Why is the Vegas shooting suddenly scrubbed from all daily news reporting like it never happened?

Why is the Vegas shooting suddenly scrubbed from all daily news reporting like it never happened?

Did the Jews shut it down because there were too many questions piling up?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=las vegas shooting
nydailynews.com/news/crime/attempted-airport-bomber-bought-backpack-plot-membership-article-1.3562559?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed: NydnRss (Top Stories - NY Daily News)&utm_content=Yahoo Search Results


Yeah they put Harvey on top of every news channel... Because Jews... God damn nigger you are a fucking idiot

Shootings are part and parcel of living in America.

probably because mass shootings happen every month in the US so people get kind of fatigued about it

Because the Deep State is responsible for the shooting and they control the media. Move along.

what the fuck are you talking about? Turn on CNN

Do you think the rooms at Mandalay Bay will be discounted for awhile?

It's one of those stories where the headline fits the narrative but the details don't hold up to any scrutiny.

I suspect a lot more was planned that didn't happen for whatever reason and now those who orchestrated this are going to try to pretend like nothing happened.

Lombardo wept on air. Broadcasting betamale tears is the magical elixir du jour. Changes tracks.

>Hurricane Harvey & Friends

But really, HOW interesting is pedos in Hollywood and whatever Trump said today. I swear. We must have found intelligent life and communicated with them because all these things happening have everyone distracted.

They are covering it up with Weinstein. Jews have been spamming Weinstein threads for the last week non stop all day trying to distract from Las Vegas and pedophilia.

No they just put a fucking armed security guard at entrance to everything. I'm in vegas for business right now and the police state is real around here.

Because mass shootings are an american tradition and people need to move onto the next flavor of the week. Otherwise they tune out.

i sort of predicted this, that they would flounder about with no motive until some other story slid this one off the radar, and that the motive would be discovered on some weekend in the future. But no one will give a fuck

Sherrif is a rabid elitist anti gunner, recruited to play a role in demonizing all guns / gun owners, because as a lawman HE knows what magazine capacity YOU should be allowed to have. Fukker sounds like Hillary & Schumer.

they can't push the right wing shooter narrative so why bother or worse: they are hiding the fact he was a leftist.
like when the church shooter in Tennessee turned out be a sudanese immigrant that went off air quickly.

months later
>Jesus who? He never worked at Mandalay.

This. Have a bumparrooo

the cover up won't last long i feel its going to blow up in their face soon


Yeah, maybe that will work. Not.


>Did the Jews shut it down because there were too many questions piling up?
I still remember the non stop coverage of sandy hook.

They were supposed to pass some gun control bills but they couldnt get enough votes for some reason.

Where is the "hero" campos? No interviews and armed security guarding his house?? Why?

Yeah, I've noticed. Part of me thinks that it's just because we've become desensitized to massacres, and that the media simply doesn't have enough to report anymore and they've moved on.

And yet...Jesus Campos disappearing. The house getting robbed. The multiple disparities in the police timeline.

Something funny is going on. I don't know what they're trying to hide - maybe their own incompetence in managing the case, maybe something far more sinister - but they're trying to hide something.

It will be like MH370

it disappeared goy, don't worry about it

Hey, look the ventriloquist girl from America's got Talent is on.

The memory hole is going to be full soon.

True but not 58 dead from a MG neat in a luxury Vegas hotel

I hope that the rest of the world will forgive us for what the Deep State has been doing to them since the dawn of time apparently

The way he said "because we have defense attorneys" was pretty animose. However, he's in a big City. Big City COPs do tend to the left from time to time.

This shit will blow up in their faces the Jews Time is numbered even their God will turn his back on them maybe He already has they just don't know it yet..?!?!

the security guarding his house is the same security that he worked for. which is a dummy shill agency for the fbi. they just paid off a few members to "guard" his house until the whole situation blows over. we'll never see jesus campos again.


we have been no better or worse than any other global empire

keep things in perspective

European-American hegemony has been a net benefit for the entire global population.

>I don't understand news cycles

It's not?

lmgtfy.com/?q=las vegas shooting

Funny how you can say the most outrageously retarded thing about a shooting and conspiracy retards will all LARP along with it.

The internet shredded the narrative.

Half the radio programming I've been hearing today has been continued analysis of the ongoing accumulation of clues we have.

CNN covered it this morning. It will be on evening news

That's about a two or three weeks in Baltimore and Chicago. But people only care because whites were killed and it happened all at once.

We're not looking at Dallas - Kennedy with only one camera and a high degree of national trust in news or police. This time really is different. There are more recordings out there.

This desu senpai

Because people have short attention spans this happens all the time

Not only that, but more and more of them keep coming in. Just think how long it took for the majority of people to come around to concluding the JFK shooting was a conspiracy. This time, even my 95+ yo grandparents almost right off the bat thought the whole thing stunk.

It doesn't fit the narrative well. Crazy gambling addict kills a bunch of rednecks. It's not a strong argument for gun control because the victims don't or wouldn't support it.

Why didn’t the left run with this story? nydailynews.com/news/crime/attempted-airport-bomber-bought-backpack-plot-membership-article-1.3562559?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed: NydnRss (Top Stories - NY Daily News)&utm_content=Yahoo Search Results

They did the same thing with Charlottesville. Why did that helicopter crash again?

Probably got too big for his britches and pissed the wrong people off. A sacrifice big enough to allow the media to stop paying attention to Vegas. Everyone already knew this was going on in Hollywood, so not only is it believable, but it involves sex, power, and famous people.

Many will come out and say that it's happened to them for the exposure and sympathy, but ultimately no one will name names and nothing will come of it. Many of these women knowingly and willingly trade sex for opportunity/money and yet they want to cry about it when it suits them. If it was really so bad, then people would find a different career - but they don't. They stay because they like the attention and the money is good.

Our friend Jesus still has a day or two before he rises from the dead.

It was an open secret what Harvey was up to. He was just disgusting and autistic in person at a social level, too. But it is a bit interesting they didn't go after a smaller fish.

I've never once seen proof that many people were killed by gunfire.

>Did the Jews shut it down because there were too many questions piling up?

They found it too difficult to somehow relate it to climate change

>It is a "miracle" how fast the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police were able to find the demented shooter and stop him from even more killing

Jesus = Miracle

You can tell the Jews are caught off guard because there hasn't been any serious concern that perhaps there was a Russian connection.

>"news cycles" are totally normal and good and they shouldnt be questioned because reasons

That nothingburger about Trump and Russia sure kept going for months and months, but a massive shooting on American soil with a bunch of weirdness around it isn't worth talking about? Christ, people got obsessed about Making a Murderer and all the little details about that case but we're supposed to pretend that this whole thing makes total sense.

There was no shooting user.




The People are talking about Vegas, the media isn’t.

From the beginning, people who weren't even following it closely seemed to think it was weird. And then it just kept getting weirder.

Trump loves photo ops and attention, he went and met with the victims, why no meet and greet with the "hero" Campos? He wasn't disappeared by then, right?

will we see 58 funerals?

Mgm director dumped nearly 200mil in stock a month before shooting


Exactly. What the (((media))) talks about no longer matters. Act accordingly.

People are more interested in the Weinstory now. Obviously people stopped tuning in to the Vegas story as much, but the Weinstory story did. It's how it works.

New conspiracies about the Vegas story isn't what people are interested in, unless theirs proof.

This dump happened literally a day before we were warned this would happen

i guess everyone works at Taco Bell or something youtu.be/HGJAIEdJtFM




Whatever, those bitches aren't going to get what they want.

They should stop before they start getting singled out for their machinations.

no shills today

cocaine is a helluva drug


They beat the drum of Charlottesville for weeks here. Every single day, there was at least one article plus several editorials about EBIL WHITE RAYCISS SUPREMACIST ANTI SEMITICK NOTSEE TIKKKITORCHERS and the poor little black criminals, kikes and the fat commie ho that had a heart attack.
That event reeked of deepstate false flag, they had an entire narrative cooked up and ready to roll out to every media source within hours.
The Vegas thing reeks for other reasons. I find the lack of a narrative almost more unnerving.

im surprised no one has mentioned that area up by the roof that looks directly down on the killing field

what if they had a narrative but something went wrong that made it so they coudn't use the narrative?

this really is a fascinating story to follow not only because so many things feel so wrong in so many ways,
but the implications and the aftermath if this were really to be a "false flag" executed by the deep state.
is this supposed to be the catalyst for the total surveillance revolution?
could it really be possible this op is so totally botched the public might finally catch a glimpse of the shit going on behind the green curtain

>is this supposed to be the catalyst for the total surveillance revolution?
no it's just a part of the plan. they go REALLY slow with this shit because it's easier for people not to care that way. they don't do it all at once. watch bump stocks get banned. it's just another piece to the plan. next it will be something else.

this this this

Deep State's false flag failed to work as planned, so the more it's investigated the more it reveals the hoax.

All the crisis actor scripts, the "evidence," everything was for a much larger event. The "Stephen Paddock" nonsense was what they came up with at the last minute to cover what happened (it was probably going to be part of the much larger thing, with the expectation that the larger thing would have the details not be investigated). But now because the bigger event didn't go off they're left with a bunch of prop media stories that don't match.

It's like a play where the script revolves around a particular prop, but the prop malfunctions or doesn't show up at all.

So the Deep State has to scramble to come up with anything to get people to look somewhere else, and the MSM being their willing stenographers are happy to oblige.

Las Vegas, especially in the hotels, is already one of the biggest surveillance zones. The real question is why we don't have tons of video evidence.

What you talking about? Fake news you dumb cunt.


>tfw can't be conditioned

>millenials are now in charge of false flags


>comedy is more important than content
>drops it after 3 days

checks out, fampai

It's certainly a possibility. I don't think anything is off the table since so few details have come out. Even my normie family thinks Paddock is a patsy and that they're covering up something big. Lots of people have been to Vegas. They know that it's absolutely crawling with cameras and microphones. The lack of released security footage has made a lot of people REALLY suspicious.

We were warned >

>The real question is why we don't have tons of video evidence
Because the videos show the actors for the parts of the false flag that failed.

Revealing video that shows a whole bunch of "evidence" for events that *didn't happen* would expose not just Las Vegas as being a hoax, it would expose ALL the events going back to 9/11 as being a hoax.

That's why.

Guys, remember, no Yiddish til we flatten our short positions.

this is a control room for the casino floor. not the hotel. halways in the hotel don't have cameras. elevators and lobby do however

Yes, their false flag this time did not go as plan. They are attempting to memory hole it.

wonder how much this fiasco has cost LV in terms of tourism revenue? I guess it matters not because the only ones hurt are the pissants like Uber drivers & strippers....because all the big shots sold their stock a week before.

>epic quote

Thanks user. I'm adding that first bit to my quiver.


Is that just a comment about casino surveillance, or is it somehow related to something I said?

guess it could have been for the other guy just another reason why we don't see a lot of video

It's just future reference material to point out a pattern at this point. Along with other preceding events. Our Port Arthur event is still to come.

Campos is dead.
The photo of him accepting an award is a shoop.
The badge is not pulling on the chain around his neck. "They" photographed a corpse and shop'd it in to give us the impression he's still alive. The planned news interviews with him were a ruse.

What about Stephen Shuck. Other than being a maintenance worker and coincidentally walking into this, what else do we know about him?

>Why is the Vegas shooting

w-what Vegas shooting??? aren't you more concerned about Harvey Weinsteins sex scandal??? I mean he's even Jewish!!! He's Jewish focus on him!!!

there are indeed benefits to the slow and gradual approach but I'm not convinced this would be one of those incidents.
my gut says this is about the surveillance technology and the laws holding it down, or there are no existing laws to enforce it.
the tech is here, trust me, I've played with tensorflow. when you realise that it starts to make sense how they could make a lot of $$$