California Makes It Illegal To Sell Non-Rescued Animals

So now every professional breeder in California is out of work permanently
gj commiefornia, putting 'muh puppy mill' boogieman ahead of business sense

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Can somebody photoshop a le 56% mongril face on that dog, too lazy

you ever been to a dog breeder's house? no?

ya, go fuck yourself. they cull the ones that are runts, and starve their animals.

Going to a store to buy a pet is fucked anyway. Either adopt from a shelter or reach out directly to a breeder.

It only covers breeders selling to pet stores. Those same breeders can still breed dogs they just have to sell them directly to consumers instead.


That only applies to pet stores. People can still go straight to the mills anyway

How society should be run

yeah, and anybody that does will be immediately turned off by how fucking disgusting those places are.

Good fuck them for living there.
Hopefully they move away.

Sactown resident here. Dog breeding is in nigger DNA.

There are no puppy mills, niggers just love breeding pit bulls. No licenses, no vaccination, no love. They hate the dogs but sell them to dog fighters.

This will only hurt white people.

puppy mills just sell dogs through websites like craigslist. they'll just claim every pupper is a rescue

who gives a shit? fuck off jew.

they would no doubt meet in some parking lot for the sale

Are you retarded user?

Puppy mills aren't a boogeyman, you ignorant faggot.


Breeders are fucking animals retard OP, they kill off the sick ones early on, and only sell the prime ones for thousands upon thousands. Not only will this ban also illegal dog meat processing, but it will also lower the stray dog population, and also demolish stray dog attacks etc. This is a good thing you fucking faggot cock sucker OP. Finally the commies actually did something worthwhile.

>rescue dog
Aka childkillers

God I hate women, and their obsession with "fixing" broken psychos

You're a cunt. This isn't far enough.

Actually see nothing wrong with. Dog breeders are generally subhuman trash

>'muh puppy mill' boogieman
Not a "boogieman if it's true. Keep being in denial
Only brainless niggers get dogs that originate from mills

Not true, sometimes the mother won't feed a runt in which case breeder or rescue i will die.

>t. puppy mill owner

neck yourself

This. If you want a dog, adopt one.

>he thinks illegals and chinks will stop kidnapping doggos to make into tacos and teryaki pork because a law is passed.

good, 99% of dog breeders should be dragged into the street and shot

>i will die.
ill miss you

Good, FUCK your unnecessary luxury dogs, stupid fuck.
Get a real job.

tfw have a pure, healthy, peak German shorthaired pointer pup who is a very very good boy

And? There are already too many animals. Why allow people to sell animals when there are shelters all over the world? Fucking RETARDED

But I have invested millions into my kennel??????!?!?!?!!

>if you want to help an animal stop them from breeding

good plan that will work out well

Then go back to China, bitch!

Why do leftist love animals more than people?

The only reason to own a pet is if you need it to serve a purpose like a guarddog and once it cannot perform anymore it should be put down

Fucking nu-males with pets make me sick

It's almost like central planning works better than for-profit marketplaces

If you want to help an animal put them in cages and create a system of breeding them like Mexicans for maximum profit...
>seems legit

Humans and dogs evolved side by side, nigger. Dogs understand humans better than women do.

>you ever been to a dog breeder's house? no?
>ya, go fuck yourself. they cull the ones that are runts, and starve their animals.
I have, Fag! Many! Everyone was impeccable.

So now you have to abandon your animals to get rid of them so that useless hippies can have a job rescuing them and selling them for profit.

Fascinating. Completely fascinating.

Which is how it should be done honestly

Well that's nothing like the ones I've seen. I went to a house where they sold 600 dollar American Staffs... kept them all in the cage like mutts in their own shit, whole house and yard smelled like shit, and they were a family of white niggers. Dog breeders are nothing but Jews, creating further deformed incestuous cancer creatures

yeah. those breadlines in former soviet union and Venezuela show central planning is where its at.

fucking dumbass

Humans used them as tools for hunting and guarding like we do with all animals or we just eat them.

They were wolves and with selective breeding we made monstrosities out of them that cannot survive without us

Hope you get mauled by a breed of peace dog

They've been working on this, nationwide for at least 10 years. I used to rescue. (Got out because my own girl was getting into the late stages of Degenerative Myelopathy)

Rescuers have become increasingly radicalized. Cities/ towns and states have been lobbied all to shit by Humane Society of the US & their offshoots- *whose head, Wayne Pacelle, has openly stated that they are working toward the extinction of all dogs. (They're cat lickers. At the same time, their "Trap and Release" Program is neutering and then releasing the ferals (who spread disease to humans, wildlife, and other pets) into neighborhoods regardless of the wishes of homeowners and completely without regard to the decimation of birds, small mammals, and amphibians. (Google it. The numbers will blow your mind. Oz & New Zealand can speak to the damage these predators do.) I've come to absolutely hate cats, in no small part due to fucking fanatics who "advocate" for them.

These groups- just like all lefties/ commies/ democrats are totalitarian; cramming their "for the greater good bullshit down people's throats via invasive, draconian legislation.

profit from whom if the problem is no ones buying them?


>Nazi flag
>implying Hitler didn't love his dogs more than people

Hah, get fucked. One thing California has done right.

your stupidity is painful, read:


For what reason?

This so much

Cats kill in the billions of animals in the US alone every year. retarded soyboys with pets that say they care about the environment make me laugh

Wehrmacht strapped bombs to dogs

inb4 california makes it illegal for whites to marry whites , (since it encourages nazism).

Daily reminder: The more laws a state has, the more corrupt it is.

Can tell a city faggot easily. Die in a fire, pussy nigger.


Not here. Because it's such a small country and it's harder to get away with animal abuse, in Nz its done out of love.
Great Danes especially.

Wow. Talk about anarcho-tyranny.
>niggers breed pits
>quick come-up mo
>system overwhelmed
>punish the law-abiding
niggers are a plague, they should all be sterilized


rescues aren't as cheap as they used to be

I got a dog from katrina back in 2005 for $100, a dog from the humane society is like $400 nowadays.

I picked up a shiba inu from a breeder for $1200 last week


>commies want to kill private business
Yes, that is literally what makes them commies.

>muh animal abuse
Choose a different breeder then, faggot. If that's an important issue free market will sort it out.

Aren't all rescue animals neutered? Is Commiefornia hating doggos and pussy?

the ONE thing that cali hasnt fucked up in the last what, five ten years.

t. californian still mad about the fucking grocery bag tax.

>California makes it illegal to adopt a non-pit

I was hoping to get my own dog, but we ended up getting a rescue for my sister-in-law instead
>$250 for the dumbest-ass mutt ever
>Actually minds really well, SIL just won't work with it
Just gotta wait for her to move her ass out

Oh. This is OK

You are completely full of bullshit. Puppt mills are a problem, certainly, and do breed & keep their animals in abhorrent conditions. The "animal rights" groups don't go for them. They go for ethical breeders *because* they're low hanging fruit, above board and easiest to reach and target.

Many of them have their own line of bullshit & I'm not particularly happy with AKC right now and a few breeders in particular, but compared to "animal rights" nazis (Sorry NS), they're a huge sight better. Compared to some rescues, they're worlds better.

Vets are not off the hook & for the life of me, I cannot figure out WTH they're doing. Big PhRma is killing our pets and vets aren't any better than doctors anymore. Even the vet hospitals.

**If you have your dogs on Ivermectn heartworm prevention, Do Your Homework. Do your homework, also, on autoimmune disease and vaccines. Google Dr Jean Dodds.
bnaturalsnewsletter, I think, has excellent information wrt to heartworm prevention.

When your dog is prescribed medication, look it up. There are more than a few drugs which have been pulled off the market for humans due to death and permanent damage. Duramaxx= Vioxx for example.
My regular vet (I have 4) actually tried to pass off Carpacin as a different drug than Rimadyl, which I had declined. My boy had been on Novox until I found out that it, too, was generic Rimadyl.
Why do they push this so hard? $$$$ They cause liver and kidney damage. Not only can it kill your dog, it means more money for them in required testing and treatment.)
Low dose Tramadol is more effective without the side effects.

and now begins the great puppy drowning

What makes you think people will PAY for animals that are otherwise adoption tier? You know, the dogs that are normally free or cheap? You think some tard looking for a $1,000 labradoodle to match her purse is buying a shitzu/shepherd mutt instead?

What zombie movie is this from?

fuck you, you dumb piece of shit. I bet you live in Roseville

Typing too fast in that last paragraph.

[Pulled of the market for humans and recycled into vet medicine. Duramaxx=Vioxx)]

It starts this way. California is a good example of where it goes next. At some point in the future, dogs will be targeted for intentional extinction & owning one will be illegal.

My dog eats grass when she's sick

Daily reminder that the majority of rescue pets can never be a safe selection for a home with small kids; any dog is a risk, but one that may have (for lack of a better word) triggers from it's life before you puts your child in great spontaneous danger.

Dog attacks will INCREASE (screencap this) as low-quality abused mutts are adopted at a higher rate than when professional breeders and rearers were available.

Also, literally all of hollywood's favorite breeds (toys) are now effectively outlawed, great job.

We need less pets here, they attract coyotes in south CA and can't fight them for shit. Rats aren't really a problem, and hunting is illegal in most areas.

I got a cap for you user.

>they attract coyotes
>hunting is illegal in most areas
Crazy stuff dude, no idea why it would be like that.

Exactly. This 'evolved from wolves' bullshit is exactly that- bullshit.

Salukis and Volpino Italiano are 2 of the breeds that go back at least 10,000 years. Artifacts have been found of Volpinos that had been buried with their owners, wearing ivory jewelry. (One of the UK websites had a fascinating article about this find)

Bedouins have used Salukis and falcons to hunt since time immemorial. They aren't available for purchase, but only given as gifts. Hideously, as mankind has deteriorated, abuse has crept in and there are now organizations who rescue Salukis in the Middle East, bringing them to the US & the UK for adoption (probably many parts of the EU).
Middle Eastern Saluki fanciers feed their animals cooked meals and flavor their water (which must be fresh or the owned Saluki won't drink it) with Rosewater.

Yes, you're more than right. Dogs understand us better- on every level, than any human we have ever known or will know.

There is literally nothing wrong with bonding to the only truly faithful companion you will ever have in this life.

^ this... if the mother suspects something is wrong with one of her offspring, she will leave it to die.

>Humane Society of the US & their offshoots- *whose head, Wayne Pacelle, has openly stated that they are working toward the extinction of all dogs. (They're cat lickers.

Holy fuck give me a source and I will unleash autism unlike you have ever seen.

>not wanting to buy rabies infested dogs with 2 legs.

Whats wrong with you goyim?

Yeah, in Venezuala you eat the pets. So much more efficient.

Researching HSUS, holy fuck what an unhinged group of subversive marxists! They are practically tranny-tier crazy! They don't spend a fucking dime on helping animals and are constantly clamoring for government intervention.

This org needs to burn.

Gonna need a sauce on that, user.

That was the Russians you silly little islamist.

hmm what could they be up to?

literal genocide of purebreed doggos? can't legally breed or sell pure breeds anymore? cause that's what it sounds like.

What does that mean? Newfagette enough that I don't know.


It means "source". Where do they say they are working towards the open extinction of dogs?

Thanks, now post your tits or get back to lurking until you learn how to behave properly.

>gj commiefornia, putting 'muh puppy mill' boogieman ahead of business sense

It appears that even if you are licensed by the US Department of Agriculture, submit to regular inspection, and abide by all regulations the Humane Society will still consider a business a "puppy-mill" if it is a "commercial" operation. This amorphous definition and unacceptable. It is borderline slanderous to imply that a breeder is a "puppy-mill" when they are licensed by the USDA, comply with regulations, and submit to regular inspections.

Puppymills are run mostly by spics and white-niggers. They aren't the same as respectable dog-breeders (those who own one or two breeding pair, and don't make litters of puppies like an industrial machine).

Give me a few days. My email is spammed to hell and I haven't checked it except to log in & out in nearly a year.

If you're anxious, you can contact Responsible Pet Owners Alliance ( and they should have that information nearer at hand.
They do good work, fighting the Texas Humane Legislation Network at the state capital in Austin.

I don't give a fuck about doggos in a general sense, I'm here to BTFO commies.

>American Staffs

>buy a nigger tier dog
>owners act like niggers

Quelle surprise!

Anecdotal evidence? We should make laws based on this at once!

Oh Darlin. I'm 62 years old, have had a 38DD bustline and go braless probably 80% of the time, all my life. This is not a scene you would like to see (lol and husband would surely frown on it)

My usefulness is in the kitchen and if you needs somebody's butt kicked.

puppy mills are bad and breeders can still sell their animals to people directly without the pet store middle man. this is a non issue.