As a precursor, this is politically related. It deals with Western women and white birthrates, in addition to political and cultural climates in both America and Italy.
Hi pol. I am a tall, blonde, blue eyed fairly attractive American male who visited Italy for a week. I met an 18 year old fair skinned northern Italian girl and grew fond of her. We spent a lot of time during the excursion and flirted quite a bit. I never got to kiss her but came close. If the trip would've lasted longer I could have.
This is all background for a question regarding the social behavior of young Western girls.
The girl I met I quickly figured out had an Italian boyfriend of two years. I did not let this deter me, and she clearly was attracted to me even though she did have some relative understanding of loyalty. She tilted her head when I went in for a kiss on the lips and said that would be cheating on her boyfriend. I did not understand this concept because she already had flirted quite a bit and I guess didn't consider that cheating.
Are Western women just ruined? This girl is very conservative just like I am, very religious. And yet she still pretty much cheated on her boyfriend with me. I have heard anons say that women have no sense of loyalty, is this the case? Are Western women even worth pursuing?
It's confusing for me because I sort of cucked a guy but not thoroughly, only halfway. I don't know whether to be disappointed or pleased or even what to think.
It's like I met a conservative qt Italian chick and everything was wonderful about her but the reality is that she is cheating on her boyfriend which is a sign that she is still being a whore. Would it just require, as Patrice says, me to raise this girl correctly?
Are Western women salvageable?
men are just as much to blame
why would her boyfriend allow her to be alone with another male? women in a relationship should not have any male friends
The West is fucked: too many males who white knight for the wimmenshere we go
Good job pol! Another day protecting the vaginal jew.
I partially agree with this. She's also just a teenage girl, she changes her mind every day.
Who cares. Just pick one that's not broken. Don't care if she's western or not.
What about white birthrates? I like ethnic girls but I want my offspring to look like me.
>men are just as much to blame
Here we go
>Men should not let their women around other males
But thats impossible because 50% of the population is male
>Its still the mans fault if his gf cheats
>Its always the mans fault
ALONE with other males
you fucking shithead
Shouldn't a taken girl have the common sense not to be alone with other guys?
These are the only 14 words that matter:
We must endure the existence of the artificial womb and a future for sexbots.
14/88 brother!
Unless of course she's doing the womanly thing of testing to see if another man is more alpha.
WTF are you mongs talking about? Keeping a modern woman away from other men is impossible.
So every girl cheats?
White prostitute-tier women will never get you that 2.5 kids you need. Only pic related will.
Stop praying in the direction of the pussy 5 times a day! Accept the tech for superior offspring. There will be no women in the year 2100!
in the netherlands
You know nothing. Get laid fegit
>So every girl cheats?
Hypergamy dictates that she will look for a better man. So yes, eventually she will cheat. Unless shes 35 and realises she needs a beta man fast because shes about to become a wrinkeled prume.
She sounds like wife material if she didn't do anything despite being attracted to you. You sound like a nigger at heart, you are part of the problem corrupting females.
Pathetic thread
>you are part of the problem corrupting females.
Men are suppossed to fuckas many women as possible. Women are supposed to stay pure and fuck only the best males monogamously so you know who the kids father is.
OP is Chad! The woman he fucked is a whore and is worthless (not to beta providers like Sup Forumstards and 14/88 crowd)
should have just gently rotated her face back towards you. women have no agency. have fun knowing you missed out on italian vagene because you are a feckless beta
women are surprisingly malleable, very few will stay degenerate if a strong central policy is followed. A few will but you just gas them
did you even read the op toothpaste?
Isnt Israeli feminism bad as fuck? Saw a short docu with women randomly sending men to jail with false rape accusations.
Thank you user for that, that is a good point. I want a reason to keep in touch with this girl and that may just be it.
As for your insult, it's completely wrong.
Sorry for a different ID, I am phone posting.
You're a fucking retard.
>She tilted her head when I went in for a kiss on the lips and said that would be cheating on her boyfriend
She said that to absolve herself of responsibility: if she tells you its cheating its not her fault anymore if you kiss her anyway.
She wanted the D but you were too bluepilled on female nature to fill the pussy.
I was holding up a bus leaving a hotel you faggot. Why do you think I said "if I had more time". It took five days to get to the point of kissing her and I knew she would but I had literal seconds to get back to the bus to leave. Stupid britbong.
Also we are both fundamentalist Christians and believe in virginity until marriage. Or at least as she claims, I know where my beliefs lie. She has a strong Christian faith.
No, my insult is dead on faggot, you are a nigger at heart. You are trying to corrupt and steal another mans future wife while simultaneously whinging about the quality of women today.
See I knew she wanted it. The circumstance was I didn't have anymore time.
She cried as I left, you idiots think I didn't know she wanted me? She straight up told me she was attracted to me but said she felt bad because she had a boyfriend.
>White knight claiming to be religious and conservative
>Tries to seduce a girl who's already taken
>Gets rejected
>Cries about it on the internet
This post.
It is, but nowhere near Western standards. Additionally women here eventually (or even quite early on) hear the tick of their biological clock and settle down to start a family. And even if that was not the case the mere notion that the female portion of your own race can be non salvageable is nauseating, to be absolutely frank.
Next time please just fuck her and post the nudes on b.
I can understand this in a way, but I'm also a man and I take what I want. If you aren't alpha enough to keep your woman, that isn't my problem.
Read the post and try again
The vaginal jew outjewing the jews.
I did.
How am I:
- A white knight
- Not conservative
How did I get rejected and how am I crying about it?
Indeed user, you are a man and you take what you want.
And when your wife finds a chadder chad who is also a man who takes what he wants and sucks his dick while you are working to provide for your future family, you will take all of two seconds to turn into a betamale faggot who cries about how women aren't what they used to be. Truly, you are a dumb nigger. I await your whinging post in a few years when your chosen roastie that buys into the alpha male shit finds another chad.
The ONLY thing that can keep females from being whores, is men having respect for one another, and females noticing this respect and mimicking it.
This is a 18+ board you fucking kid, if she moved her head so as not to kiss you that means she IS loyal ESPECIALLY because she was attracted by you you dumb fuck.
And she would not leave her Italian BF for an American who is completely divorced from her culture because "much chad". Jesus Christ stop dreaming.
You specifically said you knew she had a boyfriend of 2 years and tried to seduce her anyway. Right there you just shat all over traditional values of commitment and respect in favor of your own desires. Then after trying to kiss her, knowing she had a boyfriend, she rejected you, wanting to honor the commitment she had with her partner. You got butt hurt that a respectable trad girl actually stayed true to her values and threw a bitch fit on pol.
stfu OP secretly wished he fucked her and only now realises his mistake so claims he was too"christian".
That's fine if he wants to be a chad but he shouldn't go around saying he respects women and traditionalism if he only cares about fucking. I don't care whether he fucked her or not, what I'm criticizing is that he lied about being a Christian and traditional to cover up his shame at being rejected by an actual trad Christian girl who stayed true to her partner.
I suppose you two have never heard the expression "no ring no thing".
Also It is possible she did that only so she can say with a clear conscience she didn't cheat. She kissed me elsewhere, just not on the lips. It seemed like a "well I can do everything up to this point and still not feel guilty about cheating" situation.
>an actual trad Christian girl who stayed true to her partner.
She's being fucked by a guy out of wedlock while flirting with other men
>trad christian
pic related
You truly are a dumb nigger aren't you. More concerning is that most guys are probably as retarded as you.
You still didn't read the op you stupid toothpaste faggot jesus christ I hate the dutch
I don't know about you, but I understand there to be very few quality Western girls left. So when I by chance find one, I am not going to just let the opportunity slip by. She wasn't married and she wasn't engaged. She's 18 yrs old too, she doesn't even know what love is yet. Give me a break.
If you pussies want to tell me I'm not traditional because I try to win over a rare good Western girl even though she has a boyfriend, so be it. But I am taking advantage of what is thrown my way.
Another MGTOW thread. Wow i wonder ((((Who)))) made this thread
Clearly a girl you loved cheated on you, you have a clear vendetta.
> Trash talking fellow Europeans
You have an inferiority complex
Kek I am op and I'm looking for a wife, retard
This isnt a MGTOW thread, 90% of the comments are blue pilled on the vaginal jew.
>It is possible she did that only so she can say with a clear conscience she didn't cheat. She kissed me elsewhere, just not on the lips. It seemed like a "well I can do everything up to this point and still not feel guilty about cheating" situation
That's definitely possible, I'm not denying the typical female mental justification before engaging in degenerate behavior thing doesn't exist. Maybe the girl really was a whore who just made the boyfriend thing up to justify what she would've done with OP. What I have a problem with is OP claiming to be a Christian with traditional values and yet he's trying to seduce a girl saying she has a boyfriend. Especially since she actually turned him down when he tried to kiss her (which makes me think she probably did have a boyfriend and was legitimately a solid trad Christian girl). In my mind if you're actually chivalrous and upholding traditional values you take the girl seriously and respect her wishes, whether she's bullshitting you or not. That's how traditionalism works; you respect females. That he actually got turned down is pretty convincing that he's just whining because his charms didn't work on a trad girl and he's using Christianity and morals to cover up his own feelings of inadequacy.
>an actual trad Christian girl who stayed true to her partner.
She never had sex with him, that's why OP is complaining here. Are we reading the same post???
No, I've never been cheated on, that I am aware of at least.
I just find it hilarious that you claim to be muh traditionalist christian boy while simultaneously trying to steal another mans women, and trying to corrupt her in the process.
I don't give a fuck what you or the roasties do, but the outcome is predictable and funny. Believe me when I say, your future wife will share your values, and she will cheat on you. You might think she won't, but you won't be able to hide your true values in a few years of marriage. Funny stuff.
>I just find it hilarious that you claim to be muh traditionalist christian boy while simultaneously trying to steal another mans women, and trying to corrupt her in the process.
Jesus Christ are we the only 2 sane people in this board? Everyone else is completely off the rails; I thought I was in crazy land for a while. Thank you for upholding reality in this clusterfuck.
Shes fucking her boyfriend right? The one shes been with for 2 years?
Yeah she's fucking her boyfriend of 2 years whom she stayed loyal to by rejecting OP when he tried to kiss her. OP knew she had a bf and went in anyway, got turned down, and complained about it here.
I knew this cool girl. She had managed to get some drugs for this big party we all planned to go to.
I'm a fairly conservative and a very religious guy, and I wanted to get absolutely skunked on drugs for this party.
But then the girl had a change of heart and decided not to sell the drugs onto us because she'd feel sort of responsible and shit, and in the end, she only passed onto us some marijuana, but I really wanted the harder shit.
You can imagine I was pretty confused.
My point is: are all girls worthless these days? I mean, that girl almost sold me some absolutely dank drug. What kind of degenerate girl would do that? Where can I find a proper traditional girl who would match my personality?
I dunno user there's a few other itt that are making similar cases, but its pretty depressing when you think about how many of these retards consider fucking as many mates as possible to be the natural state of affairs in a western society. Maybe letting the sandniggers take over wouldn't be so bad. I feel like we are on the way out anyway.
>I met an 18 year old fair skinned northern Italian girl and grew fond of her. We spent a lot of time during the excursion and flirted quite a bit. I never got to kiss her
>She tilted her head when I went in for a kiss on the lips and said that would be cheating on her boyfriend. I did not understand this concept because she already had flirted quite a bit and I guess didn't consider that cheating.
You're repressed as hell and interpreting everything sexually like a creep.
She had integrity which has been bred out of our society by degenerates, feminism, and desperate soymales like you.
>ut the reality is that she is cheating on her boyfriend which is a sign that she is still being a whore.
She DIDN'T kiss you and you judge her because you didn't get to do anything with her.
The degenerate is you.
>me to raise this girl correctly?
You're vastly inferior to her as a product of a vastly inferior culture, at least where relationships are concerned.
You're disgusting, and should probably go to church to remember what actual integrity and values about relationships look like instead of relying on porn and nigger music to teach you.
It's insanity. It's as if any and all concepts of respect, commitment, and values are out the door once an actual female is put in front of you.
None of you have had a good relationship and it shows, did mommy not hug you enough :(
Thank you for being one of the few voices of reason in this degenerate board.
>autist incel makes a thread whining about women
Sup Forums never change
Why couldn't you have made this thread instead? Then I would be amused instead of looking forward to nuclear armageddon like I am now.
That's fine, I don't blame you for seizing an opportunity when it presents itself. Just don't call yourself Christian/traditional or claim to represent traditional values.
Women are like water, they adjust to the environment they are in.
Guess what happens with women in a completely fucked up society.
I can't get over how retarded this cunt is.
>wow a western girl that isn't a corrupt whore
>corrupt her
>SURELY she will be pure and only want me despite me setting this prescident
and he SERIOUSLY thinks this is a good, sustainable idea.
You're a massive faggot
women liberation was a mistake but what were dealing with now is fueled by Marxist that literally want to delete everything related to western civilization what i would give to live a the west when tradition mattered
You're alright chap
>user thanks another user for calling him a nigger at heart