Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

Episode 118: サバイバル・デュエル – Sabaibaru Dyueru
(Survival Duel)
Yuya and co. arrived at Academia’s training facility. There, they find an Academia instructor, Sanders, waiting for them. He then orders his students to put their “special lesson” into practice: a Survival Duel, where the losers are turned into cards!

Yuya and co. arrived at Academia’s training facility. There, they find an Academia instructor, Sanders, waiting for them. He then orders his students to put their “special lesson” into practice: a Survival Duel, where the losers are turned into cards. Putting their survival on the line, the Lancers and the Academia’s students duke it out in a 5 vs 5 Duel!

Sakaki Yuya
Gongenzaka Noboru
Sawatari Shingo
Shiun’in Sora
Crow Hogan
Edo Phoenix
Akaba Reiji
Akaba Leo
Mysterious Duelist

Script: 上代 務 || Kamishiro Tsutomu
Direction: 布施康之 || Fuse Yasuyuki
Storyboard: 西本由紀夫 || Nishimoto Yukio
Animation Director(s): Lee Sung-jin, Lee Seok-yoon

Other urls found in this thread:


banana is not a kill

Where were you when arcv became kill



He will be if that fucking monkey finds him.

In bed, hugging my ruripillow and crying.

>Yugo vs dueling monkey
Yes please

I want to do dirty things to nanner

>Kaito is gone
>Shun is still dead
>Crow is still here
I guess this show can only handle one shill at a time

It only says the lancers are dueling, and last time I checked, Yugo isn't a lancer.

>in the preview and spoilers

neither is sora

>leave cabbage to me

He actually is, I mean he was originally suppose to join back when Reiji was building the team.

I meant in the cast list for 118.
Since Kaito is out of commission from the Fall instead of a duel I wonder how will they remove Crow

bribed with a sammich to sit this one out

Lock him in a fridge


Arc V is basically zexal but in reverse.
Zexal started off shit and turned great by the end. Arc V started off great and is turning to shit.

Is this a meme or is Ruri actually pushing him out of the tower?


Based on the preview, Shun catches Kaito with Rise Falcon, so unless Kaito jumped out himself, it's legit.

The preview for next episode shows Kaito falling from the tower and getting saved by Shun's Raidraptors.

The preview shows one of Shun's monsters bringing Kairo to the ground, and there's a shot of Ruri looking down. That said Ruri throwing Kaito off the tower has been memed since before 116.

>Turned great by the end.

Fuck no. Absolutely not.
>Ruins Shark's character entirely by making him pull a complete 180 in a couple eps which cheapens any of the drama after.
>All of the barians aside Shark, galaxy jobber, and Vector are complete ineffectual wastes of time
>Yuma is at his most insufferably jesus-like during the majority of zexal II and has completely lost the utter stupidity that made him intriguing at the start
>SHINING DORO only got more obnoxious as time went on
>Kaito slowly becomes mostly irrelevant and pretty dull during the second half outside of a couple moments
>We spent 10 eps on a fetch quest
>They introduced Rio in order for her to do absolutely nothing
>The Astral/Yuma duel was a fucking farce
>The Numeron Code ending

You can say it improved, sure. I couldn't stand the second half, but I can see how people can say it "improved." It has far too many flaws to be called "great" by any means though.

Guest Starring:

The SKULLS Parasite Unit

It's confirmed that's the monkey? I think maybe it's the first guy that Yuya defeated, he had a name like that, no? He back to be "entertained" like the fighter guy.

It's not confirmed. It's just a joke.

In all seriousness, I wonder if anyone will use the Venom archetype.

I miss the Hitler dude, I always thought that he would be a villain because of that creepy smile.

Instead he was pretty much like Chornos in season 4 in terms of being based.

>Takes the opportunity to become Yuya's manager
>Genuinely helps him to pass the MCS qualifications
>Puts him up against his best friend to make a strong resolve
>Bias compliments towards Yuya in the Battle Royale
>Sheds a tear and wishes Yuya good luck after he leaves for synchro.

He truly was a nice guy.

Was not dueling at all also part of the plan?


Miss me yet?

Nope. The worst of Arc-V is still better than almost all of Zexal.

Come back Yoshida-san.

>1 episode for Rin/Yugo
>1 episode for Ruri/Shun
>3 episodes for Colonel Sanders

Absolutely brilliant planning. I can't wait to see what kind of compelling character Sanders will be. I want to see his depth and development as a worthy adversary to the Lancers and perhaps someone to challenge Reiji and give him a challenge. This is going to be hype.

I know you're coming back for the next series, you can't fool me.

Yes, I'm very excited too.

>I sadly think it is time for me to drop arc V! I will probably still check it out from time to time, but I will no longer watch it on a weekly basis. I have actually stopped doing that for some time now without me even realizing.

>This pains me becuase arc V was something special. Now it is an unrecognizable mess that I can't even stand. I do not even care about it to get into details, but Those previews are the sraw that broke the camel's back.
Good luck to everyone who's sticking around till the end and Happy watching

>(And yes I will still spam watch any episode where Asuka and the Yuzu clones duel).

Lmao the NAC meltdown continues

Whatever makes you sleep at night.

>NAC meltdown
Who the fuck cares about what NAC thinks here?

No. Stay gone.

Sounds like a buttmad Yuzufag.



More importantly, what does 2ch think?

From what I remember some other user say they pretty much stopped discussing the anime as much and just kind of shitpost now. I could be wrong. But they're pretty mad about how things have been for a while now.

So, basically just like here.

Why is it hat Yuya and Yuzu always think of each other in a lewd manner? I also realised most of them are in Ebina animation as well.

Oh what's this? Another Yuya vs a jobber of the week duel so he can shill 10 more EM. Gon being injured again and taking a backseat to a Legacy character?

A+ writing.

Kek. For me Arc-V was THE Anime that made me come back to watch all Anime in General. Now after almost one year, i'am tired as fuck of Anime. I won't watch any new Shows each new Season, i have dropped like 5 Series by now. Only Anime i'm waching right now is Pokemon XYZ, ARC-V and maybe Mob Psycho 100

Go back to Sup Forums.

So in one word. FUCK ANIME.......still better than Western Animation tho

>Jobber of the week

It's 3 episodes long user. Also the only way the writers could make this 'training' facility seem pointful is if they card one or two lancers.

It's hilarious that you think anyone is going to get carded.

I feel like this is gonna be the last hurrah of the lancers before everything starts tumbling down and they die off one by one. That's the kind of vibe I'm getting from this.

Well I didn't think Dennis would card himself, so I guess any thing could happen.

What was the moment Arc V went wrong in your opinion?

50 episodes of almost nothing of value like Synchro

Friendship Cup being set up in the manner it was was the only actual misstep. Virtually everything else notably wrong stems purely from that. Were there plenty more opportunities for more character interactions and if it was just a bit shorter with some academia influence, perhaps a grace/gloria introduction, it would've been great. And if it were shorter, we would have more time for XYZ which would let us go into Fusion and have stuff like the upcoming survival duel thing go without much complaint. Since, even in standard, we had shitloads of duels that were basically irrelevant, but served to pace things out properly.

I started to realize all i wanted in Arc-V wouldn't happen when the Tyler sisters were defeated and made a joke in just the third episode of their debut. Then i realize Arc-V actually went to shit way before that. The moment Yuya and Co arrived in Synchro. I still enjoy Arc-V but i'm not expecting nothing hype anymore

Battle Royale, actually. I had hugely high expectations after the first part of the Maiami Championship, but the pacing of the second half was so fucked that nothing happened in it held any weight. It only went downhill from there.

When Yuya bullshitted out Rune Eyes Pendulum Dragon for the first time in the Mieru duel. That's when I know things were going to be crap from now on. Yuya's deck functions better without extra deck cards.

>yuya's deck functions better without extra deck
Shit bait user. Here's your (you).

Read manga, most of the animes are rushed.

This, this and this.

>this guy want to Edo lose, there is a intern scheme, maybe he's like Roger?
>one of the bitches will do like Sora and change sides while the other don't, maybe sister x sister incoming?


>Yuya's deck functions better without extra deck cards
What does that even mean?

IT MEANS HE SHOULD OF BEEN JUST PENDULUM USING. Fusion,Synchro and Xyz were a mistake. They never should of had Yuya be capable of using those methods. He should of been like Sawatari and just been pendulum summoning with Reji being a better rival because he had a meta deck capable of abusing the extra deck methods with pendulum.

Eh it's kinda true. I hardly use my extra deck for OEM and usually OTK with my main deck monsters. Unicorn is one hell of a scale.

>They never should of had Yuya be capable of using those methods
Because fuck having a character develop I guess

>with Reji being a better rival because he had a meta deck capable of abusing the extra deck methods with pendulum
It would have made Yuya look like a useless bitch if he never tried to match Reiji

>Applying IRL cardgame logic to anime duels
Why do people do this? Performapals also run way better if they only use like 4 Performapals and ignore all the other garbage monsters, but that would have made for a really boring 150 episodes worth of samey duels

>Because fuck having a character develop I guess
Do you seriously think learning new card mechanics is the only way to develop a character? Are you retarded?

Synchro, with its many flaws, was still an decent ride that had enough high points to make it ENJOYable.

>Do you seriously think learning new card mechanics is the only way to develop a character?
I didnt say only dingus, nice reading comprehension. But the entire series is about card game battles, improvement through the game should absolutely contribute to and mirror a characters development, or else the 50% of the series they spend dueling is pointless. How is Yuya sticking to one strategy for the entire runtime a good thing, it makes him seen stagnant and limits what they can do to vary the duels. A rival doesnt need sole dominion over all extra deck summoning methods to be viable

It's cool, the problem is Synchro just stole all the time from the series, it's not really Synchro fault, but the bad planning, they should at least delay more the new yugioh and finish that one properly, GX had 180 episodes, ARC-V has already been rushed in the 116.

I agree wholeheartedy. Honestly, the only thing about arc-v I think I actually hate to this day is XYZ arc and just having a 12 episode shit arc in a 150 ep series isn't too bad at all.

Will we ever get a Shun/Kaito tag?

I'd think probably not.

Kaito is such a good duelist!

How the hell is him being just a pendulum user limiting him? Judai,Yusei and Yuma were fusionists, synchrolists and xyzers yet they got to change their dueling and their character without slapping a new method on their deck.

Judai learned contact fusion in the anime and transformation fusion in the manga

Yusei learned accel synchro

Yuma learned xyz change, chaos xyz change and shining xyz change in the manga.

They can evolve and develop without changing their core methods and so logically should Yuya. They could of done so many things with Pendulum summoning but they choose the lazy route both in show and out by just making them a deck that enables easier fusions, synchros and xyzs plays.

You omitted the fact that Yusei also used fusion summoning as a way to try and evolve his play further.

Also, as pendulum is the thing that connects all the summon methods together, it meshes better with yuya's development to have it mix pendulum and other summon methods, since at the start of the series he was focused on pendulum explicitly because it was his own personal method, whereas now he focuses on it as a way to bridge the gap between dimensions. It's a nice evolution that fits with his desire to entertain audiences.

Fusion was the only extra deck method that existed in GX. Fusion and Syncro were the only ones that existed in 5Ds (which Yusei learned both, nice omission). XYZ and Fusion were the only ones that existed in Zexal (so one mark for that I guess).

>They could of done so many things with Pendulum summoning but they choose the lazy route both in show and out by just making them a deck that enables easier fusions, synchros and xyzs plays.
You can hate the extra deck all you want but it's a fundamental part of how almost every deck in the game works, its like saying they took the lazy route by having his deck have traps.

Also him using the extra deck ties into the entire theme of the series

>They can evolve and develop without changing their core methods and so logically should Yuya

But he did. You can set two scales and Pendulum Summon and call it a day. But to go beyond the Pendulum Summon is to utilize Fusion, Synchro and Xyz summoning methods as well. The core of that strategy that ties everything together is the Pendulum Summon. That's the whole theme of the show right there and it's basically akin to the methods you mentioned for GX, 5DS, and ZEXAL.

Someone post that pic of the protags crying their bf's names.

Who here hype for tonights episode?
1. Yugo fucked up
2. Evil Rin
3. Evil Ruri
4. Kaito gets blow the fuck out of the tower
5. Shun comes back
6. Smug Edo
7. Yugo Vs Rin (We don't know who will win or what will happen)
8. Reiji telling a secret to Yuya

Tonights episode will be HYPE

It will be pretty rushed considering their duel doesn't get any focus for the next month

I predict that the duel itself will be boring as fuck, and that there will be no meaningful character interaction or resolution throughout.

No kidding.
No other rival has a duel record as good as this

He's a good partner in the game desu, he literally always won alone, my shitty water deck don't even do nothing.

No lie, but as much as the emotional message coming from Yugo's side, there's literally nothing we know about Rin to make the duel feel powerful.

Reiji. Lost once, won every other time.

>5 No Results

That's some nice padding right there

This is fanmade? Very nice desu.

Eh, we've seen enough of Rin in the three flashbacks wev'e had to understand the emotional connection there.

Ruri is the one that's a bit more questionable.

How many No Result duels has each series has? I'm legitimately curious which series had the most fuels like that. For some reason, I'm thinking GX had the least and 5Ds had the most.

Rip in peace best boys


Arc V must be pretty high up there, all those really loose tag clusterfucks
I fucking hate how Arc V has made me hate Team duels

Okay anons, the writers decided to give you an opportunity the bring back a a character in he series that has either died/disappeared to never be seen again (Sergey, Jean, etc.) or uncard a single person (Hokuto, Hikage, Marco-sensei, etc.).
Which character do you pick? How do they reappear? Why did you pick them? Why would they make the series better?
Hard Mode: no Yuto

Holy Shit Shinji is such a faggot

>>(And yes I will still spam watch any episode where Asuka and the Yuzu clones duel)
Hilarious. That's what you get for being an annoying butthurt fag.

I swear NAC is giving hilarious meltdown.