No surprise there
No surprise there
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jajajaja fucking anglos fleeing to ireland
supriese we have cubans in spain, i would have though of fucking moors....
We have so much shit they don't even know which group is the largest I'd say. Since moors have been here for a long time now and it's about recent growth Cubans win (though I'd say there are more Dominicans around nowadays)
Lol they used poo colour to represent india
I love how the UK is filling with poos while Ireland is filling with fleeing British lmao.
>not Turkey or Syria
Why is part of it white? That's racist m8
This is 2015 though so its not up to date
fight me
Calm down, Imran. Canada is almost as bad now, almost.
> Lithuanians in Byelorussia
they should have colonised that land a long time ago
the france thing in belguim should be marrocans
>Romania (Nigeria)
Fucking lost
>Germans are literally running away from rapefugees
...you know.
I think we might end up fine. Ish.
Only joshing you matey
1/4 of Cubans in Spain are in the Canary Islands that's why if you are not from there you will not note their presence.
Also, the graph is "most expanding", not biggest, our biggest migrant population has to be either Moroccan or Romanian.
I find "most expanding" a bit imprecise. To use an extreme hypothetical, imagine if there was on Cuban in Spain in 2010, and by 2016 there were 4 Cubans. That percentage increase could easily dwarf every other demographic and yet would not mean that Spain has gotten a whole lot more "Cuban" in the scheme of things. Although the idea of Poland taking over Germany does tickle my sense of historic irony.
"white" Cubans are like 10% black enjoy the subtle enrichment.
Tfw there are more Germans in Austria than Germany
A lot of the Cubans that come to Spain are descendants of Spaniards who fled the Spanish Civil War, under new laws they can claim Spanish citizenship.
One of the most famous cases is Ana de Armas, whose grandparents fled to Cuba amidst the war, when she was 18 under this law she was granted an Spanish passport and moved to Spain to pursue her acting career.
>My grandparents were Spanish, so I had a dual passport—it was the only way I had to get out.”
As a side note. Being Czech, I hate the new cucked name Czechia. See they hate the word REPUBLIC!
And as I sidenote aswell sorry for students in Brno. There's too much of them from here.
I am pretty sure that's inaccurate. The Chinese went from 10,000 to 24,000 while the Angolan actually decreased.
Or did they become portuguese?
Cuba said that they would declare war on Spain if Franco joined the axis
Yes, some of them did, which means their numbers will decrease because there wasn't a significant wave of Angolan people in the last 6 years.
The biggest non-white migrant communities here are cape verdeans, brazilians and angolans by far..... chinese and indians came also in the past years but less
so basically we are fucked.
>Implying commies never lie or are not cowards.
You know everything is going to shit when you dont see Turkey there.
I visited algarve last year and it was chock full of nniggers, very blackpilling. Are most temporary guestworkers or do they intend to stay?
>implying Cuba was communist in the 1940's
Historically yes, that in the last 6 years I have my doubts those were the largest waves coming.
Greeks immigrate to Albania.
WTF is this map ? Americans Stupid Burger faggot !
i'm losing it too
>are most temporary guestworkers or do they intend to stay?
Some stay, others just want to make money and either go back or go somewhere in europe
Kinda surprised about Algarve though! I thought they were mostly here in and around Lisbon.
Beat me to it
You got me there user. Big mistake.
What about us? My guess would be either Alb*nian or B*lgarian rats.
>Tfw there are more Germans in Austria than Germany
It's actually slightly shifting the balance to the right because whoever leaves usually has a political reason.
Including not wanting to be locked up for taking their kids out of the ((((schooling))) system.
Im so fucking mad, i think i'll torch an refugee home.
that means the entire third world, you just say "syria" to get the asylum... it has nothing to do with the country syria
Of course Some Cuban actually wanted to fight with Spain
its for tax reasons stupid frog
At least Pajeet knows the rules of test cricket, so does mohammad and West Africans, Aussies.