Shokugeki no Souma

New episode today.

Are you ready for Yukihee-Land?

So next week is hayama vs kurokiba right?

Should be, yeah

Giganigga gonna get chumped

Both OVAs have been subbed, if you aren't aware.

HS up.

Here's your bump

Megumi and Erina 3 years from now

>new episode out
>no one speaks

Will they exchange boobs or personalities?

Last thread just hit bump limit

Megumi's really not going to take losing the Soumabowl well

Megumi is going to be biggest SoumaxErina shipper after Grandpa and Jou.

The ending of Shokugeki no Soma will literally be the ending from G Gundam

What's his fucking problem?

Dojima a cute. A CUTE!

>Texas is the home of BBQ
It's sad that this meme spread all the way to Japan.


Mizuhara a cute too!

I think they're using it specifically in the meme sense, like "Germany home of sausage" or "Italy the home of pasta". The first is fucktarded the second isn't technically true, but they're the 'home' of them in that you go there for some of the best versions and most memeworthy versions.
BBQ as a cooking method probably dates to about 200k BC.

He's /fit/ AND the little girl. What's your excuse for being neither?

>tfw you will never dominate a group of alumni with your big, meaty dish

Except Texas BBQ a shit.

Texas BBQ is good, as is Memphis

Carolina and Kansas City BBQ a shit. Especially KC's. Why do they ruin everything they touch (like pizza) is that relevant? My Japanese friends thinks authentic Chinese Mapo and authentic Thai / Indian curry a shit but Japan is not the home of Mapo or Curry whatever his tastes are. It's literal memery.

Fuck you. Missouri BBQ a best.

This one's too close to home.

>ton of meat and very little broth
In my country we have tons more liquid than meat in our stews. Those dishes they served looked uphauling to my stomach.

Giganigga x Knaifu OTP.

I don't think I've ever tasted a bad barbecue. I mean, it has to be one of the only styles where you can completely fuck up and still make it taste good right?

Stew is technically just a form of cooking
I think they just emptied the broth or didn't put it into the dish itself.
High class cooking has fucking stupid serving customs, why the fuck give me a two-foot-wide dish if you're only using the middle five inches


What's wrong with her head?

But you can't unless you have shit taste.
Personally I think stirfry is one of the most forgiving, hell one of the introductory '''dishes''' chinks tend to make is 'throw everything into a pan and push it around'.

Not if you completely burn the meat and it ends up black.

What's it like to have shit taste?

Or if you fuck up the seasoning.

Not him but having shit taste feels roughly the same as having good taste, since as far as he gives a shit you're the one with shit taste.

/r/ing webm of this scene.


Here you go:

>ffmpeg -i "[HorribleSubs] Shokugeki no Soma S2 - 06 [720p].mkv" -ss 3:52.023 -to 03:53.502 -crf 4 -an -b:v 14.1M Pun.About.Boobs.webm

>being this plebeian

I'm sorry, Patorisian-san:
>ffmpeg -i "[HorribleSubs] Shokugeki no Soma S2 - 06 [720p].mkv" -ss 3:52.023 -to 03:53.502 -crf 0 -an -b:v 144M -preset placebo -y Pun.About.Boobs.webm

you tell me, since you seem to be the expert on shit taste


Am I the only one who thinks she's a cute?


how is he so hot???????????


rude t.b.h

They're really quite soft

Taki is mai waifu.

top tier waifu material



Sleep tight, sweet prince.


Looks OOC desu

It's the tiny pupils man.

Do you have the PV of the pages that were TL in English? Thanks.


Did he stalk their double date? When will Giga come back.

T-then what did he copy

Anime only fag? We may see Giganigga briefly at end of the season if it ends at one special little gathering after the next arc. He is relevant for a bit in arc after that, but that will not be in this season of anime. And if we do not get season 3 never

He was self inserting as Megumi.

>Going for Takumi's dish

It all makes sense

No, I like her design and personality.

>I won't lose next time I swear
I hope he stops being THAT kind of character one day.

Never ever

Yes as in yes-pillow


Why are all the senpai judges so fuckable?

90% of the women with a name in this show are fuckable

Why is "He's fast" such a memeworthy phrae

Wait who are the other 10%?

Why not 100%? Who's the unfuckable 10%?

The examiner from Central.


Get the fuck out of my head charles!

She doesn't have a name

Pretty sure all the females from Central have names.

She did have one, I don't remember what it was. Hiro something.

The literal child, the orange haired chick from Polar Star

Not this though, this is some baity shit

>not fuckable
user pls

Anyone got a link to the OVA?


Yuki is indeed fuckable
The little girl isn't ment to be fuckable, she's daughter material.

Which one? I'm on a trip right now so I can't post the pastebin

All the VAs for SnS are really good but goddamn if Erina's isn't what makes her good even in the early chapters where she's a bitch

Alice and Erina

heyy looking for someone to explain this better to me my number is 484- 506-8487



I fucking love this guy.


I'd say at least 90% of the unnamed ones are too.

Those chapters are some of my favorite in the whole series.

What are their cooking specialties? Tits and angry tsundere noises?


Honestly it's probably the peak of the tournament

Mimisaka was just the right amount of asshole for the series, the defeat was perfect, and Erina actually helped out Souma for once in the process

when will soma relieve erinas stress through sex

Prettty sure, any unnamed girls are still fuckable in this series.

This cuteness should be illegal.

Manga is good enough for her.
