Say you were a dude who had the contact details of the world's most nefarious elites. What would you do with them?
Contact details of global elites
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Order lots of pizza
Post them real quick so we can screenshot duh
idk. buy a burner phone and have some fun?
Why not do something more important with them?
Nah, then the data isn't precious or useful anymore.
fun is pretty important
Sorry but wasting such an opportunity on prank burner phone calls is the gayest thing imaginable.
you have a better idea?
I've been thinking about it for months. I have a few ideas. Just curious what others come up with.
anything more serious than a few crank calls would probably land you six feet under.
Try and anger to the point that they confess to something and record it.
If you do what those guys did that called John McCain you could really start some shit.
I've thought about that, too. Looking for the right hands to put the info in.
they would probably think youre retarded if you just call them whenever
>Call 2 at once, start conversation with I'm seizing your Asian assets.
>do the old Aussie trick of putting two phones together so they both argue
>they figure out who each other is and cause WW3.
Let them destroy each other via their egos
This is fucking priceless. I'm not sure any of these people are nearly as senile as McCain, but that would be phenomenal.
This is actually a pretty sweet idea..
in reality you couldn't do anything. surveillance has gotten to the point that, they'll eventually find you even if you use a burner phone.
hire some damn good security before anything else
Not really, bruh.
contact info is only so valuable. so you can call them. big fucking deal.
It's not just phone numbers.
publish them here, now
you'd have to be very clever. you don't think they're going to at least hire an investigator if you give them enough reason?
Some variant of this OP. Two way call, and some clever shit so they start to talk. Need to say something that ensures a longer talk/exposing shit.
ask for a job, or at least some investment tips.
Well, i dont know how connected you are or what your skillset is. But how about leaking their adress somehow to some lowlife thugs(or something like that) but not exposing name. Get some known lowIQ thugs pissed and get them to show up on some adress
If you're not going to use the data, then it's useless and why would you even ask the question?
suicide them
I plan to use the data. I'm just trying to figure out how.
This is just my way of reaching out to the appropriate resource...
this is the only correct answer
>bbq bacon
Epic win xD
more mischief will happen with this information in the hands of thousands than in the hands of one
Isn't it obvious? Fire on them with the cheapest mortar I can make/buy.
Request that super comfy black credit card with the $∞ balance.
After that, whatever the fuck I want.
Pretend to be a Nigerian prince, since apparently that works.
I don't know, but if I were a person with a bitchy ex girlfriend I would post her phone number on a racist indochino fusion cooking forum and pretend that it's the details of elites. Knowing those retards at least a few would mess with her without bothering to check because everyone of them loves a good larp.
Organize the info and make a profile for each figure including what they are responsible for and all other known info about the figures. After that, spread all this info to as many people in the public as possible in as little time as possible; never hand over this info to any authorities or to just a select few.