Spice and Wolf thread

Im currently watching it and its GOAT.
Did you watch it? Your opinion about it? Is it popular?

It was mediocre.

Its my favourite atm

Lurk more and it'll answer your question

5/5 bretty good

Please, return to the board you came from.

Everyone on Sup Forums watched it. Neo-Sup Forums is a different story, though.

i always keep my posts respectful but holy shit
entitled people like you really get on my nerves

Are you a girl?

of course

I am always respectful as well, that's why I politely asked you to leave, since you clearly don't care enough about this place to lurk for some period of time to get to know it before posting.

I visit this board quite often though, i dont know what you are talking about
i didnt expect to get into an argument like that by making this thread but i guess its dead anyway

Then you should still lurk a bit more, since your posting still is still more akin to what something from Sup Forums, Sup Forums or /r9k/ would produce.

But I understand your concerns.

There is literally nothing wrong with this thread. Stop being autistic.

>Is it popular?
Fuck off and kill yourself, newfag.

I want to fuck Korbo

Kill yourself you piece of shit.

Itt: we guess how new is OP.

I say 3 weeks.

Or we could guess how new the faggot who doesn't sage is.

S1 > S2

The fuck is sage?

A saint