>The new album is out now!
Macross Delta
>doesn't post the link
>still no freyja solo for bokura no senjou
fucking hell
The heads are far too large for their bodies in this image.
Full OP needed about 200% more Mikumo stop holding her back.
I cry with you user.
They gave her focus on 2nd ED and even gave her a solo ED, so it's fine.
I can't wait for this week's shinpi.
Junna should be the singing voice for all the Walküre. There's just no competition.
Fuck Freyja looks so hot in that outfit.
I want her to ride my dick while wearing it.
anybody able to read moonrunes? curious about what this song title is
>Listen to Freyja solo of Giraffe Blues
>Cry like the Freyjafag I am
Precious Hoina just gets to me
H-hayate, Is that you?
Calm down Hayate
Minoringo's voice is just as great, so fuck you.
So any ideas on why Hayate's dad nuked the NUNS military base as well as a bunch of Windermerean civilians?
Absolute Zero Novatic
Destruction of Innocence (can be also Purity or Pure Heart)
The Wind Blows without a Warning
They're separate songs, not just one whole title.
What is the reason behind mikumo seeing the galaxy?
The mystery behind song of atlus decoded?
meh, JUNNA's much more emotive
Var or mind control.
It's hard to explain it otherwise.
I have a feeling that the "main triangle" isn't actually the main triangle at all and it wasn't never intended to be.
Not because it's strong and loud, doesn't mean it's emotive/expressive.
You can be expressive through singing even with a not-so-strong voice.
Minori is good in singing too, it's just that her voice is not as loud as JUNNA's.
And I'm a Shinpifag for your information.
>Destruction of Innocence
Other way around, it's the Innocence/Purity of Destruction.
Kawamori already stated that mirage and Hatyate form 2 parts of the triangle.
muh dick
And I'm saying that while it's a triangle, it's not the "main one". The story does not thrive on it. If anything it thrives on the Hayate/Freyja/Mikumo one.
The Hayate/Freyja leg thrives off on romance and understanding
The Freyja/Mikumo leg thrives off on platonic love and helping each other come out of their shell
does it have love thunder or whatever the song is called?
>Purity of Destruction
>mfw beautified genocide
Will this be sung when Windermere gets nuked by a billion X-9s?
I'd like to know this as well
Nice, very nice
That scene was really, really well done. One of my favourites in the movie.
This is the OP2/ED2 single. Album with other new songs at some later point
Myung shouldn't have won.
You're right. Sharon should have.
>mfw Sharon is my favorite Macross singer
The lack of good Sharon fanart/original images is seriously depressing.
my nubian
Have this recent fanart, user.
over the line
Translations please, anyone?
Tbh I'm just waiting for Hayate to kiss Freyja's rune in the anime. We need some lewd action before Delta ends.
The ship that will never be.
What a waste. I actually think Keith would be good for Mirage. He takes his job seriously, maybe too seriously, but he also has a more playful side.
Would touching her rune be like slapping her ass?
Thanks user. Where'd you get it?
Mirage is going to swoop in and win the Hoinabowl while Hayate is out cold, just you watch. She'll finally be relevant.
THis one is actually Freyja/Keith.
>wanting Keith to end up with Mirage
Why do you hate him so much?
What a waste indeed, they would go well together
Welcome back, Messer-kun ~
I didn't read it but dat gap
muh dick
It's hilarious!
So squid dissection next episode?
Twitter, as usual.
Freyja Wion is my godess.
>Mikumo is quarantined on the Medical ship.
>Freyja started to sing 風は予告なく吹く on Elysion.
>Mikumo awakens to sing alone and blow up the Medical ship.
Where is this hinting to?
Maybe it's not VAR more like he needs to bomb the city because of them having VAR or virus.
She is THE MACROSS. Whatever the hell that means.
I think we can expect info dump episode, and maybe some character talking about their plan with face or heel turn.
>He takes his job seriously
>he's an aerial knight
>on Windermere
>he does it for free
>he takes his job VERY seriously
Did I hear "Frejya Attack" in the OP?
And Frejya giraffe solo is bliss
Better stitch.
Solo Wing Mirage will save the sector from those twisted songs
It's definitely going to be an extremely important episode since Kawamori use his fake name "黒河影次" to supervise this episode.
>Berger disclose the truth
>Mirage heel turns
Mirage will finally fulfill the role of solo-winged pixy!
>info dump episode
And fucking Jaka goes on his gay trip again to spend all his fansub bucks.
I will have to watch livestream again, not understand anything again and then post complete bullshit theories just like 95% of other anons who don't know moonspeak.
Is this a wilderness survival episode?
>Mikumo just lures rabbits with her song and kills them
Plus had a really great soundtrack.
And Kumo-Kumo too.
It's the name that he mainly he used in the original SDF Macross for the episodes he was in charge of storyboarding.
That would be 11, 12, 17, 19, and 27.
It must have some emotional significance for him to be using it here.
>must have some emotional significance
>Must be between mirage and frejya
Finally my dear mirage finally getting some development this coming episode!
At first I was iffy about people saying Hayate should be captured and therefore MIA this episode. But now I agree that this would be good.
The reason is that sadly Mirage does not benefit from being in Hayate's presence. Instead of helping her character flourish, it stumps her growth. Hayate is bad for Mirage because it belittles her to "I'm sad because I want his dick".
It'd be good if this episode gives focus on Mirage/Freyja interacting. I think Freyja could be a great catalyst in helping Mirage overcome her insecurities, which we already know Freyja is excellent at doing.
Nice boobs you have there Freyja.
It's 触れ合った.
Also the lyric is very HayaFre.
No Walkure Birthday Song yet =(
GIRAFFE BLUES is good though.
I think I enjoyed Frontier's song more, like almost all of them were awesome, Delta's not that great but has much more songs though.
>bokura no senjou
i'm enjoying this too much. send help.
That's rare. I mean HayaFre are too strong at this point, even some BoguFre shippers gave up on their ship and go for BoguRei instead.
Nips ship the hoina with everyone.
Keith/Freyja is cute because they're both Hella gorgeous. Also they could bond over their love for ap'ju
I think part of the issue are the transitions between verses. It sounds like they have the pieces to make great songs but something is out of place.
>an AI should have won
or they could just bond as big brother/little sister.
I just want cute siblings interactions like Chuck's family. Keithshit will get his otouto killed at this rate.
It's going to be very emotional when Mirage loses it and lunges at Freyja with a kitchen knife.
the difference between the two series is Frontier's songs are more of the J-Pop side of music whereas for Delta is more towards Idolish catchy music.
shhhhhh nothing but fold waves now