Sword Art Online gets live action series


It'll probably be better than the anime to be honest.

That honestly wouldn't have been surprising. If it wasn't American.

That sounds awful

So at least it will be of comparable quality to the anime

Nice! I unironically like SAO. the majority of hate it gets is just circlejerking reddit memes anyway. It's not that bad.

I can't wait for Kirito to be black.

That was literally never the case.

Get ready for strong womyn Asuna and negro Kirito.

I mean it is the most intelligent anime ever made.


They want the sheep market.

It would be better desu.

>SAO shitposting was three years ago

>screenwriter of Terminator Genysis
Its gonna be fucking awful

>it will be actually WORSE than the anime
What has science done?

Well he is the black swordsman

I'm waiting for the inevitable KyoAni cinematic universe

>Live action versions of Haruhi, Chitanda, Mugi, Reina, Sento and Mirai team up to solve a world-threatening crisis

When will this live action anime meme die? It really seems like they think they can emulate comic book movie success. They're gonna feel fucking stupid when these movies continue to flop.

Me too! I seriously thought everyone here was just memeing hard when Sup Forums started to hate SAO, but now everywhere you go, SAO is "the worst show ever".
Like, cmon m8. It's not bad. Sometimes I really hate memes.

as opposed to just shit?


Fuck off Tyrone.

Well maybe they are just cheap enough to make and get just enough people watching them that it's reasonable to keep going? None of these things are big hits for sure.


The only way to enjoy SAO was to watch it with Sup Forums.

>Its not bad
Well, it is. But not necessarily as bad as people make it out to be.

Well it can't be any WORSE

What makes it bad, senpai?

The fairy land shit was unnecessary. But I want to fuck Lefa so I'll allow it.

Seems pretty ongoing.

The writing

What makes it "unnecessary"? They used the fairy arc to introduce and develop his sister.
What was wrong with the writing?

Except it replaces 2D girls with 3DPD

It's not bad. People just like to bandwagon. They can't make any sold argument on their own.

>What was wrong with the writing?
Even as far as self-insert fantasies go, it's the lowest. The whole romance story is something a 12 year old would think of. Nothing in the story makes any sense, I mean why don't they just...

the characters behavior is nonsensical, the rules of the game are inconsistent, the story is childish, the plot is full of holes, the pacing is awful etc

>The whole romance story is something a 12 year old would think of.
Huh? How? The romance is sweet and actually goes somewhere. More than most "romance" anime go at least. A 12 year old's idea of romance wouldn't include marriage and adoption of a little girl.

>meme spewing
Did you get all that from your favorite e celeb? Wow, nice dude!!1!1

back to le MAL with you stupid normie

Back at you for defending this shit

So SAO can be even more of a joke.

Is this a Japanese production like the SnK movie or is this being produced by Hollywood?

Well it's still not the worst show. But it is horrifically bad on (almost) all levels.

Man, Tapper was such a good DOS game.

No wait. Infuriating. Tapper was such an infuriating DOS game.

I'm the guy

Thats actually what is probably going to happen