ITT: Moments when Sup Forums shat itself.
ITT: Moments when Sup Forums shat itself
Is this the spiritual successor to School Days?
White Album 2
Don't have a pic but the part in Code Geass where Suzaku hands a supposedly mindwiped Lelouch a phone and it's Nunally on the other end.
Ty kind annon.
How fucking new are you?
Enjoy your ban Sup Forumseddit spoonfeeder.
>Sup Forums
>watching romance anime
Except this is literally one of the biggest meme romance shows on Sup Forums and Sup Forums used to push threads for this, especially that scene, a while ago when it was popular.
If your so fucking new/cancerous as to not call out spoonfeeding when you see it then you clearly don't belong on Sup Forums.
I might have actually liked her character if she didn't have a man voice.
Is there a story to this? Or is it just
>cucked lol xDDD
Its le epic cucked N T R xD
Valvrave. The whole thing.
holy shit it's been three years since I read it and looking at that picture just stirred up all of my anger
Uff. That brings back some bad memories of high school. When you think a girl likes you because she's nice to you, but then you realize she's nice to everyone else, and you're the only asshole who hates everyone by default.
Still didn't stop me from being an even bigger bitter asshole, though.
>Is there a story to this
No, none at all. First episode straight off the bat this happens, it was before the opening as well. Never saw any of these people again either.
does the rise of the new third reich count?
Wait, what?
yeah, it would have been nice to see a story develop, but it's just like said.
wtf that sounds stupid
They were side characters
So it didnt really matter
When Kyoani announced Free!
I can get banned for helping out other members?
>MUH sekrit cloob
That's odd. Why did it matter, then?
Did she commit sudoku?
fi only there was an extention that added a button so you never had to ask for sauce ever again.
Hello 8man.
>helping out other members?
I dont like the style change in art for season 3 of yahari but good to see yui blown the fuck out.
Who knows?
That's one way to admit you come from reddit or some forum, idiot.
Too bad Wataru Watari skipped over best girl altogether...
Yurifags are massive massive autists. Nothing new.
The studio wanted to make a funny meme
>still this butthurt over sauce
Yeah, I've been posting on forums since 2001. I don't think reddit existed yet.
Honestly I was hoping they didn't go this route and I was pissed when they did.
Fuck SamFlam. Im glad it killed Manglobe.
Same. I know it's a meme to pretend samflam is good but it actually would have been if it continued down the route of the first few episodes
This isn't a personal request but I'm going to have to ask you to stop posting
Brat is a shit and so is your opinion.
Sudoku yourselves.
>b-but I'm being ironic
Irrelevant, it is shitposting either way. There are no circumstances that excuse this faggotry for existing at all on this board.
what was her fucking problem
>you clearly don't belong on Sup Forums.
Leave, and never come back again. This was a request from my waifu so I am being polite about it.
No fucking way.
isn't this a secret club? are we not technically members?
that's quite some shitty screenshot
It really is awful, isn't it?
How's the ride?
These trips are wasted on your post
so...4th reich?
best girl won though
i was more upset that didn't stay a cute loli forever
>the episode where all the students got massacred
Shit was fucking hilarious.
The end of the first season of Code Geass drove people bugshit as I recall.
All of Code Geass drwove people bugshit
When best girl won
She knew it wasn't going to get a season 2 so decided to fuck shit up pre-emptively
It didn't. Hence the meme
>I would rather have a boring show about a guy pretending to be a super hero in the real world that everyone would forget about the second it ended than the hilarious and memorable trainwreck that we got
Only on Sup Forums. I hope you perpetually comatose faggots OD on your valium.
Anything that happens to this cuck
Only entitled fujos, man. SamFlan did a good job pleasing tokufags, Fujofags, and yurifags I believe
I don't remember this part in the OVA...
That wasn't Yui, that was Setuna. Yui is the winner of Yahari, not the loser of WA2.
Be prepared for tomorrow when it airs. The shit storm is coming in full force tomorrow.
>Yui is the winner of Yahari
Thank goodness. I don't get the appeal over woobies. It's like making up for lack of personality with pure pity.
I don't get what the fuck Sup Forums's problem was with this?
They were 11 and 15 years had passed. Are people just supposed to move on if their childhood boyfriend is in a coma for 15 years?
She will win bro. The fallout from the loser girl's fanbase will be explosive.
>b& for help
srsly, whats up with you people hating on spoonfeeding? Just tell them the fucking name, for gods sake this board is full autists.
I think the idea was that he sacrificed so much and got next to nothing in return. I think so, anyway. As soon as I heard inklings of NTR, I dropped it. I like that shit in porn, not in a character I self-insert into.
It's legitimately impossible if Watari ever wants to consider himself a self-respecting author. 8man constantly compares Yukino to a literal angel in the LNs, and their relationship has way more chemistry and overt romantic tension. Yui's affection is totally one-sided and is something he actively ignores.
is this aki sora?
/r/ is awful though. The people on Sup Forums know anime. You're retarded if you seriously think that's a helpful solution.
Lurk more.
Also Sup Forums is not intended to be helpful.
END OF THE WORLD final OP for stardust crusaders was a big deal
I help whenever i can, i know that at least 50% of the time you just can't find the source, no matter what you are using.