddit.com
Is it just me or a prop department from alien films just took a Thompson machine gun, glued a SPAS under the barrel, switched magazine and gave it sciency look?
>durrrr but dats not even a reel gun!
are you?
You also don't NEED to be able to say whats on your mind or travel freely. You dont NEED much other than food water and shelter. Piss poor argument, But idk what I should expect from a bait thread.
Probably with le gun show loopwhole, I read about it on /r/bernieforpresident
Apparently drumpf and the lie-OP want to make that AR-15 pictured exclusively available to white males with a history of violence. I shake and cry at night knowing about the world Zrumpfler Mussolini mcorange is ruining this terrible oppressive country
I have no words...
Low quality bait. But the flag checks out. Lack of food means eating the good bait for dinner.
>Apparently drumpf and the lie-OP want to make that AR-15 pictured exclusively available to white males with a history of violence. I shake and cry at night knowing about the world Zrumpfler Mussolini mcorange is ruining this terrible oppressive country
Well, Whites are the only ones who should own firearms in White countries.
Hell, for that matter...Whites should be the only ones in White countries.
Shut up faggot, you make the rest of us look bad.
>Shut up faggot, you make the rest of us look bad.
"Us" who?
Conservatives that have no problem with massive non-White immigration into White countries as long as it's "legal?"
Conservatives that won't stand up to the kikes and their nigger lackeys because you're too afraid to be called "racist?"
Conservatives that think voting is going to solve all our problems?
Fucking coward.
>ultra bump stock
>gun show loophole
fuck off fag
Everyone who disagrees with gun laws simply doesn't love freedom.
I'm not a conservative though. Also there is no such thing as a white country as there is no such thing as a black country,you sir are retarded.
>no such thing as a Black Country
Clearly you haven’t been to Los Angeles
it's gross desu. jong un needs to get shot. however, we dunno what to expect because no one has ever ransacked NK, heck, america will need *another* mkultra and this will start another *cold* war.
No, I haven't. L.A. is a shithole.
Its a fake prop gun used for Aliens 2. Go fuck yourself communist. You're obviously trying to weaken America so you can take over.
>I'm not a conservative though.
So you're a Liberal then?
>Also there is no such thing as a white country
Of course you'd say that. It supports your desire to turn all the White countries on the planet into non-White countries.
>as there is no such thing as a black country,
Difference being, black countries aren't subject to massive immigration that will turn the back country into a non-White country.
>you sir are retarded.
Said the anti-White that doesn't care about the existence and survival of the White race.
>No, I haven't. L.A. is a shithole.
Because of non-Whites and anti-Whites.
Or is it that you think it's just a coincidence that LA is a shithole and it's filled with non-Whites and anti-Whites?
Lucky you
Haha dude that's not as real gun, it's from the scene in Robocop where he's like "Phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range."
Obviously to kill you when you 'rise up'. The military gets to own one but I don't? I don't fucking trust you.
Sylvester Stallone was so awesome in that movie.
you must be 18 and over to post here
Fucking normie
Yeah he was. "I don't have time to bleed" so fucking badass,
>900 rounds per minute
>15 rounds per second with bottomless clip
Just because someone isn't a conservative doesn't mean they're a liberal you fucking div. I'm obviously not anti white you conk otherwise I'd be on fucking tumblr crying about my white guilt. Also where is this notion that I support mass immigration coming from? I haven't even said anything about immigration.
That's just a pistol with shit affixed to it, isn't it?
The prop was built on a Thompson.
>Just because someone isn't a conservative doesn't mean they're a liberal you fucking div.
Yet you're acting more and more like a Liberal.
>I'm obviously not anti white you conk otherwise I'd be on fucking tumblr crying about my white guilt.
Yet you're here claiming there's no such thing as a White country and supporting multiculturalism and diversity. And you oppose pro-Whites who advocate for the survival of the White race.
>Also where is this notion that I support mass immigration coming from?
Because you believe there's no such thing as a White country and you oppose having an all-White country.
>I haven't even said anything about immigration.
So you don't support non-White immigration into White countries?
game over man!!!!
Awww poor commie cant understand freedom LOL
You posted the gun from fucking Aliens
time for jeopardy
>i wonder who's behind this post...
There is a diffirence between immigration and mass immigration. Immigration provides more workers where as mass immigration tends to cause a job crisis and over generations strip nations of their culture i.e. France or Sweeden. You are litillary putting words in my mouth.
bait threads are getting worse and cringier
I've seen this reused 20 fucking times in the last 4 days, and not one of you dopey cunts has bothered to fix the fucking spelling error? Like, really. Go die in a fire.
No one needs this
How much does it cost though?
It probably cannot be afforded very easily.
>Explain this.
*clears throat*
>There is a diffirence between immigration and mass immigration.
One leads to White genocide slowly and the other leads to White genocide quicker.
If the White race is dead in 150 years or 50 years it's still dead.
But if the immigration was limited to only Whites, you'd still oppose that.
>Immigration provides more workers
So you support non-Whites taking jobs away from Whites in White countries?
>You are litillary putting words in my mouth.
And yet you're supporting the policies and beliefs that are causing White Genocide.
Medical! Get to medical!
Really, nigga?
You are quite possibly the dumbest cunt I've ever met. I support the job going to the one most qualified. Also immigration has been going on for centurys and whites Americans still exist, it's only now that far left cunts are calling for a white genocide.
go back to r/communism, dumb shill
>You are quite possibly the dumbest cunt I've ever met
Said the anti-White.
>I support the job going to the one most qualified.
Even if it's at the expense of a White person in a White country.
"Oh Whites are being replaced by non-Whites but at least I approve of the non-Whites who are replacing us!"
> Also immigration has been going on for centurys and whites Americans still exist,
Of course the difference being the levels of non-Whites immigrating in the past wasn't anywhere close to the levels it is today.
>it's only now that far left cunts are calling for a white genocide.
And the Conservatives are not opposing it because they'd be called "racist."
aren't leftist cunts pro guns?
aha faggot.
I am not anti white you fucking dumb conk repeating it doesn't make it true and I agree that mass immigration is destroying western culture and speaking out against it labels you a bigot. I fucking agree you utter tard, I just disagree that countrys belong to a certain race and for that I'm anti white? Fucking inbred.
Just because my miata is japanese doesn't mean I have to be japanese to drive it.
You do need to be a homo tho.
I'm a tranny does that count?
>100 rounds with 900 rpm
>got ships that are able to colonise planets
really makes you hmm
>I am not anti white
Then why do you support the beliefs and policies that will lead to the extinction of the White race?
>and I agree that mass immigration is destroying western culture
But you still support non-White immigration into White countries just as long as they meet your personal criteria.
>and speaking out against it labels you a bigot.
Which you are seemingly afraid of.
>I just disagree that countrys belong to a certain race
Even when that country was founded by and for a certain race.
Do you honestly believe the founders of your country intended it to become a non-White country?
Even better...go to Japan and tell the Asians that their country doesn't belong to them. Or go to Israel and tell the Jews that their country doesn't belong to them. Or go to Saudi Arabia and tell them their country doesn't belong to the Arabs.
>and for that I'm anti white?
Yes. You'd deny the White race a future to suppose your globalism.
>Just because my miata is japanese doesn't mean I have to be japanese to drive it.
You support importation of non-White products into a White country at the expense of White workers and products. That makes you anti-White.
>I'm a tranny does that count?
Ahhh...you're physically mutilated and mentally ill. It all makes sense now.
>not shooting knives
God dammit fucking flag not changing over after trolling the commies.
>Explain this republicunts
I need that gun and these shoes.
I'm not a Republican
You do realise over half of the merchandice in th USA is manufactured overseas right?
It doesn't exist to start with
>You do realise over half of the merchandice in th USA is manufactured overseas right?
Yes, that doesn't make it right. Capitalists put making money over the survival of the White race. They'd rather have Chinese slave labor make products instead of White people.
Well shit, I guess we can take it out of THE BILL OF NEEDS.
Oh wait, it is the bill of rights, not the bill of needs.
>It doesn't exist to start with
Page up
if the events at Hadley`s Hope are true, we need to legalize this weapon for the civilian population.
I dont need muh children popping out snake monsters
But if you ban this how am I supposed to defend my self from the peaceful ((Xenomorphs)) coming into my county?
I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
Neck yourself, faggot.
Communism will never grow roots in America.
>I am become death
Needs more bump stocks and ak-47 assault rifles.
Woah...calm down bro LOL
That's not even a real gun commiefag.
Needs chainsaw attachment