What the fuck is up with South Korea?

Why does South Korean government funded music push race-mixing just as much as the Jews push race-mixing in Hollywood?

There are countless South Korean music videos pushing women to want white aryan men, this video even has a pepe/kek-looking frog in it.

What is the purpose of this? Doesn't this make SK men angry? Does it have anything to do with the fact that SK government is potentially run by a shadow government?

Other urls found in this thread:



The answer is always Jews

that video was absolutely ridiculous

SK men are busy working for Samsung

you tell me

Fuck off with these retarded racebaiting threads, you incel yellow fever degenerates. K-Pop bitches are thots but they still don't want anything to do with neckbeards like you. Just kill yourself already.

K-Pop men with white women is far more common than the reverse. Many male K-Pop stars exclusively date blonde white women, but there are no female K-Pop stars with white men.

"We need to make our propaganda aimed to the west. This is the only way for us to gain their support against North Korea."

Chang, why are you so mad?


Because you pro-miscegenation retards are in denial of the inevitable aftermath of the Korean invasion.

That girl looks 12. I understand why dudes want to fuck asians but why on earth would you want to come home to that shit for the rest of your life? I like my woman to have a nice white face.

how can yellow bois even compete ?

this user
is right


Shut up, weeb

Looks like a basic frog and prince analogy. Hardly comparable to Western Jewish race mixing propaganda.


Also in your pic, they are modeling together and are dating IRL too

is it ok for whites to breed with asian women?


That Asian thot is literally a 2/10 at best. It's more like how can yellow girls compete?

no one asked you anything ahmed.

Globalists governments want the world to be united under a liberal democratic capitalist system, where the people are brown with an average IQ of 95.


Says the nethercuck

I hate gooks

You have no room to talk. Compared to the modern Dutch woman, Swedish women are still wholesome, which is saying a lot.

The only reason a chinaman can get a white woman is because he is super chad. Where as any fugly white dude can get a 10/10 chinawoman.

Asian women were made for BWC.

We consider whites as good race mixing material. Good genetic future due to both races having high potentials. Investment in the future, u like you westerns investing in the downfall of your own kin.

>tfw feminine male
I cry and like to cuddle

Is South Korea the most (((westernized))) nation of Asia?

Asian women are for Beta White Cucks? Yes, that's true.

Not gonna lie, I have fapped to all of Twice's videos. I want to lick the short haired ones butthole pretty bad desu.

Japan is far more degenerate, but South Korea has been Jewy ever since K-Pop became mainstream. Music industry is as degenerate as Hollywood.

A lot of East Asians, especially Koreans and Chinese, believe natural Asian looks are ugly—especially the women. They hate almost everything about themselves. They hate their eyelids, they hate their eye color, they hate their noses, they think their skin isn't light enough, et cetera. They think European facial features and hair color are the epitome of beauty, which is why you see such an insane amount of them paying thousands of American dollars for plastic surgery trying to fix every thing under the sun. It's why skin bleaching cream is a common thing in Asia, it's why colored contacts are more common, and it's why so many of them try to marry white men. They think it will make their children look prettier, that they'll be taller, that it will fix everything they believe is wrong with themselves.

>Swedish women are still wholesome

lole. what can I even say to this? you're just another empty minded americunt, I can't take you and anything you say serious.
I console myself with the knowledge that we didn't elect a nigger muslim to be our president for eight fucking years, and now a literal empty minded orange. And you believe that you will once achieve true race based nationalism/national socialism. Multi ethnicity is part of your country and has always been part of your country, and that will never change.

wait... isn't your post race baiting too? kys chink retard, just because it's race bait in a direction you don't like doesn't mean you can throw a hissy fit, cock eyes

Any Arinbros here?

Just a reminder that PoisonIvy did nothing wrong

that fucking photo is such bait. the average white woman does not look like that.

Triggered yellow fever incel can't accept reality. AMWF is rampant in K-Pop. The other way around doesn't exist because K-Pop hoes don't want your tiny cracker crumb dicklet.

White girls are made for BAC.


literally 1 sam hyde and a legion of you gooks scurry away, what fucking korean invasion back to samsung, chang

>They think European facial features and hair color are the epitome of beauty,

Then why arent' they importing whites by the millions into their nation? They will mix and become more European looking.

Makes sense, but while nips are godless degenerates at least they don't have paintings of black children wearing some sort of Asian clothing on their buildings

Yes. They've been a testbed for a while now, they got lazy about hiding it.

>thread about SK degeneracy
>immediately derailed by AWMF LARPing by some butthurt gook

Explain to me why Kim is the bad guy again for wanting to glass SK?

Meanwhile in reality, Korean men are cucking whites by taking all the hottest blonde white girls.



Thank you for explaining mr burger, a lot of ur countryfolk live here south of namsam mountain in seoul. Many niggers tho

you do understand that your top 1% of men favoring to ruin their genes by race mixing with superior yet undesirable white genes is a bad thing for your race, right? and the fact of the matter is that white males are still the most desirable race/gender across the board if for nothing than simply because we're the most wealthy individuals in with world, nothing will change that.

Oh wait, I know something that will change that, go back to your shit hole of a country and try to salvage something out of it. JK you won't, you'll just keep consuming western influenced media worshiping "artists" that spend millions of dollars mutilating their faces to look more like their white gods. Keep those gook eyes closed, chang.

>thread literally about WMAF LARPing where none exists
>claims it's about Korean degeneracy but OP is clearly a yellow fever incel butthurt that AMWF is rampant in K-Pop but none exists the other way around.

Remind me why I'm supposed to feel bad that Canada is being cucked by Asian immigrants?

Heejin is the attractive member of LOONA. That girl. No thank you.

Korean culture and society is very drone-like. Unfortunately this makes Asians susceptible to western social engineering.

K-pop is actual done by the government to push local culture and looks. It's why they don't generally allow non-asian looking people into the industry. They also do the same thing with hip hop to make sure young gooks don't worship the western blacks.

k-pop having a few white males or white females in it is an exception to the norm. It's a pro-korean cultural warfare venture and is far more redpilled than taylor swift or other shit.

K-pop is not Korean culture.

The Arab guy is white too. Lol.

Read unrestricted warfare.

K-pop is a pro-korean pop culture movement. It's "pop" music so it's not going to appeal to music buffs or whatever. It never was meant to. It's meant to appeal to young people across the world so the cultural value of korea improves.

Yes, if it was some retarded folk throat singing it would be "Authentic" but they aren't trying to be authentic. It's meant to replace foreign music so young koreans aren't just listening to jpop and usa trendy music.

ITT: Sup Forums finds a reason to post kpop pictures

Just go to /bant/ for that shit, they have a whole general thead

OK, I get what you mean now.

OP must be a hapa pseudomale. Go trap and fuck off. Gook women crave the sweetbleech of Whitespunk.

They want to produce human offspring, so they must start with a White male.

The idea is you get entire generations of people around the world who grew up listening to kpop and liking korean stars. especially in the asia region.

This creates value decades later when these are professionals etc who have a fondness for Korea. Cultural warfare is everywhere. It will help Samsung, Kia, etc sell their products around the world. In the 80's and 90's Korean products had to pretend to be japanese just to sell.

It's why hollywood has so much influence from CIA and Gov.

>GOM and Afreeca play 100% American music

Explain that.

No I only love grandmas

there's at least the same amount of kpop music videos featuring white females (if not more), so it's fine

Taylor Swift's boyfriend is Korean. She couldn't resist that BKC.



what a garbage thread.

K-Pop stars are few, while bar sloots like OPs mother are common.

So if I go to an Asian country, will I have hordes of slant-eyed sluts throwing themselves at me?

tswift has fucked everyone

The ones that look like this will.

so with the subhuman conversion scale a happa is like what, 70% human. white is 100%, obviously. nigger and white drops to below 50% range, probably like 20% human, if that.

It depends on location. Do the math.

If a location has no white people in it or has very few tourists you have that reaction.

Assume there is a population of 99% asian and there are 100 white tourists a year.

If 0.1% of those asians have white fever they will throw themselves on you. It's supply / demand and your relative attractiveness.

Even if 80% would never fuck a white guy, you will still have endless pussy in that circumstance. It doesn't matter what the general trend of asian women is. It matters what their demands are and what the supply is.

It is probably trying to normalize or push the boundaries of what types of mixing is accepted in society. First white people, then others like south east asians, MENA, Indians, africans. The world is getting smaller and world demography is changing.



but why can asian man date white woman?

there are few but it's not exactly common


>sweetbleech of whitespunk

The future isn't dictated by such predictions. Europe conquered the world just because of industrialization. Just take a glance at biotech, genetic engineering, advances in "AI" and other areas to know that such limited predictions are pointless.

It's more likely that Korea produces super-human embryos in factories than that it imports 2 million africans.

what is her problem? settle down with a white man already, thot.

right here senpai

They don't even touch the white guy in those videos though while Junsu and BigBang literally make out with the white girls in their videos.



I was very successful with women in the past, but I think that these days they are all programmed to go for the nigger cock, and it pisses me off. I miss the days when I could slay 3 bitches every week. Even though I'm not into their gooky eyes, and I'm against race mixing, I'm interested in going to slopeland for a while. Maybe Japan. I really want to see Hokkaido

What you said is true. Hiphop is popular among young Koreans. Jpop got influenced by Western music from the 70s and 80s, and the Japanese never really changed the formula because they hate change which is why they still use fax machines and VHS casettes and hate credit cards. Kpop OTOH got influenced by Western music from the 90s and 00s which is why there's a big hiphop influence in Kpop. Hiphop is the next big thing in China though. They recently had a show called Rap of China based on a Korean rap show and hiphop is exploding in popularity in China.

kek, this post seems to have struck a cord with you

Yeah they're pushing for race mixing, but at least the push racemixing with some race that's capable.
Western governments and media dont push for mixing with asians, ohh no they greatly prefer mixing with africans or arabs.

overtime the korean will be more diverse like the rest of the system. Africans and other non koreans will study at SK univerities. Koreans will move abroad, for jobs and education. As people have more contact with each other, they will have intercultural contact. aswell as intermarriage and interbreeding. it is inevitble, it is beautiful.
That is why i think this introduciton of non major foreign grups in korean pop culture is all about moving the fence post.

There is something about hiphop that Asians love.

- It shows off spending lots of money
- It's all about how rich you dress
- It's all about bragging about these things

It's like hip hop is perfectly suited for a lot of Asian personalities not to mention it has a feeling of rebellion to it.

The weird thing is that asian hip hop has a parody or satirical element to it. It's very strange.

Why does everyone fight over white women? Why do all minorities base their worth on how white women see them? What the fuck is wrong with you faggots? Love your own race.

globalism is a failure, keep dreaming about it. I wouldn't worry about it in Asia. By the times such demographic shifts could effect those countries far more influential technologies will be around.

Africans and arabs will reach a higher iq once they get wealthier and have acces to better nutrition.

Absolutly not, a pitch black mandingo going out with the cutest, whitest arian girl, in a conservative town in the south (in america) would get more acceptance than a SK girl going out with a foreinger, if the guy is anglo/germanic then maybe some people wont mind, but the majority would still be butthurt.
t. lived there for a while, didn't have a GF but got to see how it is with others.

The biggest flaw in these demented gooks minds is that all the features that they consider to be most attractive for their top-tier men are literally just white features.

This is the type of guy who is a sexpat. Fucking pathetic.

>this video even has a pepe/kek-looking frog in it.
>doesn't know about prince/princess toadstool trope
ya'll kids are fucked in the head yo

Hasn't worked out like that anyhere, you mong. How do these stupid ideas get traction when even 5 minutes on Google would prove them wrong.

so fucking mad lmao

globalism as a ideology might be failing, but globalization as a global trend is not.

why do you support them, they hae you. It is better to have the world join into one unified political entity. there will be some bumps in the road.

>amerishart education
That country literally exists because of you. What a surprise they're degenerates, right?

Completely false
See pic
Whites ALWAYS fare better, no matter the factors.

>n-no asian girls aren't obsessed with white men. White girls w-want the BAC

so fucking delusional. I prefer that everyone stays within their own race, but c'mon. Asian women are the biggest race traitors in the world