This is your country's new queen.
This is your country's new queen
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You are not my king yet, elf. And I wouldn't obey you even if you were.
I don't want a commie queen.
>Emilia wants a world where no one is discriminated against
>racists will construe this as being bad
So all citizens are equal? What about pedophiles and murderers? Equality is a pipe dream for children. Grow up.
Equally raped she means
>thinking an equal society means the criminals aren't punished
>thinking a fantasy world follows the same rules as the human world
>just the fifth post is rape
I'm impressed, you can contain the memes a bit.
I already live in Germany, thanks
Remove the elf. Install the Lucky Patron Sadist.
Kill yourself, dubfag.
I too. We aren't equal here.
>green is basically a female general
>soviet-tan is a business woman
>Prisci-chan has hax gamble ability
>Emilia want to fight for equality in place that doesn't have excessive inequality
>Felto wants to destroy the elite even though they don't seem especially crooked
Meh. I'll take one of the first 3.
You aren't equal, I am.
But Emilia is a nationalist Kraut. All the feudal candidates are. They care about the Kingdom and its inhabitants. The only exception is Felt being angsty.
Your Queen is importing Kobolds and Goblins she's WAY worse than emilia.
she will change her tune once she realize she have to share her palace with thousands for rape-happy cultists, kobolds and orcs for the sake of equality.
>All the feudal candidates are. They care about the Kingdom and its inhabitants
Trudeau is queen enough, thanks.
As a Germ this thread pointed out she won't. Real life examples would suggest she's in it for the long haul and would rather ride the wave all the way into the sand than admit she was wrong.
Felt of true freedom > capitalist big business loli > military dictatorship reversetrap > commie mutt halfbreed
Have you finished reading my post now? I did mention Felt you see.
user, read his post before replying.
>reverse trap
Crusch has a stern face, but she is clearly a woman.
I would follow someone with more realistic ideas and an actual game plan.utopian shit never ends well, staline killed millions and hitler always said that person who came up with the ideology was more important than people working in implementation, basically both were raging faggots
>Felt of dumb and angsty anarchy.
equality of opportunity is not the same as equality of outcome.
unsurprisingly, Russia replace their old nobility with the new Communism nobility made up of high ranking officers that will never starve and have all western luxuries despite their people living like shit during the communism era.
But Emilia never said whether she wants one or the other.
code was a good ride
Emilia is a retard that never suffer or work a day in her life.
Which is why she stay stupid and spout drivel.
So she is liberal. Not surprised desu.
Emilia would make a shit queen because she can't do anything without some neet fuck dying in the background 73 times.
I vote Felt for the lulz
Great. How can communism go wrong?
>Felt of limited government and personal rights and freedom
True freedom either already exists or NEVER will. Anarchy naturally results in new factions of order which will swallow up the free agents and lesser groups until you get a monopoly or oligarchy again.
The only way to impede this order is to create an unquestioned order which mediates balance and structure in society. While such an agency would work in meritocratic concepts it would fly against the ideals of anarchy. The final view is that you can do whatever you want anyway. Structure and order is limited to a willingness to participate in said order. Obviously it's incentive but it can NEVER be absolute short of mind control.
Either anarchy is imaginary or you're already living in it and have fucked up.
I fucking love this pic.
This is correct. Every other candidate is so much better than Emilia-tan.
Is there racism in the Re:Zero world?
>allowing yourself to be ruled by knife ears
I choose rebellion.
>Felt of true freedom
I think you mean childish anarchism
>capitalist big business
meaning less opportunity for the little guy and every aspect of life being controlled by organizations that are not even accountable on paper
>military dictatorship
no fun allowed. also you forgot the lucky cunt
In the first episode toyota was kicked out of a "beast only" bar
There probably isn't really """racism"" but more weath-ism
Yeah, starving to death and not seeing the fruits of your labor if you actually choose to work or going to the gulag is much better obviously.
>implying Emilia wouldn't win if they left it to a vote in the world and they weren't bastards who would hate her for being a half elf
And how is that bad?
The rich are treated more better and the poor treated like garbage. They should have things to eat and not resort to stealing, so if Emilia sets up a workforce for the poor for them to get better jobs, it will boost the economy.
Yet you simple minded sun human conservashits only think of "MUH COMMUNISM".
>limited government
>personal rights
>implying her ignorant almost nonexisting brain can even image those concepts.
>implying her angsty speech wasn't just an even dumbed down "My name is Felto and I hate every single of you [..] Pic Related: It’s me and my knight" copypasta.
actually at first they were not as rich. being elite meant having basic necessities but once ww2 started they sole enough shit to live rich.
>never starve
just live in fear and be forced to drink yourself to death because staline is in one of his moods.
>high ranking officers
except military got buttraped to a point they almost lost the war and then got buttraped because wining made them to popular and thus a danger to powerful people
I think Felt has the best policies.
>elf hate meme
Basically this. Hate this fictional race to fit in, user, regardless of what she says.
>Emilia would make a shit queen because she can't do anything without some neet fuck dying in the background 73 times.
true. she is not very skilled even without any outside forces fucking with her
it can't. if it does not work out just keep saying that real communism has never been tried
Ironically the reason why Emilia probably wants that equality is because people keep hating on her for being a half elf. Anons saying hating on what she's saying too while proving her right.
Stop elf racism now!
Why is Emilia so punchable
Felt all the way.
really makes you think
Priscilla is literally the only decent candidate. I don't want to have to go into why again and have people call me Al but just trust me user. I mean look at her powers and approach to leadership. If you ignore her interpersonal issues and focus the actual elements of her that will affect the citizens it's a no brainer.
Is emilias mom the elf or his her dad? This is important.
Are we sure the other half is human?
>limited government
she wants to destroy the government, you asshat. also she is classist because she thinks every royal/high ranking person is bad because no one helped her in her slums. she is like Tyuule from gate but less raped and less cunning
i didn't vote for her
This is all memes to make them look bad, right? I doubt the novels touched on specific policies yet.
im saying they are all shit
it's racism but its ok because beasts were oppressed in the past so now they need their space free of white people
The dragon chose your candidates, deal with it.
t. nobles
I want a nation where all citizens are equal. We need to bring Reinhardt down to Subaru's level to make them both equal.
> ignore her interpersonal issues
> ignore the interpersonal issues of a leader
>ignore the interpersonal issues of the leader of a nation.
>and approach to leadership.
>You all are trash, I'm the only not trash person in the world even though I have only pride and no a sigle good idea on a single subject inside my head.
Let's be honest, even Felt is better than her, and even my dog is better than Felt.
Subaru is a nip though.
because only idiots think you can instantly import democracy onto a feudal society. I also have not seen emillia draft any work plans and "jobs for all" usually leads to less automatization, 4 guys working the same parking spot and ice delivery still being a thing
She treated subaru-kun like shit for no reason at all.
>ignore interpersonal issue
Yes this is pretty much the basics. Friendship isn't politics. Opinions on the banal aren't policy. Heaps of great leaders were shit people that just knew how to do their damn job.
You're a spas. The only candidate worse than Felt is Emilia because Felt would stop angsting if she actually won.
>Someone who is discriminated against for being an (((elf))) wants to establish communism
pure coincidence
This is why Emilia a shit
>psst, hey kid you wanna make some money?
Irrelevant to the happiness and quality of life for the average citizen.
Suppose that there is a starvation situation, and the parent of the four year old child (who is not an adult) does not have enough money to keep him alive. A wealthy NAMBLA man offers this parent enough money to keep him and his family alive – if he will consent to his having sex with the child. We assume, further, that this is the only way to preserve the life of this four year old boy. Would it be criminal child abuse for the parent to accept this offer?
Not in a libertarian society.
>comparing modern society to a middle ages society
Equality movements might not be needed anymore in modern ages, but in a more primitive society like Lugnica they could likely use it.
Can we ever solve the elvish menace?
Oey vey :D
Why the fuck did you do that?
There was a reason, but it was unreasonable, what she was asking was pure devotion for her help, the kiss should have been a real act of devotion according to her. Then she got an empty act of submission and got hypermad.
> Friendship
Noboby is talking about friendship you dingus, she doesn't know how to interact with a human being.
Lucky girl would actually be pretty decent accidentally.
She wouldn't want to really do anything but sit on the throne all day and force the people in government who are actually qualified to make decisions to do so. And if her luck is real that would help.
She's already said that all they have to do is grovel at her feet (as she kicks the fuck out of their faces) and she will happily rule the kingdom.
Except that she does and continues to do so often. She is already a ruler.
By your logic literally half the cast are incapable of interaction because pretty much everyone has had the shits with Subaru at this stage.
The nobles are shit though. All the Knights/Nobility were for the most part born into success. It's actually one of the things Subaru was right about.
Are we gonna get more Emilia tomorrow?
Don't create fantasy settings in which there is a single elf or half-elf that gets discrimated for whatever reason.
Any novelfags know if Emilia is discriminated against for being a half elf, or for being a half elf that looks like Satella?
>as she kicks the fuck out of their faces
Nice fan fiction. She just wants to rule because it's her right and good things happen to her. Given her power of good fortune and how little she actually cares about power trips as opposed to title prestige she'd be the best choice.
The other two want wage slavery and autocratic production to pre-empt a reaction from their withdrawal from the dragon
>b-but Priscilla is mea
Yeah sure let's all support candidates that will assuredly fuck everything up based of Fee fees. I bet you'd vote Emilia.
>pure devotion for her help
the way I saw the situation she was asking him to humiliate himself and show his devotion to emilia.she got made because she wanted him to have pride and be he had told her to fuck off she would have helped so yeah she is a crazy cunt
What happens if the selection comes down to a battle between the candidate knights?
I don't see anything wrong with that.
>the candidate with a russsain name and russsain clothes is the least communist choice
Ascribing motive is pointless the whole point of the scene is that we didn't know what was going on.
Personally I saw it as asking him to do something retarded to test him. When he did it she realised both that he was serious but also that he was pathetic and he didn't value himself or much other than Emilia.
Who would WANT to help him. He doesn't exist as an individual but rather a mindless satellite to Emilia. Her number one man, Al, thinks she's dodgey as fuck and tells her off if she talks shit about him. She respects strength like her own. People worth talking to, people you have no option to respect regardless of your opinion on them.
She values dignity and agency in herself and desires it in others.
>By your logic literally half the cast are incapable of interaction
No, not really, green general and soviet loli are pros at interacting with people, and Emilia is basically just a normal person. Priscilla is just embarrassing because of how bad and unreasonable she's with every single living being.
The more you post the more you sound like a freaking crazy waifufag.
>crazy waifufag
But I don't like Priscilla. Best girl appeared in cour one faggot. That doesn't mean Priscilla isn't the best candidate.
Has it been revealed how they're picking from the 5 candidates?
I want to see Felt's happiness annihilated.
No one understands what either means or that it HAS to be one or the other.
Why doesn't Subaru just fuck Elsa instead?
He doesn't like dying. Also she's not as cute as Emilia.
>strength like her own
she has no real strength
>She values dignity and agency
as long as it is inline with hers
>didn't value himself
or was willing do set aside his pride and humiliate himself in order to achieve his objective. its not heroic but in a war you would want a guy who can backdown or set aside his personal feelings instead of a hothead
>equality of opportunity
is when you have a chance, meaning you won't be turned away based on who you are or were you are from.
>equality of outcome
is when a everyone gets the same results regardless of the effort put in