The hunt for the evil lion man continues. There seem to be quite a few shows with a small fanbase like this this season. It's pretty comfy but kinda lonely with only 20 anons posting.
Other urls found in this thread:
Map of Endora.
If lion is the final boss then I would be greatly disappointed.
No we have some lizard guy now that will lead to something bigger.
The final enemy.
Lion man gonna get whoopped as usual hopefully, he is pretty much a joke now unless he gain the power to evolve like those weapons.
He got a Walther.
The plot thickens.
100% Shun's dad.
YES YES YES! Emilo goes back with him.
Alicia trying to stay relevant...
Fuck, I can't wait for the next episode.
Original designs of characters. Shun and half of characters were designed by Kenshin's mangaka while Emilio and other half by Bastard's mangaka
I got a laugh whenever these are posted.
Endride is a weird show.
I can't say it's particularly good or impressive, but it has just enough charm to it and just enough flashes of "they actually put some thought into this" like "The kingdom won't magically get better if you kill the dictator", "Maybe you shouldn't murder in revenge for something you've never confirmed" and Emilio actually talking about his problems to ease the burden on himself to make me look forward to it every week.
Plus I just like the characters.
>Hey dad meet my boyfriend
I was just thinking the same thing.
I kinda hope it wont be his dad but who else? Guess he being an asshole to his wife was a foreshadow for this end.
Top Uguu.
That's one dorito face.
It's the first time I ever see an anime character with my name, and being an MC even more unusual, but even that wasn't enough to make me watch past ep. 2.
So you are a taco? Watch more.
I'm no taco, but I'm seeing more positive comments than I expected, guess it does get better.
It's aizen.
Maybe I'll watch just to give you 1 more person to talk to user.
>Guy from Earth is Shun's dad
Or it's Pascal and Shun's dad is his cousin/brother/son and was reseraching the stones to try and find out what happened to him
I was really surprised by that. Given the vision we got earlier, I fully expected him to go back alone and fight his way back
I'm calling it. The scientist is Shun's farther or grandfather.
Imagine the chaos with Emilio being gone.
Looks dull
Bump till watch
That is about the size of our surface of the planet. We have only been to a very small part of Endora.
Clearly Endrides earth is bigger.
>you jobbers can't handle him alone
>have some nameless foot soldiers
Surely this can only end well.
I'm expecting Delzaine wanted to get to the surface to find a way to help Endora or that Babel can be repuposed to turn people into warp particles and the Lion fucked it up.
They are in human world. FINALLY!
Next episode is going to be good. Can't wait.
>people are still watching this awful show
>threads are more alive than RINNE
it isn't fair
Endoras dominant species is human you idiot. It is surface dwellers world.
Probably trying to stop the surface scientist from sucking the warp particle dry.
Just from what we got Delzaine came off as a better king even before his bros ambition got the best of him.
Except it's not awful. Nothing special, sure, but it's compotent and enjoyable.
Endride > Kyoukai no Rinne
This show is pretty fun. Next episode can't come soon enough.
you should be banned for posting this unironically
I honestly put this show down after episode 1, is it any decent?
Cant stop. Wont stop.
Why doesn't Rinne get threads anymore? Is it because of the airing time?
there was like 4 of us left watching it by the time 2nd cour of the 1st season started
i have no clue why
Yes, it is fun and characters are good.
Endride is better. Deal with it fag.
It is just awful all around.
Why don't you make a thread then
the thread made today got 4 posts while i was asleep and 404 already.
Every saturday haikyuu manga thread has chapter dump (20 posts) + 2-3 posts. Does that stop them (those threads literally have two-three posters) to make threads every week for new chapter? No. It is autistic as fuck.
It's a comedy with over 40 episodes that relies on repetition and repeated jokes. Sup Forums loves to use the "It's good, there's just nothing to talk about!" excuse any time their favorite show gets no threads, but in this case it's actually true.
So is Shun's dad the evil guy from the surface?
The latest episode was downloaded roughly five thousand times off nyaa, which isn't really that bad. Below average, sure, but not really terrible. Not counting back to back "generals" and threads that are artificially kept alive for several days by hardcore fans, most threads about airing anime on Sup Forums are made roughly an hour before the episode airs and most discussion in them happens within the next couple of hours.
Since Rinne doesn't have a huge fanbase to begin with and airs at an unfortunate time, the threads die pretty quickly. Handa-kun's recent episode got downloaded more times (so far) than Love Live's recent episode, but since it airs at a shitty time, the threads die with like 20-30 replies on average.
I laughed hard. Thought the same thing.
I got lazy with this around the fourth episode but I'm glad that blue slut is still relevant.
>Reptilians are the enemy
>same character design
>lizardman can remember everything down to the detail, except of course for his name
It's laughable how obvious it is. Especially with how hard the episode tried hiding his face, but still gave away all the key features.
It's obvious that it's him, but because of that, I'm doubting the "Shun and Emilio are related" theories since the king trusted Shun's dad and could have given him royal trinkets that we see in the OP and the father could have brought back with him Warp Particles, thus giving Shun the ability to have a weapon
The nameless foot soldiers managed to beat up his mooks.
This the biggest thread we have had for a long while.
Is this show good anons? Should I give it a chance?
Watch it and find out faggot.
Honestly, I'd say it depends the most on your fondness for old shows. Endride is very much an anime that would be right at home in the early 2000s.
Lizardman did nothing wrong.
He attacked the glasses guy! He's a criminal!
It looks like a very generic and boring fantasy with the first few episodes, but the more you get in it the more you will realize that it is quite different and it has some very charming uniqueness to it. The writing is lacking, but it is plenty entertaining. Basically my favourite thing on Saturday out of 12 shows.
The only thing Endride is better than Rinne at is air time.
Rinne airs at 17:30, that is a lot better than 25:55.
Not for sub releases. No one's awake at 0400 PST.
Fuck off, Murrica..
>America is the only country in the world
You make it sound like threads can only be made right after an episode's release...
But why Rinne in particular? Not like these are similar shows or anything.
No. No, that makes no sense. He has been at the bottom of a prison pit for at least a decade. With his arms bound. No food or water. And his pants are still on. So either he is skilled enough to take them off with just his tail and, despite his situation, still gives enough fucks to put them back on every time he goes to the bathroom. Or he has a decade's worth of shit and piss backed up in there.
Please end this ride
I guess he is in self exile, you know them MUH KING type. I was expecting him to follow Emilio after knowing he is the new guy in charge, but nope. Nigga charges straight for the surface scum.
I can imagine that he is a scavenger. He is a goddamn lizard man after all. See the pile of bones in the foreground? Those were other prisoners that were thrown down. He ate them.
The Endride threads have some nice and well behaved anons, so I would like to recommend you to all It is relaxing and more free in some aspects than Sup Forums. Might be considered slow for today's standards, but with you it could get somewhat faster.
Fuck off.
>surface adventures
>Alicia doesn't go with them
>There seem to be quite a few shows with a small fanbase like this this season. It's pretty comfy but kinda lonely with only 20 anons posting.
Okay then, i'll bite.
There is a dub but its several episodes behind. Maybe i'll watch that. Has anyone given it a chance? Is it good?
Why did Funimation do it?
No one on Sup Forums watches dubs, newfriend.
You can check mine, though.
>butthurt slavs bitching that this board is 99% USA
Suck it, peons, if the US isn't awake, threads die. This is fact.
I don't know why you are so obsessed with this notion that Rinne would be super popular and beloved if it wasn't for the accursed time slot. Arslan airs at an even worse time for Burgerlanders and it still gets sizable discussion just fine every week. Even the Ace Attorney anime manages to have a thread every week (one that's still up now mind you) and it airs at the same fucking time on the same fucking day.
What makes this even more baffling is why you're targeting Endride specifically which almost never has a thread last this long. Unless you were secretly attempting to keep the thread alive with shitposting and I'm taking the bait.