The Video that converted me to National Socialism

>5 years ago 13 year old me found what would become Sup Forums eventually
>the community of Sup Forumstards turning to NatSoc that got Hitler Did nothing wrong on Dub The Dew
>At first
>I did it as a joke
>than I did some research
>found this video
>watched greatest story never told
>all you redditfags and newfags should watch this video
>even non NATSOCS like ANCAPS acknowledge the truth about Hitler
>so stop being weak /nu/ males and man up
>Hitler Did Nothing Wrong
>You cannot refute this

Other urls found in this thread:

Real Video Posted, cunty ass jews up to there old tricks.


>where are my fingers
>ponder this simple question and eventually realize if I don’t know where my fingers are then I don’t know shit about Hitler’s motive for waging war against Europe.
Thanks user!

You're pretty young but ethnic nationalism is tribalism at it's very core. The world is a lot bigger and more connected then it used to be. You have two options at this point. You can recluse yourself for the birthrates of your tribesman or you can select and choose your mate from a long list of potential women. There has been countless mixed races throughout the human centuries. Taste the fruits from every tree bro.
>inb4 t. former national socialist is now a civic cuck
Face the reality. Better enjoy the fruits of this world then be sorrow.

>VSauce, Michael here.
>What if... You were a Nazi?
Can't argue with that famlam

> Bases entire beliefs on one youtube video

>I am reading mein kamf and the doctrine of fascism I have also posted on NATSOC threads for a while shill.

>every other race is like this
>whites will unite
>civ cucks can fuck off

Hitler waged war against Europe because he was trying to liberate it from jewish control.

>Taste the fruits from every tree bro.
Yeah brah. Fuck 10 nigresses and get AIDS. Then abandon your children, that's how you succeed in life.
>. Civic cuck


I was just fuckin with you here have a video about Goebbels talking about the jewish media covering up the deaths of Germans by commies. It’s one of my favorites since its almost exactly like what’s going on today.

Show me your real flag. Tell me exactly what it is that you think you will accomplish with those political views except trap yourself in a system of anger and isolation? Which is funny because in order to attract people to your viewpoint your going to have to do something beyond hitler. You many not like it but you have to love all whites including the cucks. Face it. To save them you have to bring them all into a whirlpool where the outcome is unknown. You can't have a partial tribalism where only your idea of tribalism works. You know how I know you don't love white people? You don't include all white people just cherry picked examples that you want.

Personal choices. I'm not saying go out and be a whore but don't limit your potential. Don't want to fuck a nigger then don't. I wouldn't. I fucked latina, white, chaldean, muslim, slav mexi mix and samoan.

Generation Zyklon isn't ba..

Adolf Hitler's Warning is an excellent video. Compare and contrast:

>this little faggot has been browsing underage for 5 years

ban him!

18 now nigger.
been b/tard/ since 8

>here you go on the flag

>also still man, duty to you're people
>don't be a Nu/male/ chad
>be chad nationalist

When I was NatSoc I created dating websites for white people and red pilled lots of people about the banking jew tricks. Part of me still wants to go do that. Increase white birth rate and whatnot to preserve diversity. I even have an old website where I was going to reinvent the love for white people in a historical sense to combat the image being portrayed but I don't have the time of day to do it. I donated to people in Berkley fighting antifa. What took me off the ride was realizing we have to crack in order to reorganize. Not happening. So I enjoy whatever is thrown at me. I already have white kids. My job is done but your young. I'll tell you what, can you build a simple website? Give me your temp email and I'll send you my website and see what you can do. Curious to see how much of a fight you have in you.

Okay, gonna have to be careful with this
>sounds kinda shilly but okay
>this is throwaway email so u cannot effect me with any bs if ur shill
[email protected]

>underage b&
>only posts after 18

well played

Or we can slaughter you all and build a better world for ourselves and our children

>Hey VSauce, Michael here
>It is estimated that some 6000000 jews died at the hands of the Nazis during WWII - but did they?
>[song starts]

You sure won me over on this debate buddy.

>posted real vid

>honestly agreed.

I thought plenty of people were like me.

note how all the natsoc vids use no facts, statistics, or have any proof, but is rather a mere collection of flamboyant words strung together and released from a demagogue's mouth as a means to exploit the common populace. national socialists and their filthy propagation are no better and no more righteous than the corrupt media it belittles.

he has a point. all other people just say "NIGGRARS AIDS DEGENERACY".

White nationalists seem to want inbreeding.

>no evidence
>watch greatest story never told and go to ultimate red-pill thread
>kekistan flag
>alt-lite nu/male/ cuck spotted
>go kike off

>stop shilling and go away already

Fuck of Sargon the Kike. The greatest story never told preatty much sums up most sources. Also, stormfront might just not be a bad start if you wanna have a open mind and do some research. But I guess your "open kekines" only goes for things that sounds nice

>bad goy, how dare you say the truth!

Bump for the truth

please explain to me how factual and scientific the claims are about the Holocaust, that a body could be cremated in just 10 minutes in order to add up to the death toll claimed by the Jews?

>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:

Also please explain where your facts come from, if not from the media, which is controlled by the Jews?

From what I've seen personally natsocs and the far right in general provide a lot more citations and statistics than any other movement I've seen. Part of the reason I changed my views, citation is always needed.

>fag left though
>cannot refute the facts fellow user.

>Here's a couple of fun things about the anti-banking, anti-establishment Hitler and his cabinet associates:
>inb4 "all sources are jew/commie propaganda".
>I'm not alt-lite. I'm not some weeb who nuts to lauren southern.
>"greatest story never told" is subjectively the same as communist propaganda- they're just retarded ideological jibber-jab built off of romanticized idealistic bullshit.
>use kekistan flag because I like the flag pattern but do not like the original nazi flag it parodies.
>you have no evidence either.

Also for more about the holocaust.

still here.

then please indulge me with such citations.

>said he like patterns
>newfag spotted
>whether you like him or not you cannot say that Hitler was incorrect about the jews
>calm down kike


>claims to be 18 (give away for being under 18)
>ah I am truly redpilled about National Socialism it went so well the last time it was tried

>I am 18
>implying it didn't take all if the (((allies))) to down Hitler

I honestly agree with you here, plenty of national socialist stuff gives fuck all for sources. (that being said, some do cite) For that alone I started doing my own research on national socialism and fascism so as to avoid being a hypocrite and blindly believing everything natsoc related

watched a little bit of the video, and it claimed the "jews" say the gas chambers at auschwitz were underground- whereas all pictures i've seen of gas chambers from what I'd suppose are jewish controlled media outlets say that they were above-ground.
haven't watched the entire video, so i'll reserve judgement before I complete it.

>human lampshades...
long time since this lie was pushed.. Not even kikes dare to push this lie nowadays. Folke forræder!

I'm not economy fag the first website on your list is just crying about how hitler stole stuff from kikes plus there isn't links to his sources. I mean i'm not an economy fag as said before but what he did with unemployment and infrastructure building was quite a testament.

desu this gave me a hearty chuckle.

>.....Muh sides.....

>the real vid was posted below

truth brother

Hail victory

Here's some sauce for what I said, primary sources listed.

From what I can see he did fine with economics he wasn't great granted but It would've probably been tweaked later on if the war didn't happen.

"survivors" cant even keep their lies straight.. Just like kikewood rapists

>turn the future into a sub-90 IQ, violence prone shitscape
>it'll be great!



this video right here as fucking redpiled so many fucking people.
We should spread it all over social media and make it trend.
/pol you can do this!!

hitler was right about the banks and how they had corrupted the german public, and he did a pretty excellent job revitalizing the german economy pre-WW2, don't get me wrong about that. however, the source of germany's post-WW1 suffering was to blame primarily on the governments of britain and france, who had crippled germany's infrastructure and put them under the control of a very flimsy coalition republic, and any demagogue skilled enough to sway the political opinions of a dissatisfied public would've been able to rise to power much to the same tune as hitler. the same thing goes for lenin and russia during WW1. radical political groups like fascists, communists, anarchists, etc. never came to power because of how logically correct their platform was, but more because of how they were able to channel the public's dissatisfaction with the status quo.

> race-mix goy\
lol fuck you kike

I felt no regret stroking my cock and balls while watching him in the eye

if you give me some sources I'd love to flip through them. don't get me wrong I'm all for political discussion.

>NAzi memeing

Go back to Stalingrad.

>this is right
You'd have to tie me up and force me to racemix with some jewess or nigress

It was actually series, I posted real vid on second post
>Don't actually know why kikesauce appeared


that wasn't the important part of the video (my apologies didn't really explain the importance of that video) the important part was that ilse koch and her husband embezzled funds from the nazi-controlled government and then put them into swiss banks for the sake of their own wealth- which is absolutely corrupt. also, if the human lampshades thing has been debunked for so long, where's your source for it?

Because no one never actually found human lampshades, it's hearsay.

Hvis du virkelig er så åpen som du påstår for politisk diskusjon, lese kilder og være åpen om å lese alternative historikere sitt syn på saken. Så er det gode ressurser både på og som er på Norsk og Svensk. Hvis du virkelig er åpen for å se andre sider av saken, så er det veldig positivt. Det er alltid viktig, også for Nasjonal Sosialister. Når det gjelder holocaust så kan du ta en jodes ord for det selv som heter David Cole, som du kan finne bla på YouTube. Lykke til

No one *ever actually found human lampshades.
I need coffee.

I'm not a kike.I'm catholic. But my point is still valid. Even jews themselves are a spawn of different races coming together.

If you are really as open as you claim for political discussion, read sources and be open to reading alternative historians their view on the matter. Then there are good resources both at and which are in Norwegian and Swedish. If you're really open to see other aspects of the case, then it's very positive. It is always important, also for National Socialists. In the case of the Holocaust, you can take the words of a Jew for yourself called David Cole, which you can find on YouTube. Good luck

>this is true.

Jesus man, even kikewiki knows this.. please, do research yourself and stop being spoonfed like a child

Enjoy your life little bro.

>see yah
>come back to us friend
>don't cuck out bro

yea he did good with the economy in the pre war era it's just that most nazi party members (including hitler) stole loads of money from the german people and hid them away in swiss banks, and germany eroded the freedom of information and speech that had made 19th-20th century Europe prosper. even though they started out with strong social institutions, nazis destroyed the human rights of their own people with their gestappo and control over german society. they even killed the sister of the guy who made All Quiet on the Western Front just because she said that the germans would lose the war, like she just Wrongthink'd to big brother.

This was the video that redpilled me too.

If I'm being blatantly honest, things like this thread are why I'm beginning to hate the people within the ideology; it's a massive circlejerk and anybody with different opinions is a Redditfag or a "JIDF Shill". Not only that, but if there is only one truth, why is it that so many Neo Nazis that push complete bullshit?
Essentially, there's a shit ton of hypocrisy within those who believe in this ideology.

I'm mainly looking at some stuff on Fascism right now. "For My Legionaries" by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu is what I'm about to start reading.

china, south korea, singapore, japan, and mongolia all have higher national averages for IQs than the US and basically all of europe (italy and iceland have average IQs on par with mongolia). neither IQ nor intelligence (which is a separate measure from IQ) is attributable to race, rather it comes down to factors such as social development, standard of living and education, etc..


how can i trust "a greatest story never told"? It seems way to propagandarish.

Granted the shit pushed by allies is not much better. But i want non biased sources please.
Furthermore i've never seen a national socialist defend the economic model

ok I guess 'hearsay' is evidence enough, I understand shit gets exaggerated by documentarists. still neglecting the human rights abuses suffered by the german and european people under nazi rule. it isn't right to go about merking people for wrongthink.

Vsauce posting never gets old

All governments make mistakes even the ones we live under I never said it's perfect, but it's definitely better then what we currently live under and it's naive to think that our countries don't do stuff like this all the time on a greater scale. Also the Nazi official that was interrogated was most likely tortured to get this ""evidence"" out of him, if anyone is tortured long enough they will brake and admit to what the person interrogating them says. I mean not to be a nigger here user but you believed in the lampshade propaganda you really need to lurk moar.

If i'm not mistaken not many people but Jews cry about life under the third Reich, most Germans saw it as a time of prosperity and unity.

I was born in America, and I'm a native speaker of English. den er ikke et problem for meg å lese på Engelsk.
And yes I do read a bit of alt history from the perspectives of both the far rights and fascists and from the perspectives of marxist-leninists. I think it's interesting and I feel I learn a bit more when I see from another's standpoint, even if I don't agree with them.

Nobody claimed that East Asians have lower IQs than whites, you are in fact proving the point. If race isn't as important as social development, standard of living and education then how is Mongolia, which has little of any of that, has higher IQ on average than Qatar or Kuwait which are very well developed?

wikipedia is not a valid source for basically anything other than very meager statistics and celeb bios. also I don't take anything in politics seriously when it doesn't have any facts or proof behind it- citations are merely a manifestation of this principle. but if it makes you feel any better I'll look into claims made here myself.

>long list of potential women
i lold

If you haven't seen this you should.

He knows this user, what he was saying is that it's so well known that it's fake even wikipedia admits it. He wasn't using it as a valid source because you don't need one to debunk the lampshade propaganda, it's all hearsay there were no lampshades made of human skin ever found. Same with the human soap.

I wasn't saying the US or the vast majority of European nations were perfect either, I just don't think that Nazi Germany should be looked upon as some kind of glowing example of society since it basically denied any real political discussion from happening, even punishing such an act. and also about the torture that was supposedly used on nazi party members at the nuremburg trials- the US interrogators probably used some forms of mental persuasion or threats (which most germans under trial probably would've known were empty), but any real physical or mental torture would've been seen as a war crime by the government back home in the US, and would've been punishable under 18 U.S.C. § 2340 (or the Torture Act as it's referred to as)- making any actual torture at the nuremburg trials by US officials a domestic crime, and also probably something deserving of a court marshal.

just a little more on that period of time. Weimar Republic and the jewish influence on German society. Very enlightening.