Why are pornstars looked down on by society?

Pornstars contribute more in taxes on average for their age than others in their age bracket (who are usually in debt). It's arguable that they're subsidizing the conditions which allow for so many people to take on college debt without contributing to the aging population. Yet we praise people with useless degrees and see them as better than pornstars. Why?

Pornstars negotiate rigorous legal contracts to create a product which enables numerous peripheral industries to profit, which creates jobs and contributes even more in taxes. Pornstars have done more for the economy than any politician has, and are generally better people than politicians. Yet we treat politicians as a more accomplished class of people and pornstars as a less accomplished class. Why?

There are numerous arguments to be made that pornstars deserve respect for their contributions to society and should be considered qualified to run for office. Opinions?

they literally suck dick for money

>Why are pornstars looked down on by society?
Maybe because porn has turned me into an ultra cuck virgin and instead of blaming myself I'd rather blame the people behind making the porn that I jerk off to everyday.

>Why are literal whores looked down on by civilized society?

>Pornstars contribute more in taxes
No they don't.
Their """"""work"""""" is not even productive, there's enough porn already, with millions and millions of videos floating on the internet.

>muh taxes
>muh profit
>muh economics muhfugga

Jesus christ I hate this country, full of pseudo-Jews

Is an actor doing a scene drinking coffee just drinking coffee for money?

Are they the same as anyone drinking coffee starbucks?

>paying for the conditions that make your life better

>looking down on them instead of giving them due respect

How many checks have you written to pay them back? Oh right none.

most people don't consider drinking coffee for money to be repulsive, failed analogy

strong reading comprehension

get genital worms you godless scumbag, porn and sexual sin is destroying western society

Give your money to your kids school instead your to your wife being fucked by Jamal? 99/100 yes

Who cares what people think is repulsive? It's completely subjective.

Yeah, porn. The only thing giving men and boys any control over this fucked up sexual market.

>sex is repulsive
The state of western civilization

Fuck off Jew. Your filth is destroying family support networks and our birth rates. Porn is why we have to gas all you disgusting fucks.

>birth rates
Because if there's one thing we need in a world of unemployment and dwindling resources it's more people.

The only people who no one respects are the women of Blacked.

>escapism is control

big cocked male porn stars, fuck yeah.

Are you a fucking moron, OP?

sry man, i didnt mean to give u pleasure

who says anything about me wanting 2 fk Jamal Abdul Hussein, my dick would never get hard

porn makes me horny; being horny makes me fuck; fucking gives me money

so go complain about athletes.., they make far more than i can

im bi btw [pic-related] -- its me in my old house :3; i also have 2yrs in medical & plan on being in the military 4 my country


>pornstars deserve respect
>glorified whores deserve respect
Who in his mind will respect a fucking whore?

had a dream about that -- it was ironic; was like if a King fucked the best of the best, & they were only loyal 2 the Kings, r they really sluts?

fucking their way up the hierarchy i think is the theme -- u'll never b able 2 tell what the 'slut' does

My GF is a non-nude camgirl. She makes around $40k a month and pays almost $20k of that in taxes. Life's pretty sweet.

I am not a native speaker, but I want to butcher you for what you did to english.

I guess pornstars are more true than any woman, they basically out themselves as goldiggers, if you get with one, you basically know what you should expect right?

the goal of communication is 4 conveying a message -- i have a gun if u'd like 2 know b4 atking me; semantics is subjective, & so r u

Do you speak like a retard deliberately?

of course

Ah I see now the error of my ways.

1) Terrible actors.
2) Work to terrible scripts.
3) Perverts.

It's hard to find any decent red blooded American Porn these days. It's all Jewish race mixing and sodomy.

I swear to god I've seen so many of these threads.
Do we have a pornstar lurker around?

>whyare individuals who literally sell their bodies for a living looked down on by society?

i understand brother/sister

There are no girls on the internet

>why are "humans" who reduce their existence to enacting reproduction of their species are looked down on by society???

t. alien

i dont think any1 can tell what the difference is anymore 2 b honest

Girls(male) don't count my burger friend.

if i were evil i would fuck every slut i see: everyslut in a festival, party, club, whatever...., its ezier than u imagine, basing this off what u said; i dont even need 2 pay child support

i dont understand u

& my genes r perpetuated infinitely; without any consequence

I meant trannies and femboys don't count as females being on the internet.

trannies & fems will b technologically understood: they can change their gender, & afterwords u would have no thinking that they r not what they want themselves 2 b (((a male or a female; u cant tell anymore)))


btw; all of us i think want Eden/Paradise

no man or woman would reject love/pleasure/sinless-pleasure

y should we/us die then?

at all

Welcome to reality

im already here brother

wana prove me wrong :3?

About what?

Perhaps because they spread aids? Kill themselves and cause economic growth to mobsters?

i dont know what u even r or is now dude

i say: i want what my Constitution says: 'u r free 2 do whatever u want, so long as all Other's can do the same'

my brain hurts now

I can tell, your posts are becoming very difficult to distinguish.

it isnt mutual anymore then?

Actors drinking coffee in a scene, are generally pretending to drink coffee. The cup is generally empty.

Your thinking is repulsive. Your comment is a sad commentary on your crippled state of mind.

You sell your body and it's ability to do tasks every time you go to work.

I just honestly don't have a clue what you're talking about.

me too -- im drunk so idk

>At what point is it not slavery....

At the point where you agree to do the task for the money or goods you receive in exchange for your labor. It's that simple. The worker always has the right to say "No". The slave does not.

The fact that the worker might choose to do something which they find tiresome or annoying because they owe 40k in student loans, or 40k in credit card debt, or because they have a 300k mortgage and a family to support doesn't enter into the equation. Those are chains which the worker has put on their own wrists all by themselves.

>Pornstars contribute more in taxes on average for their age than others in their age bracket (who are usually in debt)

Lol probably not

Politics shouldn't be a popularity contest. The people who hold office should have some knowledge of what it is that they're governing. I don't have anything against pornstars, but claiming that they have any of the experience needed to become a successful politician is fucking dumb.

>selling ones body and dignity for money
>is qualified to run for office

She could of had an amazing career if she did high quality porn and not nigger gang bangs. Mias career died after she stopped fucking white dudes and started fucking ghetto niggers.