Episode 19 is titled "White Whale Conquest Battle"
Preview here: youtube.com
Episode 19 is titled "White Whale Conquest Battle"
Preview here: youtube.com
Felix is the best boy, Crusch is the best girl.
1st for unrequited love!
>no more of her until S2
Just kill me.
autistic youtube crap? time for me to shine
Most Powerful Beings In Re:Zero's World (Spoiler FREE)
Out of all the covers to use you, you keep using the one with the shit-tier faggot and his bitch.
what do u guys think about the map?
FIRST EVER: Full Map Of Re:Zero's Entire World | All Made From Source Material
I want to tie Ferris with magic suppressing rope, then use his dick as my personal fucktoy. After weeks have gone by, he will beg me to let him go, but I start to use his mouth and ass instead.
After few months, he is completely broken. However, I just keep pounding his ass, mouth and dick. Every time he gets hungry, I mix his and my cum and tell him to eat it from bowl.
After one year, Crusch is still searching for him, but is starting to give up on hope. Meanwhile, I just keep pounding Felix Argyle, my personal fucktoy. He has now given up on all hope of getting away. Even if he somehow managed to escape, I would just use Return By Death to get him locked again.
spfag I appreciate what you have done so far but can you please fuck off with adding to the shitpost? Stop calling out to any of the sides because you should fucking know better where you are.
Seriously just fuck off with your trip if you're gonna add fuel into the flames.
Someone has to do it when one side starts talking out of their ass.
Like i already said. Re Zero is just Waifu Wars and Edge for Edges sake. I guess only anime beginners around the age of 16 would consider it more than a 6/10. It seems to be perfect for the Otaku/Virgin crowd tho, they also watch all the other shit that comes out so no suprise that to them Re Zero is deep and well written and not just suffering porn with no plot progression whatsoever.
This sounds really ironic now specially since you bothered to drag that message here too.
Hmm I see.
(You) tried
Felix is canonically in love with Crusch.
So who started the irony here while using a trip? You're acting like you use that as a license to get attention.
>taking part in the shitposting in previous threads
Cool shit.
Fuck off already or remove this trip.
I'm canonically in love with Felix
Maybe because I wanted to call you out and make sure you stop being a god damn part of the problem? I don't know why you're advocating that the ones shitposting are true Remfans. You fucking know this is an anonymous board and unless you can prove that the shitposter spitting false spoilers are the same then you can fuck off with your pointless accusations.
Are people just joking when they say Re Zero is good or are they just here to see the trainwreck unfold. Cant imagine someone seriously thinking its a masterpiece. I am sure that most people will hate on it as soon as it is finished.
I only remember replying once to one other remfag who got triggered by what I wrote, I usually tend to now get involved in all the waifuwar shit.
Although you can be pretty sure I'll keep posting and correcting the anons who keep writing false spoilers.
Also, the 'spfag' nickname doesn't mean literally nothing aside from the re zero threads and I only use it so that people knows that I don't post false spoilers, only that.
The day I stop using the trip is the day these threads die.
I'm not referring to the fake spoilers that random anons post, I'm talking about the remfags that write a lot of nonsense that is not true.
This is also my last reply towards this matter, I'll ignore all kind of shitpost from now on.
I don't think it's masterpiece but I really like it.
God bless you for the work you do. I can imagine how frustrating it is watching rabid fans come up with their head canon and trying to push it to others
Nothing is objectively good, fuck off.
Do you really think that you're only one on this board who can read moonrunes or what?
You are using one to differentiate yourself when giving useful information not fucking douse gasoline on an already burning subject that won't get resolved.
Also just how fucking sure you weren't getting played on? It's natural that people are inclined with Rem because you know the fucking material adapted. IT'S SO OBVIOUS. If you are so fucking certain that people are serious all the time in this board then god dammit you need to fucking lurk more.
>trainwreck unfold
trainwrecks are reserved to anime original you baitposter
here is your (you) as reward
Doesnt suprise coming from a REEE fan to be honest. Even shit is art to some.
Getting real fucking tired of this tripfag right now. This is the third time I've seen him play in the flinging.
I never heard of that definition of trainwrecks before, something Re Zero fans came up with or what? I think people called the latter parts of erased a trainwreck. Not suprised a Re fan would resort to lying tho.
Thanks. I'm 100/130 chapter of arc 4 now in case anyone feels like asking things related to this, I'll gladly answer them.
No of course I don't think that. I know there are people who legitimately know what they write when it's spoilers, but I also know there's no more than 3 or 4 in these threads.
No surprise a thread with Felix as the header would be pure shit.
Many good threads have started with Felix.
>Also, the 'spfag' nickname doesn't mean literally nothing aside from the re zero threads and I only use it so that people knows that I don't post false spoilers, only that.
Then stop using your trip now if it what you're gonna post isn't gonna be neutral. Right there and then you were being biased against a side based on your experiences which doesn't really matter. You could have simply said wrong and corrected it and that's it.
Did you really have to accuse a certain group?
You should just shut the fuck up, YOU are the one shitting up the thread right now.
which of the following writing(s) of re:zero have you read?
I'm just very curious.
I'm pretty sure most people would pick AU chapters+spoilers, but a surprising number of people might pick LN/WN.
thanks for taking your time.
Well I like playing the irony game. This tripfag just shows that he's willing to start one so go fuck off.
Would you let her be your knight? Would you trust her to protect you?
I hope Subaru joins her side.
I hope she dies.
Crusch is not weak like Rem and Emilia so she won't.
Ive seen you post that before, so you probably typed it once and now just copy/paste. You must have that saved on your computer somewhere too then...
this gave me a boner
I don't want this boner
>tripfag drama
Sausage Rezero fags.
Yeah, she's not weak. That's why she got her memories eaten. She'll die. Either her or Felix.
She will die and Ferris will become part of Subaru's harem for good.
Does the army of little jew cats join too?
>Remfags BTFO in the last thread
>Gets triggered by based tripfag who BTFOs their delusion.
Best thread ever. Can't wait for REM WHO again.
It is a 8/10
Please stop coming to these threads and baiting
>Remfags BTFO
Hilarious right? Remfags belong to the trash with their shitty fanfic tier shipping.
So apparently Ferris and Crusch first met in the basement of the Argyle mansion. Can someone tell more?
He isn't another group of anything, Remfags have been staring shit every since Arc 3 and have posting misleading fake spoilers and comments to specific trash Emilia in attempt hide Rem's irrelevancy and downplay Emilia's developments with Subaru.
It's transparent as fuck and it's getting old. At point it's gonna make the other fanbases turn against them. Maybe you're one of more mild fans but the extremists in your group are beyond irritating now.
is Felix lactose intolerant?
I'd rather Reinhardt take Felix place, instead.
Then tell shipperfags to stop posting biased shit and then he won't have to respond to correct them.
he's not the only moonreader, but he's one of the very few people on Sup Forums who posts decent re:zero translations.
btw, any moonreader who wants to have a in-depth cancerless discussion about re zero should go to 2ch's re zero WN thread. it's denizens are surprisingly civilised.
You sicken me
No he loves milk
Proof? Can you literally prove it's them? Otherwise I'll just claim you're spfag posting without a trip just based on my hunches.
god crusch is HOT
no u
Someone has started translating this extra volume right?
Anastasia lends half of the Steel Claw unit for the white whale conquest battle, and the other half later after that which included Julius to Subaru.
Well you are probably new to anime or have shit taste.
>posting misleading fake spoilers
For example?
>and downplay Emilia's developments with Subaru.
This is true. There are no development between them except kiss. Funny thing that kiss means nothing because Emilia don't even know "What love is". I.e. this is status quo 3 arc in a row. Nothing really changed.But keep dreaming.
Shipperfags include a lot so telling them to fuck off is a gargantuan task. And basically this tripfag settled for just Remfags just because most that are getting posted is about her or inclined to her. For whatever reason people are shocked when clearly they shouldn't.
Shhh people in Sup Forums are great practisers of false dichotomy
>There are no development between them except kiss.
I was about to try to explain how there's a lot of development between them but then read this and stopped.
You probably read the spoilers if you know about the kiss, so I'm surprised you can still claim there's no development between those 2.
I probably won't be able to change your opinion nor will I try, but I will say you're wrong. Arc 4 is the arc with a lot of development for Emilia and Subaru too, who finally accepts to care for himself.
So is it logical to hate Rem now because there are more vocal people that back her? Is this how WE play this game?
No. Some people are just fucking crazy when it comes to Rem. People are being awfully shortsighted when we're at like 10% of the whole plot. Personally I cant wait to lick up all the tears when the last episode kicks in
Don't bother himself. I can read and don't need help of attention whore.
>series is furry-friendly
>people surprised over it's popularity between faggots
Subaru is someone many Otaku/Virgins can relate to, due to him being pathetic and failing in life. This probably hits close to home for them.
But is also a positive self insert due to him being super fit and good looking, having no social anxiety for some reason, being able to talk to cute girls with no trouble and him being surrounded by a bunch of cute girls in a fantasy world in which one also already loves him.
Is this your first experience following back-to-back threads? It's pretty easy to tell it's the same person. The same agenda, the same "spoilers" every time. This has been going on for more than a month and has gone unchallenged for so long.
>Applying the same principle.
>In a fucking anonymous board where literally anyone can act as anyone they like.
It also says that the claim is not a fact so if there is not enough proof to back it up then its fucking pointless.
Fake info is bad, especially when it leverages the lack of translations and multi-sourced spoilers to push one's own agenda.
Unchallenged or not is not the point. The thing is I can shitpost later and act as a Remfag when deep inside I could be an Emiliafag. Or worse NEITHER.
>Cover art for Re:ZERO volume 9, on sale in Japan 9/23
How are they gonna cover the finale of Arc 3 if the finale isn't coming before the actual final episode of the show?
Unless Tappei already told them what to do or something?
>Unless Tappei already told them what to do or something?
That's the Game of Thrones producers had Martin do
They got the Volume 9 months ago. And Tappei is working with them.
See . What more proof so you need?
>They got the Volume 9 months ago.
Yes I know Tappei is also supervising with them right now. That's the only comfort I have with this though.
>I can read and don't need help of attention whore.
You're certainly not reading anything if you can claim that user.
What fucking inclination do we have to say that this isn't the case? Can we come to a conclusion or should we delude ourselves even more and believe what we want to believe.
There was another guy whe can read moons. He said same shit about Emilia.
Doesn't matter which side you're originally on. You post fake spoilers that are then parroted by yourself and unsuspecting anons. If actual Remfag novelfags cared for authenticity, they would correct the false info. Instead, most do nothing and therefore allow misinformation to propagate. Truly slothful.
delet this