>yfw this is the future of europe
Yfw this is the future of europe
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that looks like my local walmart though
give me a quick rundown on how this is definitely in europe and not america
Looks like the most american thing ive seen all day.
nigga thats lo'queesha from the landromat
I expected it to be an indian guy shitting on the sidewalk for some reason
This is a clip from the trailer of the next Ghostbusters movie.
>Anonymous (ID: TskgYCVP) 10/14/17(Sat)13:55:40 No.145292787▶
I cant wait until Germany gets SOUTHED
Somebody is laying that thing and making fun of fags because he’s “hetero”. That person is pathetic
If the nigger were wearing a turban I'd say the same thing about you.
How long on Sup Forums and celibacy before I gain telepathic powers?
idk, I had mine before I came here.
Future of Europe is the present of the US.
>tfw numbers prove im right
Check em.
Yeah, sorry, next time