Why do NEETs always behave like disrespectful trash around the working man?
Why do NEETs always behave like disrespectful trash around the working man?
Explain why you deserve respect solely because you have a job? I'm waiting.
Ideally everyone should be respected.
aww, wagie thinks he's people
>what is contributing to society
>born into a society unwillingly and expected to contribute
society doesn't owe you shit, but neither do you owe it anything.
How do you know he is one, O.P.?
My tendies aren't going to pay for themselves you know wagie. Stop reading Sup Forums and get back to work. This place isn't for you.
By viewing the rest of the bullshit on that channel.
Society would collapse without the working class. Maybe you people should realize there is a difference between memes and reality.
I dunno I thought that was pretty funny
Not surprised, considering your flag.
Holy fuck I laughed
Contributing to (((them))) you mean.
Good luck, wageslave.
Automation is coming, better work hard for them shekels while you're still desirable.
>Why do NEETs always behave like disrespectful trash around the working man?
To remind them that they have to take it, by their own choices.
>Automation is coming
When? Because right now, millions of jobs are performed by humans. Are they going to dry-up anytime soon?
Inevitable future.
A thing done by slaves who are being used as tools by more clever people who don't contribute much themselves.
They'll soon be replaced by better, mechanical tools and cast aside, left to die, meaningless without their jobs.
It's because they've never had responsibility. They have been pampered and believe that they are beyond employment. Anyone working for something is a joke to these faggots. They'll all be welfare draining leeches still laughing at the working man for being able to pay off his mortgages
I work and feel good about it. Only because I like my job and its nice to get the 4x pay that my NEET lifestyle did.
But I don't buy this hole "contributing to society" BS. (((Society))) is rotten and i feel guilt knowing I have to pay taxes for this shit.
If your job sucks, then its far better to be a NEET in all accounts.
R9K memes flowing over to pol/. Its wonderful!
They're not wrong you know. Keep slaving away my tax-paying friend. :-)
I would bet $50 bucks (you) are under 20 and have never worked.
>work now
>invest in the automation
>make tons of money not working
>money for my white kids (which unlike you I'll have)
>meanwhile you were lazy and couldn't invest
>now you survive on a pittance, relying on the state
Shoo shoo, Bernie voter
wouldn't it be obvious?
they are leeches that rely on welfare and living on another person's property
Well if you look at the current advancement of machines and AI its coming sooner then most expected ,to the point where its kinda scary.
it was good bantz
>American (((Society)))
Yes, good goy. Pay us thousands of shekels to give you a piece of paper to get a job we're going to hire an unqualified woman or a shitskin over for anyways.
>money for my white kids (which unlike you I'll have)
Ahh, good, the next generation of wagies to wash my genitals as I live my last days in an elderly home playing Vidya till the day I die!
Is everything going to be automated or will wage slaves exist forever? It can't be both
>his ideal future is 24 hours indulging in an industry that is rapidly getting worse
Ok... kek
The majority of jobs nowadays come down to keeping each other busy while producing little to nothing of actual worth.
I'd say the same just by looking at your flag.
I prefer a human hand inside a wash cloth on my balls do I hope they wont automate that part.
american doesn't know how to bant with his friends and thinks its
>neet vs wagecuck
>giving money to criminals
They seem to be enjoying quality time together while we rot in our rooms with our computers.
>>his ideal future is 24 hours indulging in an industry that is rapidly getting worse
I mountainbike and play some squash/lifting every now and then. But Vidya is whatI could do for hours especially the VR games that will be real in the future! Not to mention VR lolis!
>what is contributing to society
For a white male in a western country in the current year? A mistake.
NEET fags must be cleansed from this board. they are absolute degenerates deserving of a final solution
NEETdom is the most effective form of non-violent protest against society. You can't refute this.
>meets me in person
>H-hello sir, what can I get you?
how are NEETs degenerates? I think people that voluntarily pay for a state that fucks them in the ass every day are way more degenerate
If all you wagies would stop paying taxes tomorrow ((they)) would have a big problem because good goys wouldn't finance their own death anymore
NEETs will rule the world, stay mad wagies :^)
Can't wait for my universal basic income to be legislated in the next decade, work for my welfare you normie wagecucks
Nobody works to "contribute to society", everybody works because they want money thats it, no need to romanticise it. If you are doing something which you enjoy then you are living a good life by all accounts.
Your goal however should be to accrue experience and then start working for yourself (imo), I guess it depends on what sector you work in. I enjoy my work (software developer) greatly too, but after I have gained enough experience I will move to Australia and make the big cash on my own.
No fucking way I'm paying 40% taxes for a society which is incapable of guaranteeing me the welfare which I will need when I'm old. Our countries are suffering heavily due to immigration and nobody is willing to admit it, the system is slowly collapsing. I say fuck all of them, I'm going to sunny Australia where I will be insulated from the massive SHIT STORM which will fall upon Europe in the future.
We are the canary in the coal mine, the massive migration of animals before a volcanic eruption while the normies stew in their self made globalist delusions, until shit hits the fan.
don't worry bro. I'm a genius and I'm gonna make games rad again.
And i think OP necked himself.
"Mission Complete"
Shill masking mass unemployment as a smug NEET problem
make a grand strategy game where I'm allowed to start a genocide please
ok. I'll do close-ups on the chaos too. whenever a nigger dies in a spectacular way. highlight reels. etc.
NEET life or no life
And I will be there to pirate them user-san! jk, I buy most my games as soon as they are on sale.
>being weak enough to be influenced by others
You do it to yourself
idk that was pretty funny
nice.I will buy all the DLC
Can't watch that
All work has dignity
Don't be a kike, Anons
You're just stuck in your civic nationalism. The sooner whites stop contributing to (((society))) the better. Its more cut and dry where Im from; work your ass off, pay 56% in tax to pay for having your daughter raped.But even if you scale it down to American levels its still the same.
he just gets the guy to unlock the door and then lets a moth loose in the store and he goes "aww, c'mon man go catch it"
>Don't be a kike
>work for kikes instead
You sound like the biggest faggot.
>Society would collapse without the working class. Maybe you people should realize there is a difference between memes and reality.
I do realise that but i actually want society to collapse, normie filth can go fuck themselves for all i care
White NEETs are doing NOTHING wrong. If you can't find a fulfilling job, why bother? Why be a wage slave to pay for subhumans?
This whole "doing your part, being an upstanding citizen" thing is pointless if every tax surplus is being given to the enemy. Its not that hard to grasp.
You are paying for roads, military services etc... Taxes were always collected. peasants who worked on farm payed taxes to contribute to country.
You can always start your own business. You always had to work for food (Have your own farm).
Didn't this board always make fun of communists who aren't in workforce and are actually NEETs pretending to know anything about workers rights. When did beeing a NEET become a good thing in any serious way
I wish every NEET's parants dropped dead and/or got bankrupt right now all at once.
Some might be able to survive for a little while on inheritance but I'd like to see how long they'd really last
I really love how every thread like this one has some guy pretending that welfare doesn't exist.
Who is paying for you then?
hope you enjoy some announcer calls
>When did beeing a NEET become a good thing in any serious way
The moment when taxes started being used to aid the enemy
Kek, sounds good
Please put the edge down before you hurt yourself.
I used to strictly browse /r9k/ but then Sup Forums memes and topics started invading /r9k/ and eventually I got lured over to this board.
show me your tits, or gtfo