And into the trash

And into the trash

you go.

Stop biting your nails


I'm just here to watch this Yotsuba hater get the (User was banned for this post) he deserves.


Youtsuba is a fucking whore, guys.


AHHHHHHHH MODS!!!!!!!!!!!!

There hasn't been a public execution in a while.


Fucken slut

>muh yotsuba
>muh hivemind
>muh mods worshipping
Neo-Sup Forums, minna-san.

bye bye yesterday.mp3

OP needs to be made an example of.


Yotsuba a dirty whore.

reaction comment

i love public excecutions




Fuck off pedo.

This is beyond disgusting.


I fucking love you reddit

Why is reddit fucking the 404 girl?

Fucking degenerate

Yes I am.

Why is 404 girl on a book cover?

Part of me hopes you're joking

The mods are just samefagging. Watch how he'll get a public ban and everyone will go
>lel based mods

Are you fucking joking dude? How fucking new are you, not to know about the failed attempt at publishing Sup Forums magazine...

>falling for the oldest bait

Hook, line, and sinker


Delete this!

Posting reddit:zero, go away.

>It's a "mods shitpost dirty yotsuba images and ban themselves" episode

lol mad weebs


>It keeps replaying

Mods need to do something about generals 24/7

Not shit like this or ban a guy for posting about a CON


Delete everyone here

That's Sup Forums Vol. 3, moran.

>06 August 2016
Is this the turning point for Sup Forums? Do the Mods no longer care enough to protect the site mascot?

t. newfaggot