3x3 thread

Hello friends

Remember to post, rate and ignore shitposters

Your collage looks terrible.

flying fuck off

That's fine, what makes it terrible? I've been meaning to change the Hyouge Mono image, but I can't settle on one that suits the series.

3x3 is not enough

Why are you cancer so desperate to fit in?

Looks like you didn't put any effort into picking images that look good even alone, let alone together. You've got text all over it. Colours clash with each other and it looks garish. The fucking guy from Hyouge Mono has his head cropped off for goodness sake.

i forgot it was summer again but this thread reminded me

What the fuck is going on in this thread?

This is like the 100th time you posted this 3x3. Do you need validation that badly?

>you didn't put any effort into picking images that look good even alone, let alone together
My first intention wasn't to pick the ones that looked the best. I choose images that best represented their series. For example I choose the Space Brothers image as it best illustrated Hibito and Mutta's respective journeys as astronauts which continues to be influenced by their childhood ambitions. Ashita no Joe was simply for its emphasis on boxing which defined Joe's development over the course of the series, his rivalry with Rikishii, the fallout from their fight and reigning his passion for the sport with Carlos.
>You've got text all over it
Most anons will glance at a 3x3, see what they recognise and give a rating. Very few would really nitpick that much
>his head cropped off for goodness sake
I'll fix this eventually and the GitS image is a bit shit. I only added GitS:SAC back into my 3x3 last week.

Only COOL and SMART taste can rate my COOL and SMART 3x3.

Those choices were deliberate? I've always thought you just picked the first google result.

I like you more because of your choice for Kaiba but isn't bottom right a bit vague? It's Mushishi but not all people would recognise it at first glance.

I've never even seen Mushishi but that scene is extremely recognizable, I think he's good.

It's fair if you notice the artstyle but most Mushishi side characters aren't really that distinctive, hell I don't remember most of their names. It's just harder to associate the series with them rather than say an image of Ginko or a more significant mushi

Being a bit vague is alright with me and I think it represents the show well. It's from an iconic scene, looks pleasant, and fits the 3x3.

I don't even recognize the art, it's just a really common webm cause it's got hella background animation. Anyone who's done their share of lurking would know it.

++ Mushi, Tatami, Mononoke, SAC
+ LotGH, GTO
++ NGE, Casshern
+ Everything else
++ Lain, Kaiba, Mushi, Wondering Son
+ The Rest
See you added Space Dandy

I guess there's a lot of subjectivity to it. Personally the scene didn't really move me the same way as the rainbow or cocoon episodes.



Best episode was mushi stealing ginko's booze desu.

What's top-left and the bottom row?


Aiura, Trapeze, Michiko to Hatchin, Last Exile.

You seem to completely disregard aesthetics when it comes to making a 3x3.

Thanks, couldn't recognize Trapese and Michiko, the other two I haven't seen.

Aiura is a pretty good short. Really aesthetically pleasing with great visuals and a comfy atmosphere. If you're into legs then this short is definitely for you.

Last Exile was pretty good though the first half is pretty slow on explaining the plot, but if you're patient and can sit through that it'll all be explained and come together nicely. There's a good amount of CG too, but I don't think it's a crutch.

edgy bullshit/9

Can you not come up with constructive criticism fag?

Let's come down lad, you might cause nuclear fission with that edge of yours.

>reviving a shitty dead thread back
Both of you should kill yourselves slowly and painfully.

To be fair it is really, really edgy looking.


>To be fair
The point is, it's not fair.

Black and red is bad and edgy, get over it.

So you're talk about the look of the 3x3 rather than its content? Oh ok then.

>get over it
And yet you're the one that's constantly butthurt about a color palette.

I mean, it's also got giant Rei split in two and Jeanne being raped. Your taste is kinda bad in general though. Overall you get a failing grade.

Colours take on different meanings in different contexts, this context is edgy.

I'm not butthurt in the slightest, why would he post if he didn't want feedback? I'm contributing.

>wandering son

yes goy you should accept the queer movement :^)







>Black and red
So pic related is edgy then?
>I'm not butthurt
Sure user, you just seem like the easy-going, chilled out guy everyone likes.

>What's middle-left?

Was there some recent reddit migration?

Why are you autists so desperate to seem different? If you don't want to see the same thing over and over again, just stop going to these threads.






I probably just don't recognize most of the pictures, but whatever.




Oh you changed it a bit

Nothing personal, dude. That's just how it looks.

Sure, to an angsty teenager.

I like a lot of shows, I like to mix things up from time to time.



+NGE, Tex, Yamato, SZS

+Dennou, Nichijou, Mushishi, Lain

+Lain, Ping Pong, FLCL
I'm a hipster who prefers the NGE TV ending to EoE

+Erin, Aiura

+Tex, NGE, Haibane

+FLCL, Haibane, Kino, Hyouka

+Natsume, Hyouka, NGE

+Clannad, NGNL, Mondai whatever, DtB, Procreation propaganda
Watched a couple episodes of Tanaka-kun when it was airing. The MC sucked all the fun and energy out of the show, imo.

+Macross Plus, RahX

+Konosuba, Joshiraku, Osomatsu

>I'm a hipster who prefers the NGE TV ending to EoE
The tv ending is by far more popular thant End of Evangelion.

Is it really?
I'm pretty confident that EoE is what made the anime for a lot of people, at least here on Sup Forums.

Here on Sup Forums yes, but I'm saying in general.

>The tv ending is by far more popular thant End of Evangelion.
Only it's not, the only time when the TV ending was more popular was when EoE first came out. After the backlash died down EoE became more popular.

You're taking about evafags and Sup Forums. People in general prefer the series ending because they find it more positive and less confusing.

It's not just Sup Forums, EoE has a much more positive average rating on MAL too. I've only come across a hand full of people who like the TV ending more.

EoE has less then half amount of votes as NGE does on MAL. So the people who did watch EoE are the people who liked the series in the first place. It's pretty common for later seasons to have higher grades as well, even if the quality is similar or a bit lower. The people who disliked the work won't bother to continues so you're left only with the people that care in the first place.

>using autist as buzzword
>"no you" reply
Kill yourself, cancer. You are not special and no one cares about your circlejerk. Fuck off to wherever you came from.

>No cares about your circlejerk.
People do use the 3x3 threads just like people use buyfag threads. And they're great fun when none of you fags derail the threads. Just deal with it and go back to shitposting in a Re:Zero thread

>not using autistic as a buzzword
back to tumblr

It's not.