I can't stop looking at porn. Could you dump some porn redpills for motivation?
I can't stop looking at porn. Could you dump some porn redpills for motivation?
you are a penis slave first and foremost.
it makes you gay
but i cant help you. i cannot look at porn. its gross. i reached that point.
it is training you to be a literal cuck
It's literally an intentional action of destroying the motivation and potential of men. You want to find a way to stop masturbating? Find a cause that you are willing to fight for. For me it was National Socialism, it has improved me and broken my weaknesses.
Just spend another year or two frequenting Sup Forums, it will all come to you eventually.
Imagine that you are in the room jacking off in the corner every time you start watching porn
You may be revealing something about yourself
get an app blocker for you phone and block access of the internet
I'm on a computer
you are fucking up your brain apparently, since I have always been a bit of an autist I can't tell the difference though
The sex industry is riddled with human/sex trafficking. Having been in the Navy and sailed in the Westpac area, we were constantly warned about this. For example, girls from the Philippines will be brought over to places like Thailand under the premise of good work and money to send home to their families. Once they get to Thailand (or wherever), the people in charge "hold on" to their passports, and then force them into sex slavery to "pay off" the costs of flying them over and housing them.
TL:DR, porn supports sex slavery. You're fapping to slavery. Stop it.
Any links proving this? Am interested.
Imagine how you'd feel if you had to do that for money to survive. And watch some behind the scenes and outtakes to see how rude and mean the jew porn directors are to these non-jewish women.
Try stopping fap to your imagination of women you know, and switch to 2d if unable to quit the porn jew, anything is better than watching the jewish cuckholdry.
thats pretty hot desupham
not helping user
I've got one:
livejasmin dot com
why do i have a bad feeling about that link?
Most porn stars have HPV, in females this almost always leads to cervical cancer.
So thank you for supporting the spread of vaginal cancer among female youth.
Why contain it?
This video is terribly cringe lol
stop watching porn
Only fap to 2D. That way you can never fap again
Porn is degenerate.
Film yourself jacking off to porn and then look at see how fucking weird and gross it is that you are doing that whenever you feel like it again.
fuck off jew
if you watch porn you're a cuck by default.
watching other men fuck a woman while you masturbate, top kek.
If you're watching porn that isn't POV you're watching from the cuck point of view.
Women get mad when you rip their favorite panties or slap their tits.
no. if you are a masturbator, you are gay.
doesn't get simpler than that.
Listen to slavic trap or Nazi seven nation army, meanwhile workout, this will make you real nofap man +50 trad points
porn is bad for you
I'm actually on day 30 something of nofap myself.
Just teasing, :)
>watching porn with men
lesbo or solo, you closet faggot
>not having one tab on POL and one tab on pornhub
>switch to 2d if unable
Think of how pathetic the action you're doing truly is
Go outside
Holy shit, very interesting read. I need to get off porn, I find myself watching at random times with no real reason why.
Need to get rid of these brain "trails"
>Film yourself shiting on toiltet and thel look at see how fucking weird and gross it is that you are doing whenever you feel like shitting again
Do other things to keep your mind off porn I guess. Seriously what's the deal with you porn addicts though? I maybe watch a porno once or twice in a month and have no desire for any more than that.
I look awesome when I take a shit
>not editing Sup Forums memes into porn
It's "Sup Forums" not "POL", newfag.
Crimes of high cuckery.
All porn is cuck porn except VR, because all just observing sex. VR is where you're cucked by the pocket pussy you're fucking.
Same problem. I wish I could masturbate one time a week at least but I am doing it 2 times a day and always looking for a new porn.
How do you know this?
swith to only gifs
>try nofap
>after a couple of weeks i feel a big change
>my thoughts and feelings are more clear to me
>i reason in a mature way
>at the same time i realise how much time i have wasted
>i have been a cock slave for most of my life
>it cant be true
>scared that i have wasted my youth to porn i refuse to believe the change is real
>start fapping daily
>braindead, tense and unhappy i continue living like before
>ignore all posts about nofap
>instead go directly to /gif/ and search for anal
>because thats what lifes really all about
>watching taped rape for hours and hours untill your brain gives up on you ever growing up
yeah but that's just asian girl porn
Bad advice. You don't tell junkies to switch to lighter drug.
Switch to imagination, no half-measures.
I had a porn addiction.^
< Tried to get rid of it for months but couldn't get past a week.
So what's the best first step towards being porn free?
>I had a porn addiction.^
>< Tried to get rid of it for months but couldn't get past a week.
Think of what you're saying. How weak is our will when we literally can't stop WATCHING something we're not even being forced to watch.
Confessions of an Addicted Mind is an excellent book to help rationalize the emptiness of having an unhealthy plebeian addiction like porn.
>So what's the best first step towards being porn free?
Uhm, stop watching it? Im preety weak willed myself, but have no problem in droping bad habits, but acquiring the good ones is the real bitch.
everytime you watch porn you please the jew and hurt Jesus
Did the spell also make you retarded?
> Wife won't put out
> Has the libido of a brick
> Feel useless
> Goes to porn
You're prepared for this.
ffs how hard is it to NOT do something, just don't do it. Embrace your laziness for once and just don't do it you fucktard.
>gf has low libido
>break up with her because of it
>she becomes a slut
That's a good point. Pretty obvious answer I should've seen coming. I'll stop watching immediately. Like to go for a month and see how different things turn out
I wish I could get my bf to stop watching porn and masturbating
then he wouldn't have to thrust at warp speed to get off during sex.
get out newfag
I managed to quit using anti porn extenctions
On chrome I use this thing called "block site" I put in the url and it will block the site, I add a password that I keep in a external hard drive, which means if I want to be able to go to the url I blocked, I have to get out of my way to go get my external hard drive
Our brains are weak, we need to set physical barriers between us and filth
you can't just simply "not do it". Excessive consumption of pornography leads to addiction, and addiction is a fucking bitch that won't let you go.
I tried nofap for about two weeks.
No porn, no "lite" fetish stuff, nothing
After a while I found that my brain was going numb. I wasn't getting any dopamine release at all. If I saw a sexy girl walking around, I'd be like, "oh, she looks nice." But I wouldn't be turned on by her. I had no libdo whatsoever.
It was like I was blocking all the arousal and dopamine. So, I jacked off.
When I came, I felt no rush of euphoria. I felt the blood rush through my lower body, and my legs getting weaker, but I felt nothing euphoric from it. It was like, "oh, ok, I just came. Whatever." Didn't feel anything in my head.
After jacking off a few more times, the euphoria came back and I started getting aroused things again. No idea if this "numbness" is a normal part of nofap, but it sure felt like a switch turned off in my brain. If I had just gone on for a few more weeks, I wonder whether my brain would continue to block all dopamine release or everything would return to normal, with the added positive effects of nofap... or if I'd just be stuck as a libdo-less zombie...
Good point about pleasure shortcuts, but i don't think the solution will work on me, since im very egocentric.
Don't expect any magical changes and girls hoping on your dick.
>Like to go for a month and see how different things turn out
With this attitude you will be dissapointed.
Start doing the BBC back workout to cure your porno addiction. the problem is that you're watching rather than engaging. Like a cuck.
I'm not saying that I was literally evoking magic, but I do think you need a clear defining moment to know that you are free from your addiction. The Spell acted as that moment Even it was purely psychological it still worked
From what I've gathered, stop watching because #1 You're helping (((them))) #2 You're fucking up your brain slowly.
That's called the nofap flatline.
Goes away after a few more weeks.
There's something called the coolidge effect. Its the time needed for males to recover inbetween sex.
When they gave a male sheep the same mate to fuck over and over, his recovery time got greater. When he had free choice over a few mates he could keep fucking and fucking with the same amount of pause in between.
The reason for this is that males are hardwired to spread their seed amongst as many different mates as possible and therefore increase their chance of passing on their genetics successfully. Without variety the male becomes disinterested and takes longer to ejaculate.
When you have access to potentially thousands of beautiful women at the click of a button it fucks with your dopamine levels. You are so used to seeing all kind of sex acts that your brain becomes tricked into thinking it has reached its sexual peak. Over time you need more and more variety to achieve the same effects and you begin to develop strange fetishes.
Over time the end result is total psychological erectile dysfunction. Not even Viagra will cure it.
There's a reason that the majority of porn sites and companies are run by a father company called "mind geek" owned entirely by Jews.
What about masturbation while also having regular sex.
Does that also fuck you up? Should you stick to only sex?
>You're fucking up your brain slowly.
how does this extend beyond making me not care about finding a woman? because I'm currently okay with that.
I hope this sets you on the right course user
>Is shown as moodiness, irrational feelings, love that clings to what is painful or destructive; hunches that may be prophetic, or expressions of anxiety or jealousy. The dark anima may be depicted in dreams as a witch, or a woman who deals with evil spirits and calls up fear in the dreamer. This dark side of ones emotions is easily seen in the moods that lead to depression and despondency, the dark inner condition that engulfs any joy or achievement and leaves the person feeling irritable, touchy, unloved and unable to love. Perhaps this is why the witch may represent this aspect of our emotions, because unless one can uncover the roots of such despair, it may feel as if one were bewitched, haunted or cursed by such feelings. Or it may be that rather than darkness, one is haunted by the dreams of ideal and wonderful love that only lead one on to misery – a sort of chimera or mirage that tempts but provides no reality.
take SSRI's you'll never get an erection again.
>A slightly different side of this negative anima that Marie von Franz points out is that of the woman/mother who poisons everything, whose waspish, critical remarks hurt and constantly demean. This may live on in a man as self criticism. A slight twist on this is the man who considers himself an intellectual, but actually is possessed by an anima that does not allow real creative thought, but expresses opinions and fears as clever words or arguments. This enables the person to feel themselves always right, and actually avoid any real meeting with other people or life experience. Strangely, such men are often driven to pornography, in a desperate drive to meet denied personal needs.
>One side of the anima – the female – that has an ancient history, is the ability the female has for exploring or contacting the unconscious. This is due to the receptiveness and ability to allow something other than her own will to live in her, as a woman does with love, with a foetus, and often with her man. This giving of oneself is sometimes represented by the breast or the womb. In literature and myth we find the theme of the woman guiding the man through the underworld a frequently recurring one – as with Dante and Beatrice, Theseus and Ariadne, Rider Haggard and She. The example dream also shows the female figure as a guide to the spiritual world, a world that was previously unconscious or unknown to the dreamer.
Remember that every time you watch porn there is a fat greasy kike that is laughing about how he is using porn to undermine the gentiles.
Masturbation is actually healthy in moderation.
It's really just high speed internet porn that fucks with your mind.
Yes you can, if you're not a nigger. Have some self control. It is literally that easy. When you get the urge to jack off to porn, just wait it out, don't do it. The more times you avoid beating your meat, it becomes easier to fight off the urge in the future. You just need to hold it out for about 2 weeks I'd say.
pron pays
Hustler Magazine founder Larry Flynt offers a $10 million reward for information that could lead to the impeachment of President Trump.
So that's normal then... good to hear. I'll try nofap again and try to make it through that part.
Every activity bleak compared to masturbation to porn, since dophamine release of the latter is so much greater than what you get from anything else, except drugs.
no prob mang
The trick is to find a social use for your indulgences.
you can't stop because you're bored and not occupied with more important things.
get out, go lifting, get a job and stay with people.
have you ever had a moment after fapping where you look back at what you just watched and feel repulsed? porn IS repulsive for the most part, you're just too high on drugs to not realise it.
I gotta stop
It'll be a lot easier to stop than stop smoking weed though
Porn addiction can cause depression, anxiety, lack of focus, poor energy and erectile dysfunction.
Only works for the guy on the left
>lack of focus
this must be why I have three threads open on Sup Forums when I should be writing my 200 word essay due next week.
Nearly all hardcore porn is filmed from the point of view of a cuck, and so the viewer also becomes a cuck.
What does a cuck do? Sits in a room watching another man fuck a woman that he would like to fuck. What does porn do? Give the cuck a videocamera to record the thing. When you watch that video, you take on the role of a cuck. And porn conditions you to get aroused at the sight of watching another man fuck a woman you desire.
Looking at nude photos of women doesn't train you to be a cuck. But it does act as a simulation of being in the same room as a naked woman, which can sap your motivation to actually get into the same room as a naked woman. And porn also creates unrealistic expectations for men (just like romantic comedies and social media and Cosmo creates unrealistic expectations for women). Porn is fantasyland, just like Fifty Shades of Grey is fantasyland for women. Nearly all women will not get fucked hard by a billionaire. And porn allows a man to simulate hundreds, if not thousands of sexual encounters with women. Some would argue that's the fucking point. But there comes a point where you are just wasting your time and energy on something that isn't real. Not unlike videogames.
The problem is there is no real test group of young males that haven't grown up watching porn because every mother fucker did. Though, the people who have stopped often report massive change in their mental attitude and overall drive and ambition.
The biggest desire for a man is to pass on his seed each day. When you masturbate to porn the brain has accomplished its highest need. All other things fall to the wayside.
m8 this is what i did
just switch from porn to pictures of just women
and ease off like that