Who does Truml appeal to other than boring white people?

Who does Truml appeal to other than boring white people?

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>Who does Truml appeal to other than boring white people?

Boring white Americans

we have an extreme amount of underground bands


>oh no that sucks

Boring being people who like to fuck people of legal age?

>liberals think everyone worships celebrities like they do

Why is the left so degenerate? and what can we do to help them?

wow sure got me looks like i support faggotry welfare systems communism women having power of men anti facism meanwhile slurping up every drop of jewish seed now

>nigger music

But we didn't lose the presidency

non-illegal drug users but those who drink alcohol

>implying I give a shit about any of the things listed besides Kid Rock

we lost
>BET white boy
oh im laffin

>implying that isn't a good thing
kek, liking hollywood now a days is a badge that you're a complete faggot

>things that don't matter don't like the president
You must have me confused with someone who gives a fuck what these niggers think.

>Implying conservatives wanted or cared about Jewish media like (((NFL))), (((Hollywood))), (((NBA))) and Niggers

The funny irony is society has evolved past materialism,celebrities and niggers.

>Implying that we wouldn't rather have Kid Rock

Oh no, I lost a bunch of garbage I never cared about in the first place.

Like I wanna be my man
I don't wanna be Eminem v.2, he is a leftist can't,I am not....
>Moral_judgement.exe has stopped working
>Would you like to:
>Do the same shit he did
>Do what you wanna do

ITT: Camelfuckers attempting logic.

We'll always have Taytay so we're fine.

>lost woman abuser, crack dealer, queers, jew rapists, and thugs

How do you lose something you never had?

Rap wow. No thanks.

That stupid play that a bunch of snobby rich white liberals watch? Jesus Christ.

John Wick is the only movie I can remember really wanting to see recently. The rest is garbage not even for political reasons.

Don't care about sports but the league and majority of Americans think they should stand.

>People of color
Haha, that's cute.

What else did I lose? A rotten cherry on the side of the road? Woe is me.

Everything on that list is a win though.

Lol a bunch of washed up middle aged cunts still thinking they're 20

We got everyone under the age of 30, save for cucks and degenerates

K? Thanks

>eminem jay-z hamilton hollywood nfl nba and niggers


>lost Hamilton
Yeah, no...something tells me they were never Trump fans to begin with.


the left cares so much about entertainment because thats all they have. their NEET lifestyle is isolating and antisocial. the rest of us have families, rewarding careers, and friends to keep us company. leftists watch 14 hours of netflix a day in between upvoting drumpf memes on leddit. theyd support building the wall if harry potter told them to. this is no big loss for us, but they see it as a huge win for them. let them have this one boys, its all they got.

If we've learned anything this week, it's that most, if not all, celebrities are literally prostitutes selected not for their talent, but for their ability to grin while taking a cumshot to the face. If you base your opinions on what celebrities are told to think, it is your duty to strengthen the gene pool by killing yourself right now.

Where's his hat?


And IF I want to consume their products I still can....

Oh no we 'lost' washed up celebrities trying to be relevant in 2017.. even though we can still listen to their old shit if we want to so this doesn't actually affect us
Oh no
White people could never live without niggers saying children's rhymes over a simplified Congo beat!!
We could never make such profound art!


You mean....
They lost us. Faggot.