Mongrel edition.
Sup Forums humor thread
Hispanic is not a race dumbass
you can tell a butthurt chink made this
Are chinks better than mexicans? Sure why not. Anything's better than mexicans
Are they better than a iberian or a spaniard?
>Chinks thinking they are better than hispania descent
Lol ok Xi Xang.
what do you call people with mixed spanish and indio blood
>Hispanic is not a race dumbass
Which is exactly why latinos often identify themselves as such.
Chinks are better than spics, not better than pure non-Arab tainted Iberian decent.
>chinks actually believe they are not subhuman
chinks are subhuman though
The point is, the pot is calling the kettle black. In fact, it's worse than that, it's like a rusty pot with holes in it and and an grease fire bitching about the kettle.
All the groups in that picture, that is Blacks, Muslims, and spics—are drastically worse than chinks and actually pose major demographic and cultural problems in most areas they inhabit.
Chinks might be subhuman but are they the worst of the subhumans? Not by a long shot.
Chinks are scum.
Got this one from /x/
all mongoloids should be gassed - so there is my take on it. chinks have billions of party shekels and intelligence services behind them. they are far more dangerous than niggers, arabs and spics
some of muh content on that pozzed shithole:
short story:
It's a common mistake on this board to think that Switzerland works. Switzerland used to be German-dominated state with French minority and literally oppressed Ticino Italian spics that knew their place before the 1960s. It was a proper Germanic state. The average native Swiss is not rich. Banks, few individuals (many of whom are not native) and corporations are. Switzerland is everincreasingly socialist diverse shithole. nu/pol/ thinking Switzerland is good is part of the problem and a clear LARP. Full of Portuniggers, Albos, Serbroaches, Greeks and Italospics. Naturalized several nogs and gooks by voting as early as 1980s. Could have been homogenous, but no. Now some fucking subhuman naturalized tamil (descent of toilet cleaners with australoid blood) lectures the native races about possible African infiltration while wearing the SVP badge.
The only good option - kicking out Ticino(or better yet cleansing it from Italians) and repatriating non-Germans/Northern descendant French
Albanian subhuman here again, ready to preach about racial purity and Albania as a model nation.
Maybe stupid mexican americans but they are retards who dont wanna admit they are mixed niggers
Nice meme, serbobitch. It just happened that if you call someone a diaspora alboshit - you get trolled as one. rightly so, you take the bait EVERY TIME
LMAO what a brainlet
Sun 06 Dec 2015
Of course they are not. They have some Turkic admixture. Shitskins like Bulgarians, Serbs, Albos, Bosniaks e t.c.
Canada is a Germanic-Frankish land. So, fuck off back HOME
>tolololololo, you got trolled hehe!!! xDDD I was just PRETENDING to be Albanian!!!
Kill yourself or fuck off if you want to preserve North-western European heritage. That or stop being a coward.
>he's too stupid to comrehend the conception of trolling
Me living in Russia won't change anything since it has up to 2 mil native Germans and 500k-700k West Euro diaspra (rather uncucked). WITHOUT RACIAL LAWS - it's all futile
The Germanic Genocide is not mass migration or race-mixing.
The Germanic Genocide is ten 1/128 black "White" American hookers being able to sneak in Norway and procreate.
The Germanic Genocide is 1/32 Jewish, 1/16 Italian or 1/8 Bosnian "Germans" that think they will be allowed to stay or when they claim to be German
All Germanic European natives score 100% European.
Why should we tolerate mongrels at all in OUR LANDS in any amount?
>Me living in Russia won't change anything since it has up to 2 mil native Germans and 500k-700k West Euro diaspra (rather uncucked). WITHOUT RACIAL LAWS - it's all futile
>The Germanic Genocide is not mass migration or race-mixing.
>The Germanic Genocide is ten 1/128 black "White" American hookers being able to sneak in Norway and procreate.
>The Germanic Genocide is 1/32 Jewish, 1/16 Italian or 1/8 Bosnian "Germans" that think they will be allowed to stay or when they claim to be German
>All Germanic European natives score 100% European.
>Why should we tolerate mongrels at all in OUR LANDS in any amount?
The only thing beyond my comprehension is how one person can take a fantasy so far that they genuinely believe they are trans-racial. Stay on topic muslim retard.
As an American, I will say that British documentaries are far superior and this image is by no means an exaggeration.
>literally death to all abrahamic religions,
balkanfags REEEE type
>mind you long before you reddit cuckoo here
>is somehow an albo because subhuman Serb roach fragile ego is better off when NON GERMANIC talks shit about him
It's good that you recognize inferiority of your blood
source pls
Post-superbowl Aussie bants
Anyone got the "We are brothers you and I" meme with the Finnish and the scandinavian guy
saved thanks
queen pirate boobperosa
tfw daddy mel will never be your trad catholic hubby
Mel's like the straight version of Milo, only a really good director and actor as well. Who knows maybe Milo will get a break into Hollywood now that the J Edgar Hoover has been run out of town.
I don't know why, but I love these threads. Something about mongrel just cracks me up, I could look at him 100000 times and still laugh
>being an adult and staring down at the keyboard
This bothers me
Same. What after was it made?
lmao what
the guy who Made that deserves an award it looks exactly like the average mongrel anywhere around the world
>they have some Turkic admixture
why are you describing them so nicely? why not just say they are subhuman roaches?
You're all welcome
Looks like Angry Joe pretending to be Geralt in the Witcher 3 review
Because that's not eloquent and fun enough. Better mode: claim that all Balkanshits except for Albanians came there from Pakistan. In less than2 minutes there will be a sea of angry replies
>Fuggen freedom!
rick and morty fans are retarded liberals
chinks aren't human
>let me tell you about my High IQ!
Dunno what you've been watching, there was a documentary on WW1 where shooting an Enfield and god-awful electric music was dubbed over.
Just follow this simple chart.
>this is considered white in America
I fuckin love this guy lol
There is no limit to variations on this one
There aren't white people left, are there?
oh praise jeb
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