>grab the paint bucket tool
>fill in the shapes
>try to make something Sup Forums related
Grab the paint bucket tool
>the labyrinth from OPM
I have no idea what this is.
but tell me what is it?
You're really so uncreative that you need to steal threads from Sup Forums rather than make your own?
You should feel ashamed.
Eva/end of Eva?
the first one is I didn't make the second and I thought the same thing it feels weird
Not worth the time it took. No idea if people are going to get it.
Pretty good. I wish Sunred would get a S3.
Can't think of anything except Jinrui, mostly because of the color palette.
That is clearly paprika
One Piece map?
Yeah, I loved it
It's certainly all about the colours and you're not supposed to be looking for anything in particular within the shapes. It's not Jinrui.
rolling girls kuuchuu buranko
nhk intro
Shinjiteru ze!
Shinjiteru yo!
Bingo. I used the exact colours but fucking hell, the whole thing is made up of rectangles so I can see why it wasn't guessed immediately.
Welcome to the NHK?
I have weak imagination.
More /vp/ than Sup Forums
That's the first thing I saw too
Oh good I'm not the only one who saw that.
There's another one upside down on the bottom left side
Fuck me, this went badly. Should be guessable anyway.
this is not fun
you just have to use the right collors
Dude, the goal wasn't to post screencaps
Well meme'd
Best ED
Of course,
>le donut man
Sup Forums-tier meme that stopped being funny years ago?
Without fail.
thanks doc
shut up loser
merry christmas faggots
Hold up
fucking kill me
inferno cop?
Every pic thus far just looks like a random screenshot of Tatami Galaxy to me.
CODE 991
git gud
Create your waifu using this method.
Post results.
I tried to do that, but it's pretty hard.
I regret this.
I don't see it
I tried, I guess.
g-g-go back to Deviantart!
Yup. You can do a lot with a distinctive palette.Which isn't to say you SHOULD, of course.
Ok I cheated on that one. I used GIMP.
I'm guessing some nerd who lets his brother die
Paul Klee?
Cumslut prostitute goddess
That's pretty impressive.
>stealing a Sup Forums thread
I forgot something
Fucking beautiful.
I chuckled.
Forgive me, I know not what I do.
>Sup Forums thread
Sup Forums did it before Sup Forums, so by that logic both places are stealing a Sup Forums thread
Ended up looking like Shinji, damn
I know not what you do either
Holy kek