Which is the worst country in europe according to Sup Forums?
My vote goes to Albania
Worst country in Europe thread
fucking shithole
Finland. Their women are disgusting.
what happens in Belarus?
None of these countries are in Europe.
are u fucking stupid, nigger?
>8 seconds
Even if that was true (It isn't), Finland has the best memes
Not much aside from producing tractors I think
These days? The Islamic Caliphate of France
Bongistan. Nobody else even close.
Finland is Europe.
Memes don't make up for Gorgons like pic related.
All of Southern Europe and Southeastern Europe equally. Especially Ukraine
Brazil is by far the worst.
You dumbass, he's saying it's a shithole because he doesn't want fucking yankees like you coming in because
The memes are too great.
Sweden for being such cucks. Though they are somewhat entertaining for this too.
I'm not American though and I don't plan on moving to Poland any time soon
Then remove the "like you" part of my sentence, and it's still 100% correct.
You got to recognize the memes. They say it's a shithole because they don't want anyone moving in.
The difference between the memes though is that Poland is actually a shithole, but yankees think otherwise.
Brazil is an european country.
We even border france.
Moldova, i think?
So do we, actually. Denmark too.
We border 2 European countries, making us twice as European.
Germany from 1945-Present
All memes aside, Moldova is objectively the shittiest country in Europe. Followed closely by Ukraine, Bulgaria and Serbia.
absolutely disgusting. i wouldn't let this swamp donkey suck my dog's dick.
true asf
Back to Mongolia Adrian migrant
We don't want your Ching Chong nonsense
Long live white Europe
Death to yellow Slavs
Only Estonians come close to being as ugly as Finns.
Albania or Moldova
United Kingdom
absolutely disgusting
Albania is heavy influenced by Slavic sphere of influence, so basically what slavs touch they turn it to shit, another example is also Greece from the greatest civilization and people in Europe to a backwater country since the Slavs did show up there.
So I name any Slavic country
Moldova is genuinely the worst, just a country of gypsies
Czech whatever
Turkish Greece
Romanian steak
Oh look all Slavs and or Slav mixtures
Asiatic hordes
Push them back
This is Europe
Sure thing Pyotr. I got your back.
Poland is a shithole where you make as much in 3 months as someone working below minimum wage in the west can make in 3 hours.
they ruined western civ for everyone
Allow me to put you off women forever.
I'm not slav though, I'm French. Why are you angry tonibler?
A leaf talking
Multiple heartfelt jejs
Communist cuck leader
Commie Britain lite
u re completely right, leafster
It's a draw between the UK and Sweden.
Albanians have this delusion where they think people like them
>faggot yankee actually getting offended
It's not your country, for one. Also, people in English speaking countries can't even fucking stand your tourists, what makes you think countries that don't even have Germanic languages would think of you?
Sure slob-a-dong
I know Asian descendants when I see them
Ching Chong bing bong
>not hating on other eu memberstates
What are you? A nationalist or something?
We need to make sure these shitgoyim kill eachother, its not safe with them ganging up on us. let's keep shitposting this nazi board more with dissentious material
First slav now even chinese? Wtf dude
stop shilling your women on a shitskin filled board, retard
kys subhuman
Yugoslavs* have this delusion where they think people like them and can tell them apart
Cuck leaf
Canada is completely irrelevant
No maple century
Cry to your Fidel Castro poster
C'est un pays que personne n'aime. Il doit compenser.
Sweden, because although analbania is shit and gay and filled with muslim shitskins, Sweden is like that but with more faggotry.
quebec nigger
Back, back you go
Yellow race not welcome
Carry shoes three times while ottoman fux
Ugh, jesus, is this what migrants are constantly trying to rape, our women are pretty ugly, but not their light years away from reaching this level of repulsiveness.
Sure thing, mutt.
How am I shilling? I'm pointing out how gross Finnish and Estonian women look.
dont worry burger, hes right
Who said anything about Quebec, just because I speak the language?
It's not good to be a monoligual, like the yankee.
It's was wrong of us to conquer them, now the Frenchies are dragging the nation down.
I don't speak surrender
In free market capitalism language please
Romanian steak?
Ugh this Albanian diaspora again....
kys subhuman omega shitskin
Poland for being a social shitstain on nationalism.
you realize those provinces are carried by oil and nothing else right?
Oh god, my eyes, I can never go erect again.
Why d you do this, burger-dono? I thought we were your first allies.
Fidel Castro is literally the man who cucked Trudeaus step father and have his mama a Cuban baby
This is your leader
Please stahp
Your embarrassing the maple syrup
Socialized labor
t. I've been there
Not really mate.
It can't be Russia cause that's an asiatic country
Boom roasted
toss up between sweden and france
Je ne te parlais pas, yank.
>implying that the only way a country can get rich is off oil
Tell that to every single European country that has no oil but still significantly higher GDP per capita than Qbec niggers.
>please stahp
>your embarrassing the mape syrup
Holy fuck, this is actually cringeworthy. What are you, 10?
You used the wrong "your" too, you dumbass. Niggers can't even speak English.
Seriously, if my only choice is celibacy for the rest of my life or having to marry something like this, I choose celibacy.
Except Albania was always shit.
You're not even a country
Spanish afterthought
All americans are niggers.
i'm not talking about European countries with 1000s of years of history, I'm talking about flat as fuck Sask and Alberta dude, they literally have a high gdp per capita because oil jobs and low population
You forgot Albania.
God damn, what a poor chick, her life must be horrible, she probably gets bullied 24/7 for that mug.
That's it man, this is too much, I think I might convert to traps, they are much more satisfying with their thick hair in their thighs, and crudely shaved beards.
Prague is super comfy user, sorry
Yellow Serbia and other asiatic hordes
Bright beach Slav detected
Boo hoo
Celebrate a 13th century loss
Yeah man, I mean, look at this nigger
Her fucking nog wide nostrils, her potruding jaws and dead looking eyes, her hair look like a horse's.
Who would even fuck this thick?
I'd rather eat maggots.
That actually does look pretty gross. The earlier pics actually looked good so I thought you were being sarcastic.
Prague is for weak cucks and chink tourists leaf, be quiet
ugh, Albanian banter is literally Arab tier....why did you people start coming to this site? Did you see it on CNN? Daily reminder, your national hero is half Serbian LOL
I think I agree. They look so much better than this slore. That stomach. I might puke again.
It's actually because Quebec is a shitty province. You realize Quebec is always on the verge of bankruptcy, right? That's why Alberta has to pay BILLIONS with a b in equalization payments, to save Quebec from bankruptcy.
Whether or not Alberta is good because of it's oil doesn't matter because Quebec has no one to blame but itself for why it's always toiling on economic collapse.
whatever you say Jamal LOL...where is Albania on this map? You aggressive monkeys were still in Turkey where you belonged.
Come live in Malmö you delusional faggot.
Albania, easily.
At least a shithole like moldova or ukraine is still christian.
She's probably the grossest woman on the planet.
Daily reminder you have no heroes except a balding prince William
You still kneel before your old colonial masters
Oh leaf
Say it isn't so
Papa Fidel it's me Justin
You communist son
That's because they don't wanna be in a union with us and will take all the free money from Anglos, are you surprised that they're trying to bankrupt Canada?
I actually am Asian. But I'd rather be a nigger than an Albanian.
LOL ok Jamal Mustafi
>highest GDP per capita by far
what goes on here? if you're going to live in a barren frozen wasteland Alberta, you may as well head to NWT for a big raise!
Crimean victim detected