>his country's culture needs an homogenous race or a strict society to exist
we are truly superior
Other urls found in this thread:
Brazilian "E3"
Brazilian organization
Brazilian high vydiagaymes tec
>his country is scribbles on a map
>his country isnt biological aka true
We are sopa de macaco FOREEEEVER
Are you jelously white boys? You never ever GET A SOPA! ONLY HUE CHADS GET A SOPA DE MACACO!!!!
Wherever you are, I'll be there too, grabbing your mug girls for my collection.
>truly superior
>half the country is a slum
you have a weird definiton of superior
jesus christ, atleast campus party is still something, right ... ?
>using jewbook
what happens if you fap to this qt?
you kill niggers if you fap to ebola chan
>OP's image
>a girl
You may only reply to this post if your country's GDP per capita is equal or greater than the price of a new 2017 Honda Civic
he judges other countries based on how little fat disgusting gamers there are
>plummets the price of commodities worldwide
>lol you guys are subhumans lmao!
>dysgenic socialist heaven
>rampant crime & shithole
GEE who would've guessed.
ah yes clearly genetic is at fault for our crime, not the fact that euros need their daily dose of cocaine and that americans/euros profit from us killing each other and buying their guns
>it's everyone else's fault!
Jewish too. Heh.
Now crawl in the mud, we're coming for your natural resources one global warming really kicks in.
>biggest buyers of cocaine in the world are first world countries, especially the US and the UK
>biggest suppliers of cocaine are Mexico and Brazil which got the biggest murder rates of LatAm
>the cities with the biggest murder rate numbers are the ones near the US border or near the international ports that are gateway to Europe
>all cartels are supplied with foreign guns and backed by foreign money and agents, even intelligence agencies
Shitposting aside, what's it like knowing that you're probably getting invaded and killed in the near future?
>we are truly superior
nigga you serious?
You should know better than me, not a single country hates us, but the US on the other hand
where'd the rainforest nigger get that ceramic mug?
Congratulations on all the progress stamping out your 'car wash' corruption.
I wish you the best and hope the anti-corruption operation continues to go well.
>we are truly superior
Genetics is at fault for our crimes.
Why is Canada not a shithole if it's USA's drug problem fault?
Super high IQ and great genetics on display. So attractive.
bevause the drug is produced at colombia and bolivia. The drug corridor is basically the whole central america to the US and basically cartels kill themselves over to be the middleman between the production and distribution
How is Sao Paulo? I'm thinking of going there to find a brazilian qt, but I'd like to make it back alive
>implying we exist
kys favelado
Is it bad that I want to race mix with them?
Can the hairless gene be transferred to European women?
As a brazilian shitskin, I have to agree. It's sad but true.
that's a porn shoot nigger
Would both no remorse
>hairless gene
Moron, they use some kind of resin to get rid of the hairs.
wrong they are hairless
They have less hair.
Indios don't have body hair. I used to live in a mestizo/native majority town I get called werewolf just because i have hair in my legs, body, chest.
Some Indios cant even grow beards
Evolution buddy.
I heard 3 of your southern states wish to break off
>3 states
you mean the bankrupt communist state of Rio Grande do Sul?
thats actually a good sign
O Sul é o Meu País
Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina
come again about how all the people in your country live in harmony?
Rio Grande is the biggest shill for the movement.
And they are literally a communist bankrupt state.
90% of their population vote left parties and their women are all SJW whores. Must be the german genes taking place.
As long as Brasilia keeps sucking off everyones money then yes
Please post more
>dumb niggers vote commies into power, stop working, live off gibs and rob the white working people keeping the country running
Genetics is at fault yes.
I'm from the south, and there are almost no support for this movement around here... most people that support it are tagged as racist
Retard movement
0,1% da população é de indios.
>macacos se passando por indio
não, isso não é legal
Brazil doesnt have culture.
t. indian specialist
stfu, dumb kraut