Is there anything stupider than tiny hats? Why is it even a thing? Looks retarded even in 2D

Is there anything stupider than tiny hats? Why is it even a thing? Looks retarded even in 2D.

>Is there anything stupider than tiny hats?
You're waifu

>Is there anything stupider than tiny hats?
You're grammar

That sentence was grammatically correct though.

>not liking tiny hats

You are waifu?

Please do next time.

Maybe he IS waifu. You don't know.

>Fag comic on /a
Sup Forums is a christian board

>hating tiny hats

He is his wife?

>what is it with these fuckin' tiny hats

Hey, we passed that law last year, didn't we?

Yes, you don't own you're waifu, so saying your waifu would be incorrect. Therefore, it has to be you're waifu.


I fucking love tiny hats.


Deko is the queen of tiny hats

Your means association to something in this context retard. You are her husbando and she is your waifu


It's a waifufagging meme. Maybe lurk more, I'm done spoonfeeding you.


I love Deko's tiny cunny.

This needs to be an autoban.

Blog time:
>be 15, have older girlfriend, kinda quirky
>gettting down to business, know what I mean?
>girlfriend says this word, understand what she means but never heard it before, cringe a bit
>come to realize in recent years, after breaking up like a 6-7 years ago, this is common language in loli doujins

Fucking newfags.