Is Berzerk the most normalfag manga of them all?
Is Berzerk the most normalfag manga of them all?
No Dragon Ball
One piece, Hunter x hunter, Bleach, Alll shonen jump manga + Fairy tail etc
Here is a better question: Is OP the greatest Retard you have met so far?
It's like Naruto doesn't even exist.
Beserk is the "I've just grown out of shonen and I need something mature to read" starter pack.
if you are not a normalfag
are you a defectivefag?
an abnormalfag?
This is pretty true. I wouldn't say it is normalfag tier desu as all my normalfag friends haven't read it despite recommendations.
if you're asking if it is normie-tier then no
something becomes normie-tier when normies acquire/take something, and for some reason, a lot of people hate reading
If you ask the average Japanese whether or not they read manga and they say yes, 90% of the time they're going to say One Piece
there's almost no such thing, because normies don't even read manga.
Hell, I would guess half of Sup Forums doesn't even read manga. For some reason people really don't like reading.
no, you're a newfag or an oldfag, you newfag
Considering that little people have actually read it I would say this question is pretty retarded. Not to mention it's not exactly a story that group flocks to
You're an user.
Just kidding, you're just a fag.
Fuck off /r9k/.
Too true. There is also an element to reading berserk that develops a certain mood and not everyone gets that or the story..
Considering manga are published for mainstream consumption ALL manga is for normals
>only /r9k/ uses the term normies
first day online, kiddo?
I hate the pretentiousness of Sup Forums sometimes. It's so cringy to come on here because it always a bunch of losers bragging about who has been here the longest and how their tastes are so good with no discrepancy for aubjectiveness. It's quite pathetic.. read a book and enjoy it simple as that. The manga is incredibly good with amazing art and if you look up "best manga of all time" it's been coming up on Google for a while it being good or recomend is nothing new. Weather they grasp all the themes isn't soemthing I should care about
The real question is, would you recommend Berserk to a normalfag?
>fucked up scenes
They'd drop it in a heartbeat.
This is how you do it.
you guys are so out of touch with real life it's hilarious
>They'd drop it in a heartbeat.
Why? Game of Thrones is a thing, you know.
Do you know why GoT is so popular with normalfags?
can't be calling this popular when they wont even give us a good 12eps of proper animation. Also the creator don't even give a fuck about berserk.. nobody does. Maybe the journey wasn't about guts and griffith... maybe it was the friends we all made along the way
Even without the anime, Berserk is pretty popular.
>Disliking one of the best manga in the last half century because another group of people like it
This is what happens when contrarianism goes too far.
Then why would a sane person desire to be a oldfag. Who would that impress.
Well if it didnt have a mangaka taking breaks all the time it would be popluar. Anime are there to sell volumes. Why are you so ignorant.
It gets my dick hard when someone mentions that they're from 2006 or earlier. I have to jack off immediately. It is my curse but it's becoming much less likely to happen as the years roll by.
>in the last half century
What's even the fucking point of adding this? I'd say the vast majority of the best manga were written in the last half century. I also wouldn't say Berserk is one of them - it's just solid overall.
I'm almost impressed how little of a clue you have about what normalfags like.
Kill yourselves, /r9k/.
Also, I was absolutely a normalfag when I was reading Naruto and Berserk and shit for the first time, so I'm not sure what is on about.
Normalfags don't read manga
Normalfags would be turned off by the imagery
You're probably thinking of Naruto or One Piece.
Don't turn out like him OP.
If it was an American comic book it would be. However, being a manga makes it too foreign for most of the 'normalfags' who would otherwise jump on it.
The stuff that 'plebs' like is specifically liked by weirdos who think Japan itself is a magically wonderland and pick the popular kids ones because they want to be Japanese, so they don't quite qualify and Dragon Ball is just nostalgia for some people.
Berserk has all the ingredients for normie-bait, though. It's got a pretty vapid plot and relies heavily on overdone aestheticism. It has 'mature themes' that are 'not for kids' which tends to tickle the normie fancy, too. It's pretty much a bland fantasy story told in manga, but it uses a painterly, medieval style crossed with a 90s fantasy stylised illustration style that would automatically appeal to anyone who grew up in the mid-late 80s right into the mid-90s too. Plus, there story has nothing beneath it so it won't confuse anyone and it is Western influenced so it won't alienate them either.
It does show children naked, though, so that'd raise a red flag and it's a manga and there's a stigma about that still. Because of youtube sponsorships and internet culture bleeding into regular pop culture, there's a high chance of Berserk getting lots of main stream attention from Western normies, though. Especially with the game coming out too.
So, yeah OP... You could say so.
normies is a normalfag word. /r9k/ and reddit and other normalfags sites love using the word normie.
Honestly, comics are only normalfag since around 2007 when it became cool to like comics. Outside of a few select really popular stuff like watchmen or the killing joke, normalfags don't read any pre-2000 comics.
Why people gotta diss One Piece?
Yeah, ignoring the 60s, 70s, 80s and early 90s (with declining popularity all the way up due to the influence of television) when they were pretty popular as a children's past time, but even then that was regional and still not as big a thing as it's become with adult's trying to convince everyone they know about the Avengers movies by buying 10 euro chapters.
But Berserk has the potential to get into that market all the same. Also, by no means is this me ragging on Berserk - I do quite like it.
I dunno. One Piece does everything it means to and is great at it. Literally can't find a fault in One Piece outside of occasional pacing issues week-to-week, that are excusable anyway.
No. Dragon ball Z, Yu Yu Hakisho, and Bleach are. All of them have the same plot mechanic that people like.
Actual Average Joe
>Doesn't care about Chinese Cartoons
>Watched popular anime like DBZ and Naruto
>Reads Mangoes about popular anime
Sup Forums's definition of "Normie"
>Watches/Reads "entry" animangoes like Berserk and Eva
The typical Sup Forumsutist
>moeshit and haremshit
The "Contrarian" Sup Forumsutist
>Its n-not moeshit! I-its deep!
The "Patrician" Sup Forumsutist
>Legend of the Galactic Heroes is high art
babbys first seinen
One Piece is the most normalfag manga, nothing else even begins to come close.
Game of Thrones is rated G compared to the completely ridiculous scenes of rape and gore in Berserk. The average person isn't going to read shit like that.
That's Gantz.
>The average person isn't going to read shit like that
To certain extent, yeah.
Back in art college I had Shintaro Kago in my massive research files, because he was relevant, and my peers who were being educated in understanding stuff like that still didn't because some people are not able understand that ideas need to be conveyed through all sorts of means and that means can be gruesome because sometimes it needs to be.
The "listens to Kodaline and Mumfrod and Sons and says Oceans 11 is an excellent film" audience would never go near it, but there's a burgeoning, casual redditor audience on the horizon.
Oprah won't be recommending it and my Mom won't be reading it, but the guys who watch Big Bang Theory might make it there.
'Normalfag' is far too nothing a term to work with, though. It could catch on in pockets here and there, get more of a cult following than it had, get shit on by
>reeeeeee normies like it
guys here, get either tonnes of publicity because of it or get Nickelback'd into irrelevance and potentially be considered a classic by western media is Manga's become a thing over here 10 or so years in the future.
Something like that, maybe.
It has the most to latch on to for those guys out of all the big name ones anyway.
>It could catch on in pockets here and there, get more of a cult following than it had
It's going 30 years old. These days more people are "leaving" the fanbase (losing interest/dropping the manga) than becoming a part of it. It has already peaked and isn't likely to peak again.
In other words, if it had some mass normalfag appeal, then it would already have audiences like One Piece, Dragon Ball, Naruto, etc. Berserk will never even come remotely close to having that kind of normalfag appeal. Most seinen never will, and it's not even the most popular or best selling seinen manga to begin with.
The "edgy" normalfag crowd that is gravitating towards Game of Thrones and such will much quicker flock to Attack on Titan before something like Berserk.
The plot's been moving slow since Miura slowed down his release schedule. Some fucked up shit needs to happen soon. I'm going to be sad when Roderick dies.