Which one is better?

Which one is better?

Which one ripped of what again?

The Asterisk War SUCKS!!!

>God tier OP
>MC and the main heroine kiss early on and get in a relationship
>MC gets emotionally and physically tortured just so he can get engaged to her and still wrecks shit of the strongest fighter in the school after going through it
>S-Sorry, Claudia, I won't touch your tits

Right is a pile of shit. Left is a sligtly less smelly pile of shit.

The only thing that left does worse than right is the inclusion if incestshit, but on the whole left is much better. But both suck.

When you have a 12+ part Youtube series picking apart a single anime, you know right more than has its problems.



I love how these two shitty anime will forever be linked.

both shitty battle harems, both are flatline 1/10s

Both a shit
Problem Solved.

I don't think I even finished Rakudai, but Asterisk is undoubtably shittier and I don't even remember why I forced myself to finish that shit.

The first season of both are garbage, asterisk got a second season which was surprisingly decent, so you might consider struggling through the first season.

Left had better fight scenes.
Really liked Shizuku vs Raikiri girl's fight.

I don't believe you.


And they were both only made shittier by airing concurrently.

I'm sorry now i know you're shitposting.

Asterisk 1st cour was much better than that disastrous 2nd cour

Infinite Stratos

Left had better MC, right had better FeMC (in my opinion). I think left was better and should get a 2nd season, but I like battle harems so what do I know

Left was better because the MC's actually developed a relationship instead of skirting around it for two seasons fear of alienating purity-fags.
But they're both pretty generic overall.



Left had the better closing fight, even if it was a single slash.

>The OP starts
>They start saying the same thing in unison
>The art style changes to the OP art style
>Dick status changed to MUH

It does have the best sluts

Is it actually good though?

Stop bumping shit threads, you fucking cancer.

>shit everything but atleast i had a fight i liked halfway

>literally everything was shit

Asterisk is better. In before fedoralord digibro.


>muh taste

Asterisk is more shitty but both suck.

Name a single redeeming about Asterisk without resorting to muh girls or soundtracks.

Of the two given, left is better

Better animation

From what I've seen, the animation in Asterisk is atrocious.

This one.

Still better than rakudai animation tho.

>being so wrong
Try again


Stella is a goddess and Rakudai was ok. Asterisk was a little more boring

>Better animation

The only one it had "better animation" on was AntiMagic. Even the anime designs for AntiMagic were shit.

Judging from the art alone it's fucking hilarious how similar both MCs look.

>generic edgy designs
The anime made them cuter

Most MCs have that same generic look, at least in the genres of harem and shitty action.

Rakudai and Gakusen are clearly fraternal twins.

Not even.

One of them got a second season and an english release of a video game. The other got shit

Take a guess which one is shit and which one isn't?

Neither. Both are complete trash of the highest order. Haremshit should be purged from this planet as soon as possible.

That being said, Stella & Kirin are cute as fuck. But that's it, that's literally all these shows have anything to offer. Cuteness / kawaii~~~~.

It works very well too, sadly.


One sold better and is more popular regardless

They're both shit. Popularity has jack shit to do with quality, especially in anime.

I'm not a yurifag. I just like one girl from each show. Fuck off, faggot.

Taimadou was better than either of those.

This fight and the Sister fight at the end were the only good things to come out of Rakudai.

Asterisk had like 0 fights worth seeing and more time spent on shitty robots.

>not shipping Kirin and Saya

But Rakudai is about true love and marriage, oh I see, you're a retard whose opinion will be discarded by all who read it.

Their pussies belong to Ayato

>garbage animation
>rushed piece of shit

was the worst anime that season

Silver Link should have focused on this instead of Rakudai ffffff.

>"b-b-b-but the MC did choose a girl!!!! It's not a harem!!!"
>"just ignore how all the other girls get super jealous and still want to ride his dick hard every episode!!!"

You can't fool me.

Dont reply to retards and shitposters

I only watched Asterisk for these two.

you're dumb as fuck and probably have shit taste if you think asterick shit can even touch Calvary in terms of quality

the only other girl who wants his dick besides his GF is his sister, and even she backs off once she knows she lost

go be a retard somewhere else

Left because the MC name is Ikki which what most of my ex called me by

That's even more of a waste of time than posting on Sup Forums.

Left: Shit MC but not as shit as right's.
amazing fights scenes
actual relationship development within the first 6 episodes
is Rakudai really a harem?
did not watch it past 2nd episode because the i watched the other 2 magic highschool shows

>just ignore how all the other girls get super jealous and still want to ride his dick hard every episode
I know you've never been a handsome, capable young man with a girlfriend, but that is exactly what happens.

it has just come to my attention antimagic and rakudai were both made by silver link.


muh dick shouldnt be reacting to an illustration with two guys, so why?!

left was the biggest shit i ever watched.

right was kinda...meh.

>"just ignore how all the other girls get super jealous and still want to ride his dick hard every episode!!!"

Wow, not only "choose a girl and have sex" self-insert move, but also they didn't resign from harem. What utter garbage.


Asterisk War is a 2/10, Chivalry is a 5/10.

They were both shit.

Because the artist makes 1v1 look based as fuck.

Not just artist's 1v1 is great.

Left had better MC, rigt had better girls.

>better girls
Maybe better, but still shit.

True that.

Even if the 2nd season is better there's no reason to watch a show with a first season so bad you had to force yourself to finish it.





That's the power of Oonuma. Silver Link's best productions are directed by him.

There are a million other anime with the same character archetype and similar designs, but done much better.

Stop watching bad anime.

Asterisk because it had better music and animation.
Bonus points because that cancerous youtuber e-celeb hates it.

What a surprise, user is a petty bitch with shit taste.

Saya is one of the best of her archetype though

Pretty much this, digicuck and his followers are the epitome of bad taste.

If she's one of the best, I'd hate to see how bland the worst ones are.

Rakudai had fights worth watching.

I knew Asterisk was straight garbage when all the fights MC was gonna have was against girls

>waah YouTube exists

Cry some more.


>implying this is bad taste

>faggots who watch Digishit's videos on youtube
You literally can't say anyone else has bad taste. You're the 2015/16 equivalent of a Forneverworld viewer, why the fuck are you even on Sup Forums.
Just kill yourselves.

>waah YouTube exists