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You need to archive that, friend
Have a bump and try again
I don;t know how
lets archive it
Thanks friend
it's just that tts acadamy scam again.
got you senpai
Can we take Blink 182 man at his word?
Well now, that's interesting.
We have no proof but someone who is really high ranking swears its true, no photos, no video, soon to be released if this is to be trusted, and not only a game changing thing, but a paragon changer to boot.
We could be under the biggest ruse of the world, or be under the next step, be it positive or negative, our technological boom might just accelerate to points byond thought possible, but that all depends on the veracity of this.
Ayy slaves, ayy dominators, new air scraft, physics defying tech, who knows whatl happen, I just wish its true.
Did you even read it? He says theyre going to release lots of videos. Not that grainy home footage stuff either he says
>paragon changer
Portuguese education
I don't know man. This could be fake news, I am having trouble finding out whether the people listed as involved in the academy were really involved in the CIA. But the CIA doesn't have an employers list or something like that. The proof will be in what this academy they are building will release to the public. If it is really out there then they probably have seen real ayy tech.
That's why I said "no photos, no video, soon to be released if this is to be trusted"
Wrong words but the meaning is clear.
The word you wanted was Paradigm
Isn't it illegal to release top secret stuff like this?
Gary Nolan is definitely a real person from Stanford who is very highly rated in genetics. So thats a plus. Having a tougher time with the other guys.
>Trusting anyone even tangentially related to the intelligence community
Wew lad. I said it before, this is precursor to BLUEBEAM.
Apparently it is only illegal if you release classifed info that for the "purpose of obtaining information respecting the national defense with intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of any foreign nation"
So maybe as long as they don't sell their secrets to china and the US doesn't suffer it's ok?
>Yfw they fake aliens to cover up their 30,000 year old child sacrificing pedo ring.
Of course they probably signed some sort of legal waiver when they first learned about the ayys but would it hold up in court?
old failed garbage story for a fundraiser w/ the blink 182 faggot
its funny because he acts like some authority on ayys because he wrote a song about them 15 years ago called "aliens exist"
you mean the same source that constantly spouts shit about 6,780 genders and saying that niggers are equal to whites?
>Huffpost posts literal bullshit nonstop
> Post something about aliums r real
> Sup Forums suddenly loves huffpost
Beat me to it... Can't tell if this thread is full of shills, retards, or both
people have posted here for literally years that the last hail mary of the elites when they lose control will be ayylmaos. the msm bringing out ayys just means we are really close to the whole fucking thing imploding
If Aliens wanted us as slaves they would have already shown themselves. All of what you said is bullshit because if what is being said is true (which I believe 100%) it would have happened already. The technological advancement these space beings would have is so far beyond what we have they could essentially do anything to us.
Bullshit, project blue beam is a fucking retarded dream made up from CIA trying to fuck with what is really happening. The only way that holograms work is to scare people make them confused they were going to use this shit against people who believed in Jesus to get them to throw down there weapons to worship Jebus or to just scare people. Thats the truth the government creates these fantastical larp to shut down any type of conversation.
this isn't really new if you remember the disclosure project from a few years ago there are tons and tons of creditable people some high ranking ex-military that said UFO/Aliums are real. If you actually look into how many you'll probably change your mind about it.
Antichrist might already be alive. We live in the age of deceit. Watch.
No I agree that big names are involved, and the cream of those studying strange phenomenology are watching closely and carefully.
Something stinks about it. Look at who is involved with Delonge, some very weird names. Look at his association with Freemasonry. Not trying to discount, just saying (as you already know) to watch and be careful. We got to be wary.
The only thing that comes to my mind is that the alien thread in which OP was suposedly a alien and that we told them to fuck off, called them space niggers and to crash at the moon.
If only if was true.
Aliens are a product of imagination that has ventured beyond the zodiac mirror which helped humanity build up the heavens.
If elites wanted to control you they would invent alien threats so that they could harness that intuitive fear of the unknown all of humanity has. Ignorant masses of sheep in space.
A culture of fear. From nibiru to non existent E.T.
Nevermind that it took millions of years for us to adapt to this environment. Why would aliens suddenly be able to survive disease upon arrival.
Aliens are fake news.
Pic related.
This is legit
No might be. Lucifer is alive. The dawnbringer. Harbinger of doom.
Delonge is a corrupt musician who works with (((them))). Earth is his interstellar spaceship.
Who is at the wheel steering the course of humanity? Jesus.
Who is attempting to stage a mutiny and overthrow him from his seat?
Satanic occult musicians who know the truth yet lie to the masses in order to make a quick buck or remain in the public spotlight. No saving their souls. They have made covenants with death himself.
As legit as Podesta the Molesta's emails about creepy pizza pasta.
As much as I would love aliens to be real, it's a stretch.
I'm sure there's intelligent life out there, i would bet on it. But for us to see them like we do now would indicate they're interested but won't touch us. So there's something stopping them, right? Disease? Or perhaps a stellar council?
Besides, the level of technology they would require to come scout us out and go home would be unimaginable. They would almost certainly require a method for faster then light travel.
If they asked us to become space pirates for them, wouldn't you say yes? Flips the Space Marine meme on it's head in an interesting way.
>not already knowing that ET's are real and that they even have a sense of humour
>Pedesta becomes the usher of the Ets
Can you imagine
Only reasons I'd want ayyliums to be real is if they got rid of all of our undesirables (~5+ billion "people") or just blew up this gay Earth altogether.
Based archiver!
Here comes project bluebeam
Yep (((they're))) pulling the final defense to distract us. Hey look aliens!!!
>deep black experience
What did they mean by this?
> unidentified flying objects are real
No fucking shit sherlock, I see UFOs every fucking day. Ever see a plane that was too high in the sky to tell what the model or tailnumber was?
Ok, who has the real pic of the alien?
So aliens are pedos also?
This is what the start of partial disclosure looks like. We don't want partial disclosure, we want full disclosure. Partial will just release hand picked info the keeps the bad guy's going with out hurting their reputation. Full disclosure included everything these people have done as well.
>Today marked the official launch of To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTS/AAS)
What does selling teen fiction books have to do with alien tech...
Yep this. There are literally so many things going on right now that it's hard to keep track of, but Trump is essentially trying to hit reset on the globalists plans. He is also waging a war against them through human trafficking Hollywood any NFL. He is trying to take down major distraction and political institutions. The elites are extremely dangerous and desperate right now. They will probably start rolling out with project blue beam. Get ready for a bunch of nameless literally who type deep state people coming out of the woodwork to offer specious or baseless claims about aliens to entice and distract people. Eventually they will start producing Real and Lai phenomenon to prevent the populist movement from reclaiming their country again
Pizza code has been compromised, now Podesta needs new code for child trafficking and abuse. Will use ayy lmaos.
Let's start cracking new code.
إكستراتيرستريالز السنوات الحالية آلاف لكونها أسباب هادفة داخل الأرض داخل المدخل الأساسي مكة لا يجوز
Literally none of it will be true, there are no aliens anywhere near us and the distances will never be crossed. For the duration of humanity's time in this universe we will be alone.
>being THIS ignorant
Opposite of ignorance, it is knowledge of physics and astronomy. There are and never have been any aliens here and quite literally never will be.
>tfw aliens are bioengineers
>tfw they are only revealing themselves because their most important population's genetics are at real risk
>knowledge of physics and astronomy
yeah, maybe what is known to us at the present time..at least what is known in the mainstream.
so the ayys are satanic beings from outer space coming for more child sacrifice?
Why don't you neck yourself if you think this is the apex of humanity because it must be all downhill from here.
He's going to argue that the 3 kids in his hot tub for "entertainment" were aliens. And their ages are hundreds of our years. There for he wasn't diddling kids
Why are libtards news outlets pushing for UFO so fucking hard now?
>not Norwegian
what is this?
I've never understood why people think it's so implausible for aliens to be here. I think deep down it's too scary so most dismiss it for that alone... Like so many other pressing issues we face.
Nigga /you're/ gay
Because John Podesta is one of them. He's a hybrid reptillian. The Reptillians are pissed at God and the gods for setting them aside for Humanoids with higher order thought ability, and it's just been one long giant galactic, hate fuck, the entire time.
Blue beam will be most epic troll fail in recorded human history, can't wait
Nice, seems like the American deep state is gearing up to carry out their false flag alien attack on planet earth.
Not gonna work. Not this time. Fuck their "genie in a bottle" push a button, hologram bullshit. They've been setting the predictive programming up for a long time. The Coachella celebrity holograms. The whale display in that Taiwanese mall or Hong Kong or w/e. But the reflexive, clever yet only simple minded reptillians have had to prepare it sooned than expected, just like they pushed the pedo agenda too fast. It's all going to come tumbling down on them. When the actual real aliens do arrive, it'll be to remove the forces on Earth that have manipulated all of Humanity into war and discord since history as we know it. The cabal is going down.
fuck off space niggers we're full, you can crash on the moon though
>thinking aliens traveled from a different planet not a different dimension
>thinking that distance between two points in space can not be crossed instantaneously with the appropriate technology
Might want to study some quantum physics.
>believing in the skin boogeyman
A sucker is born every day.
You're probably diabetic, faggot.
I was thinking this too.