Time Travel Shoujo

Why aren't more people talking about this? This show is great fun. The girls are cute, the scientists are all likeable based lolicon Franklin and it's surprisingly historically accurate.

Even if you study physics, you never learn (most of) the history behind it. I was surprised to learn that Faraday had no formal education and was just a poor blacksmith's son. But apparently that's true, as well as Faraday publishing Davy's work without permission, and Davy's wife being a huge cunt.

So what's your excuse, user? Why aren't you watching this fun, educational series?

I want to do mean things to Mari.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Why aren't more people talking about this?
Because they're busy sperging on THAT other show.

I'm watching MariWaka but on my own time and it's mostly because Aki and Minako (all of Sphere, actually) are in it

The show's kinda cute btw

More Americans will come to talk about it if the scientist of the scientist of the week is a famous American.

Because the artwork is really shitty

People really like to talk about it when the Church gets involved.

It's quite the ugly sight honestly, I prefer it this way.

There was big thread that died just few hours ago.

There is really nothing much to talk about.
Other than time paradoxes and how Waka is retard.

How so?

This is becoming one of my favorite shows of the season, I wish every educational series was like this. And there are a lot of people talking about it after every episode, the threads are pretty long and lively. It's just that since it's not Re:Zero or something equally memetic it's not getting mentioned much between airings.

I'm probably gonna head to Coursera or something to get a refresher on physics after this ends because my school course was only formulas and no fun allowed (it's how they teach everything here, really) and 10+ years ago, to boot.

Oh shit, forgot about this week's episode.

This show kind of reminds me of Spellbinder

You come in knowing very well it's a simple kids show and every episode you're in for a nice surprise when it does something genuinely cool. And Spellbinder was all about electromagnetism too.

>same studio that animated Mars of Destruction

Magnets yo

If there's anything I learned from anime, it's that magnets are pretty damn awesome

What an asshole, guess he is being a patron and shit to him means faraday cant do shit. Bretty good episode, looking forward to waka being left alone.

Damn, I love the visual comedy in this show. Funny off-model expressions are underused in new anime. It takes a low budget show to have them.

>Why aren't more people talking about this?
You should be glad. We can have fun threads, instead of perpetual shitposting.


You just reminded me on how there are jokes comparing this anime to Re:Zero when the first episode aired.

I swear he looks like Dio


Wasn't there Benjamin Franklin in one of the earlier episodes or does he not count since he was born before America was created?

Is Mari Doctor's mother?

I'm screencapping way too many of these faces, Waka rivals Hime from Hapicha Precure.

Waka-chan is super cute. Last thread died before I could post my cute screenshots of her.


Me too.



this show has a totally wierd tone
it doesn't feel like anime at all
it feels like an american educational kids show

That's basically what it is.


Just 1 of her episode getting into time travel shenanigans and she already this cute.

>it feels like an american educational kids show
It's nothing like a NRA safety video. You know nothing about American education.



Because you missed the other thread.
Welcome to Club Argevollen, enjoy your stay.


There's a reason we call it "magical school bus", you know.

Culture shock!

Because of vectors.

Faraday accepting he was lacking in proper mathematical training made me hope they'll have Maxwell make at least a brief cameo.


Well, the backgrounds aren't bad, but the character designs are stuck in 2003

Absolute harlots.

That's a bad thing?

I've only watched the first 'arc' but it seems like japanese magic schoolbus

which is kind of nice i guess

I still listen to the OP/EDs sometimes, good to know people still remember. Feel like I've been in this club for a while now without realizing it.

>Why aren't more people talking about this?
Because it's literally shit edutainment trash?
Just because it's Japanese doesn't make it any better than whatever bullshit you find on your local "science" channel.

Of course I remember, I'm the person who did the BD batch.

No one western (or at least, american) has made an edutainment cartoon in a decade.

Also damn blues clues went on till 2007

>based Franklin
>Not on death row for being a freemason
It's a shame I can't take western history seriously anymore.

>Because it's literally shit edutainment trash?
>I hate things that are both fun and educational

This anime is better than 90% of the shows airing this season.

I want to cum inside Mari.

>local "science" channel
All there is are stupid reality shows, "alium/super secret cience/shitty speculation sows hosted by retards" and comedy oriented shows with a bit of science sprinkled in to justify airing them in a "science" channel. American television is utter crap.

How is this edutainment when there's a woman showing off her tits

Funnily enough one of the only good american shows unabashedly copies a lot of popular anime.

Doesn't Ancient Aliens air on the history channel, which normally is supposed to be educational?

>history channel, which normally is supposed to be educational?

History channel hasn't been "educational" for a long ass time.

It used to be the WW2 channel, which was sort of educational I guess.

I miss Mythbusters

sadly there won't be a SS.
fuck this gay earth.


history channel is shit, and discovery channel also went to shit decades ago.
now they only air shitty shows.

I'm sure that the Benjamin Franklin episode did in fact have lots of discussion going on.


Help! I want to fuck Mari-chan!


get in line, after we fuck mari, baka is next. I mean waka.

somehow I still enjoy Pawn Stars (my dad and I like the Old Man aka Rick's father a lot because of how he shit on Rick and Corey everytime he has the chance).

Too bad the old man doesnt appear so much in later seasons.

>edutainment show for kids
What the fuck is the matter with you?

Well i guess Pawn Stars is still enjoyable, I mean my family still watch it while I already got bored of it.

Old Man is best pawn star.

This anime is good 2behonest. The only thing I hate is the OP song, but the designs are okey for a low budget show that does not focus school life.

Those are fucking everywhere.

A-user I got some news for you.
Freemasons were the gud guys all along.