That Didn't Last Long


Why did RT put racist is quotes?

Another ridiculous SJW moral panic.

Because it wasn't racist unless you're retarded.

Wait, the lion is the king of the jungle and in Africa.
So is the black man, it was literally saying "You are kings" and they got mad?

how did sholom spread to Chyna?

>he doesn't know.

it doesnt even accurately mirror the emotion portrayed at all. the person who made the pictures is either not racist (ignorant of biological fact) or autistic

It probably got shut down due to being insufficiently racist. Implying niggers are comparable to majestic animals like lions is totally unacceptable.

ummmm sorry sweetie but chinese can't be racist???
Only whites can be racist you should look it up
I can't even right now

how is that racist?

i know if it were white people being compared to gorillas and lions no one would call it racist

they realize humans are literally animals right?

that would help explain our deepstate, specifically the Clinton's, abnormal relationship with China

They got mad because of the picture(s) of blacks with monkeys and or apes. It's super racist to compare them to the animals they actually look like.


thanks for clarifying

so they're basically saying that being compared to animals is bad? that they are inferior to humans? they fucking wish they were as smart and strong as a lion

Looks like some chink got inspired by niggerhate threads

at least those nigs wouldnt post shitty low res pics like this

>Like, i mean, they didn't even check their privilege.

Also, checked.

lol - wut, yea it was. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Did animal rights activists complain about the comparisons?


Racism is made-up Marxist newspeak that was coined by communist kike Leon Trotsky. It doesn’t really mean anything

wel, too close to home

no, it is defined through power of the mayority.
only when sufficiently mixed, anyone can be and will be racist

It wasn't an art show it was a world power ascendancy training program, their government got worried when westerners were learning from it online

>drawing a comparison to humans and other creatures in nature
>its only bad because they're black

You're still a brainwashed little goyim.

didn't black people love that "white people who look like their pets" website?

As a biracial half negro white power bro, I don't see what could even be remotely racist.

>inplying soulless chinks give half a shit about animals anyway

Chinks would have to be in a position of privilege toward niggers in order to call that racist. But they aren't.


t. nigger

Are Lions supposed to be kept in snowy habitats? Or to be that fucking skinny?
Shit, you'd think zoo animals would be too expensive to just starve like that.

Why do you use a meme flag?

No joke at an animal sanctuary in Queensland you can buy food for kangaroos but you get quite a lot and you end up walking with the dry pellets after you have left that enclosure and these stupid fucken chinks walk around throwing this food at other animals in cages and its just retarded. Truly soulless insectoids.