ITT: We trigger Sup Forums

ITT: We trigger Sup Forums.

>I love Emilia

Yuri is great.

>watched 4 episodes of the left
>never seen a second of the right or read a word of the manga
Feels good.

it's true though, kirito is the true black swordsman.
unlike guts the blacked swordsman

League of galactic heroes is overrated shit

it's correct tho



He said Sup Forums, not reddit

I'm serious when I say this: people who watch seasonals are complete idiots, the type of morons who eat anything new up, no matter how putrid.

There is nothing wrong with elves. They are trustworthy, honourable and pretty.

This anime is amazing.

This. Usually these vermins have no backlog, they only watch series that are airing and 'pop'.

Usagi Drop had the worst ending of any manga in the past decade.

One of them was fuck in the ass by a nigger, just try to guess which one.

ah, you got me there.
almost typed out a real augument

Kyoto Animation is shit.

Its a good show.

Saint Seiya Omega was decent

forced animation

With the original Jap dub is even better.

But seriously, it was pretty good.

This show has the shittiest animation of all time.

SAO is a low hanging fruit, bashing on it is boring. Berserk is overrated and hasnt been good since Golden Age


but that's a fact


i like anime


Good job. Made me laugh.

There's nothing wrong with holding hands.

Get the fuck out

Best girl won MCbowl.

I don't understand the fascination with 2D waifus. They're not real. They're drawings. You'll never put your dick in one.

Why aren't the other studios trying as hard?

BNHA is overrated shit

>ITT: We trigger Sup Forums.

Miyazaki was right

Nobody cares about 3D sluts

This made me start typing fast. Good job.

how about ?

Actually the only harem I've ever seen where the girl I liked the most won,

Shingetsutan Tsukihime is a great adaptation.

no she didn't you asshat


Wakfu is best anime

Miyazaki was a mistake.


One of the saddest manga moment ever

Sup Forums was a mistake.
-moot aka "literally who"

you were a mistake

Sticking with the Berserk theme


I'm from Sup Forums.

But she actually did.


K den

HA me too. What's your favorite anime vidya? I really like the naruto games, it's also my favorite anime.

Everyone on Sup Forums is from Sup Forums

I'm from /fit/

Moeshit is assembly line factory manufactured bullshit with no substance and another line of "waifus" will be produced every month.

The best thing is that he actually said it in the past

I'm from /k/.

Y-You too.

I want to lewd the Yotsuba

Who did?

Literally who did.

Here senpai

>used goods in a barn


>Planet Earth
>A.D. 2945
>Noefags still mad


wasn't that a magic katana or something?

WHY DID THIS CUNT GET A SECOND CHANCE?! I'm still quite miffed about that turn of events.

I've been here for a bit over a year so I'm something of an oldfag, and I've literally never heard that name. So who cares what he said about Sup Forums.

Fate/zero is better than Fate/Stay Night


But that's actually true user, nothing to be triggered about

inferno cop on youtube. has english subtitles.
pretty funny parody.

thanks doc

Inferno cop.
Fuck these anti-spoon faggots, lol.

perfect taste.


But that is the truth

Sup Forums hates Zero and Sup Forums is pretty much /fate/ with Fate being the most popular franchise here in Sup Forums.

I like Zero better but this post will surely trigger fatefags.

Everyone knows that. Nothing to get triggered about.

I know that, and judging by your response my post was too soft to trigger people, should have added that Gen is way better at writing than Nasu

Yes, but you forget that visual novel fans are triggered by that truth.

>Both called Black Swordsman
>Neither of them are black

> kotaku

Porn game fan

from /gif/

funny considering madoka aired before SAO

Why is Naruto choking them? Aren't they in the same guild?

That's the joke.

Hayao Miyazaki is a feminist. His films are proof of that.
>strong female leads
>lack of fanservice

The real Black Swordsman

Looks like he has tits

Does it still hurt for you?It does for me.

My master piece

Kiritsugu Emiya is best Emiya

Urobutcher is better than Nasu

Fate VN is the Naruto/Dragon Ball of Visual Novels

Fate/zero is mature because it has adults

Ufotable did a great job at UBW

I think all of this pretty much triggers /Fate/: generals on all my time there