So this show is pretty much AOTS, right?

So this show is pretty much AOTS, right?

Fuck those alien looking bitches.



>all female cast

You have to go back

ohhhhhhh shit everyone stand back! My gaydar's! going off!

The faggot squad has arrived, repeat, the faggots are here!

>no bland self insert

shave your neckbeard

Even worse, yuribait.

>Yoko Hikasa
This is always a stellar casting choice.

It's not bait.

Yeah it's shit.

Nah man, we have Mob and Danganronpa this season.
Re: Zero and jojo are still up as well.

This might be a distant fifth, though.

>Mob Psycho
Just no

If you're referring to your image, then yes the faggots sure are here.

Poor kid. Let me guess, "popular things can't be good" or some dumb "popular things are diluted for normies" argument, right?

Maybe not, but it is pretty fun.

That's some superb argument.

No, it's a "New Game is simply better" argument.


Fuck no

It could be AOTS on /u/ maybe

It's not yuri

You're worse than him.

It's a close second.

You must be joking.

No, I'm not the one who thinks Mob and JoJo might be AOTS

Youre the one whose thinking that generic seasonal yurishit is AOTS

Still, New game is far form being AOTS.

What's AOTS in your opinion?

Ange vierge.

Fuck off yurishitters.

No you fuck off.

Not really. Sansha Sanyou had a lot more heart than this show, but since nobody has read the source material and it virtually had no hype, it pales in 'popularity' compared to New Game.

Aoba is the only reason I'm still watching this show.

>make a board for yurishit specifically
>instead of browsing that board they come to this one to shit it up

Why is this allwed

Sansha Sanyou was worth watching only for Youko

AOTS means anime of the season, not the year.

>talking about anime on the anime board.
Why is this allowed?

Konobi is better.


The AOTS is Time Travel Girl. Anyone who says otherwise clearly is a science hating creationist.

Yeah but not by much, there are a bunch of shows that are close to it.

I am a bit disappointed in Sansha because it was too modern. I was interested in seeing something almost 15 years old to see a piece of the past.

Anne happy was better.

amanchu is aots

No it wasn't.

I was going to complain about an all female crew of video game developers, but then I remembered they are the art crew. Not only that they are the art crew for a cutsey RPG. They haven't showed all the guys doing all the hard real programing work.

It really was.

>I was going to complain about an all female crew of video game developers,
I really don't understand people like you.

It was though. Did you not enjoy watching them take down the demon lord?

Well they failed that too of course but it was epic.

>They haven't showed all the guys doing all the hard real programing work

I hope you go to every thread for stuff focused in robots (giant or not) and tell them to go to /m/

>some is so anal-annihilated that they made this image complaining about a few harmless funposts.

>muh realism
Stop watching anime, retard
I like anime because of the unrealistic stuff
You realismfags need to die
Specially when you get triggered by fucking background characters with literally 0 lines and screetime being changed
Also, I don't watch NG. I just hate retarded realismfags like you

Absolutely disgusting.

>Anne happy girls
>winning anything
I'm starting to think that they not unfortunate but just shit.

>Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life
Kill yourself

>Anonymous 08/06/16(Sat)12:41:44 No.145289343
Kill yourself

The bait is moe through helplessness. You're supposed to want to protect their smile.

Its a Otaku/Virgin hit. So perfect for you guys, that stay here longer than a few weeks.

Yes but only because it's the piece of shit that smells the least bad.

90% of anime these days are for Otaku/Virgins, what's your point?

90% are not hits they all aim to be one. New Game seems to be doing well with the Otaku/Virgin crowd.

>New Game seems to be doing well with the Otaku/Virgin crowd.
So is the new Love Live


I dont really know how good it is doing sales wise cause thats what matters most, but its high up in the polls that i saw though.

I can't read moonrunes. What does zoi mean?

I bet if this didn't exist, nobody would care about New Game

> generic cute girl learning about a career field that panders to otaku

Yeah, no.

>A developer hiring someone without the applicable skills and giving them on the job training from scratch.

I have never seen this happen or see a dev studio even advertise a position like that.

>making them model an NPC after a week of being self taught from a book

Yeah, she'd be modelling shelves and crates at most.

It's a contender for the worst SoL this year along with Bakuon.

>this shit taste
I bet you think that Tanaka borefest was the best SoL

So far for me at least it is.

Tanaka-kun is the best school SoL comedy since Nozaki-kun, you are correct.
As far as this year goes, Tanaka-kun>Flying Witch>Amaama>Sansha Sanyou>Konobi>Anne Happy>Bakuon=New Game

>male background characters
Didn't Aoba ask why there are only females in the company in the manga?

Sup Forums doesn't hate yuri it's our most beloved fetish

only if pretty much means not even slightly.
it's a really great season, some moefag tumblr shit wont be coasting into AOTS.

>OP is a huge faggot and has to do the AOTS meme
>Sup Forums crawls out of the woodworks to shitpost
Every fucking time.

>only Sup Forums hates garbage anime

When will this meme die

Right, how could I forget about gaia and toonami niggers?

yes, but its a really shit season

I find yuri enjoyable but I passionately hate /u/.

They are OK in my book if they also hate garbage anime like new game

I bet you don't even know what either of those mean, because of how fucking new you are.

I used to think like you till I actually took the time to visit /u/ and I discovered most of /u/ actually hates /u/

Projecting much?

That's not Prisma Illya

Keep backpedaling, you dumb nigger.

What there are males in the manga?

Fucking disgusting.

It doesn't matter how much you call him a newfag, a crossboarder or a redditor, New Game is straight up not good.
It lies in the same vein as shows like KinMoza: it has exactly one draw to it: "These girls are cute and also kind of gay for each other but not really". There is nothing funny enough to laugh at to call it a comedy. There are no endearing and heartwarming scenes to consider this iiyashikei. This is just pixivbait.
There is nothing wrong with neither cute girls being cute nor them being gay for each other, but a show can't be just that. It needs at least some actual fucking substance.

Yuri can be pretty fun but autistic yurifags ruin everything they touch. Just look at Madoka threads.

What he is flailing to say is that you are a low IQ shit tier taste faggot. Your tastes are either intentionally bad to stir up posts to mine (You)'s or you are offhandedly that retarded. Your tastes should be condemned next to the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust. You are the worst poster in the history of Sup Forums. Wear it on your sleeve right next to the golden faggot award and the three year running tri state dick sucking champion. Fuck your tastes you god awful cock garbling, piss swilling, shit eating faggot.

This is Sup Forums, of course we prefer cute girls doing cute things rather than Mob Psycho or stuff like that

>shippers ruin everything they touch

Just look at Bleach or SnK threads

Are there non-shipper yurifags?

Not really since yuri implies some kind of romance but that's not the point

Amanchu is better, and Amaama to Inazuma is better than Amanchu, so no.

Anime worth watching this season: New Game, Ange Vierge, Amanchu, Love Live

ANN/Reddit/MAL garbage: the rest

You guys should fuck off to /u/, nobody likes yurishit here

Not only cute, they need to be gay with each other too.

Is this good?

What a coincidence those 4 are the only anime I'm watching this season

Sansha Sanyou must be the worst anime Dogakobo have made, not saying is bad though, I liked it, but I literally can't remember a single thing about it, not that there was something to remember.

It was.