Greeting from Florida, hold on to your hats!

Greeting from Florida, hold on to your hats!

stop with the storm hype. these have all been bitch shit.

UK structures aren't rated for even a tropical storm and this is a cat 2!

it's going to be a trop storm when it hits. if they can't handle a tropical storm, they deserve to be flattened.

Remember when Sandy hit New York? now multiply that by structures over 600 years old.

How would we get a tropical storm in England you dumb nigger. Its predicted to be gusts to 70mph. That's just called quite windy here.

>ctrl-f: england
>1 of 1
hey guess what? you're literally retarded.

cat 2 is 115, prepare to be blow away.

it is cat 3 right now. expected to hit the tip of Eire as a cat 1,.

our houses aren't made of fucking wood and junk, not gonna be much of a problem.

Ireland will be getting sustained 80 and gusts of 120.

Britain will get off light

they are also centuries old. Houses in hurricane ally are steel reinforced concrete.

Grab you favorite drink and party hard.

weather posting is for reddit

>Greeting from Florida
Same, 352 here. Had a good ol' time shooting guns during Irma, classes were canceled so day drinking/shooting was in order.

>European houses are century old
Top fucking kek how can american be so fucking retarded

yoou fuckers always wax on about "mu aenchint arky-texture" that stuff will be blown the fuck over in even a cat1

We had a cat 1 in Versailles a few decades back and damages were minors, people were more concerned about fallen trees
Cat 2 virtually never happen

>Cat 2 virtually never happen
Ophelia is a cat2, prepare to be blow the fuck over

Cat doesn't matter as much as foresight, which is severely lacking in most places. Only nigger areas get wrecked by hurricanes.

its a cat 3 bro

Hot damn, it keeps getting better and better!