>Comic George Lopez was booed off stage at a gala for juvenile diabetes in Denver last week, over an anti-Donald Trump routine that fell flat with the crowd.

>An attendee at the event — where tables sold from $5,000 to $100,000 to benefit the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes — commented on a YouTube video that “George was asked nicely to stop making Trump jokes by a man in front row [Maffei] who just donated $250K.” But “George doesn’t, continues. Gets booed.”

>We’re told that Lopez responded to Maffei, “Thank you for changing my opinion on old white men, but it doesn’t change the way I feel about orange men.”

>Trying to recover and sensing the audience turn, Lopez said, “Listen, it’s about the kids ... I apologize for bringing politics to an event. This is America — it still is. So I apologize to your white privilege.”

How will he ever recover?
>Pro-tip: He won't.


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He won’t. The story is getting old and the goyim are waking up to their bullshit. You can only beat a dead horse for so long that people are sick of it. Look at Vegas if anything they woke up more people than they tricked. They didn’t get booted out of over 100 countries because of anti semtism

Dumb spic is dumb. Film at 11.

>I apologize to your white privilege
The guy donated 250k...


Boo the beaner over the Wall for all I care. Lopez is as irrelevant as the rest of the liberal comedians obediently on their leashes.

The fucking spic is orange himself

>guy donates 250K
>angry spic doesn't let up
Jesus Christ talk about having 87 IQ.

didnt he get a kidney from his wife before divorcing her?

What a fucking retard would even pay that much to see a spic?

>rich hispanic man
>made success standing in front of people and telling jokes
>accuses audience of white privilege

The fucking asshole got rich and successful in America before PC culture was even conceived. WTF is he talking about 'white privilege'.

>comes to your cancer charity event
>talks politics
>tells white people to fuck off
>leaves early

what a clown

Is there a video?

Good good I hate this Beaner. Hes a race baitor thru n thru.

Throw him over the wall.

have we started the fire?

There HAS to be a video, but there's nothing posted yet - at least from what I've seen.

>“Thank you for changing my opinion on old white men

Thank you George, for not changing my opinion of spics.

who THE FUCK goes to watch movies at 11 am?

Movies, comedy tours, a TV show, a Late Night show, highly praised as one of the greats in comedy for decades, many other accolades I don't know about or care to research.

Man, these old straight white christian males have been putting Georgie through the ringer! I'm surprised he even has enough spirit left in him to fight.

I love his youtube video that one,, the funny one about "In my garage" with all those lamborghinis


let me guess - because they don't work?

It was all down hill after his "performance" in Sharkboy and Lavagirl.

Watt's up?

Good b8

>This is America — it still is.
This statement alone shows this spics true colors

It wasn't the real George. Obviously it was his twin doppelganger Jorge López

Where's the fucking vid?

Can we get an actual video of this shit..?

literally who

they didn't retard, the money isn't to see him, it's for charity

I'm surprised he didn't receive a standing ovation with how cucked everything is right now. Very confusing timeline.

As someone who lives in Colorado Springs I'm honestly suprised by this reaction in Denver. It's a very liberal city. Maybe the tides are truly turning

tnx bud

Wetback who is a one trick pony of "I'm a fucking 'Spic!" standup jokes.

The George Lopez show was legitimately good.

Fuck this wetback. All his comedy is pretty much making jokes about his own people.

That's after though

i have never heard of this spic before tonight

Isnt he literally a clown? He gets paid to be stupid and make people laugh, except nowdays every idiot in the public spotlight feels that everyone would rather hear their politics.

This spic should go back to what ever shithole part of spicland he came from.

This spic is so degenerate, he got a kidney transplant from his first wife, then he cheated on her.

Charities are scams anyway, and these donors probably expected ass kissing for their money. Screw them all.

Expecting spics to act like civilized white people is a mistake.

I didn't realize the big headed mexican was still relevant. Now he's been reduced to performing at charities

Where's the booing?

Youre catching on user

Man what happened to him....? His show in the early 2000s was hilarious and sharp. Now he got into politics and outed himself as a retard

>His show in the early 2000s was hilarious and sharp

How can he be anti white? He is clearly white, anyone outside of America will admit this. Americans are just butthurt because muh immigration, so Mexicans arent white now.
He's probably 80-90% + euroeangenetically.

>George Lopez is white

Paco pls, he's a blatant Mestizo and acknowledges such.

>I apologize to your white privilege.

Not wanting to have your political views bashed at a fucking charity event is "white privilege"? This dumb ape has spent so much time in California that he thinks MUH DRUMPF is funny and tasteful comic routine at any venue. He's literally lived in a bubble for so long that he can't even conceive that an audience might *gasp* be majority Republican.

mestizos are white, and he is clearly a whiter mestizo how hard is that to understand? stop being biased because it doesn't fit your narrative.


Got a kidney from her, then proceeded to cheat on her once he was healthy enough.

Sharp if you're a bowl of jelly

>Mestizo literally means mixed
>Mestizos are white

You're fucking retarded, By definition of the word Mestizo he's not white. He's not even a Castizo.


Man, these relics from the 90's are so desperate to stay relevant.

Mestizos in America are white Americans
Source: US Government itself.
And he is a castizo, have you seen pure natives?

Heckling comedians to stop making jokes about things that hurt your feelings is something SJWs do


The US Census bureau says Arabs are white too.

You honestly think Muzzies from Saudi Arabia are just like Europeans?

Muslim =\= white

race is real, grievances are warranted, what does lopez want, new mexico 2.0, jesus christ, he needs to move to colima, peru, colombia, to be around his "raza" if he hates white america so much, cocksucker insults 100 thou dollar donors,,, eyyy my eddgy anti white humour vatoe,, his time is up, he has a race raged tinted glasses on,,,,,,,, cocksucker will NEVER take on the cartels for joke material, NEVER

fuck that, its valid to call his ass out

>apologize to your white privilege
Sick of these passive aggressive shitskins and their uppity attitudes. Can the economy flop already so whites will rally and slaughter any outsiders.

he's white

Man. I wish i'd get paid top money to be an unfunny spic on stage.
I guess ill gave to move to yankeeland and pay some kike to write me jokes about tacos.

Let this keep happening.

Trigger the elite whites who condone this shit happening to regular whites.

Pay him, give him tech his shitty race could never conceive, then let him attack your blood.

you sensitive faggot

Jorge Ramos is white.

George Lopez is a Mestizo and even identifies as such.

>goyim stop using our tactics against us
>It's for the kids goyim just let the funny golem tell his DRUMPF JOKES
>Oy vey!

You're probably not dark enough to fit the stereotypical mold Hollywood would want to parade around to prove they're not racist.

>So I apologize to your white privilege.
Savage, but holy shit they're at an event donating thousands and thousands of dollars for kids with juvenile diabetes. If they tell you to stay away from a topic you fucking do it. Dumbass.

Dub truth.

This isn't a case of a comedian going over the line, it's a case of a comedian going on stage and bombing.

It should cause introspection from the comedians part to work out why he failed and improve himself. But it probably won't. Jimmy Kimmel seems to have a career from the same bland, edgeless material. Why wouldn't Lopez think its just the audiences fault and not his material?

His skin color is an exact match to my feces.

>Someone talks bollocks
>Tell them they're talking bollocks
>Oy vey thats just like a SJW would do
>If you disagree with your enemies they win?
>The way to win is to stay silent and let libshits shout off their mouths endlessly uncountered.
Fuck off knobheads.

If my joke is "I hate niggers. They're so smelly, loud, and obnoxious, am I right?", then should I get heckled? There's no humor there, it's just hackneyed insults of a demographic.

Yes because you are supposed to be a comedian telling jokes not a scientist stating facts.

What the fuck are you eating?

SJWs and brown Marxists have jumped the shark. They live in the Hollywood/social media bubble most of the time, so when they're confronted with reality, it really surprises them.

Here is video:

Why are all young rich men baldlets?

Q: What's the difference between a nigger and a bench?

A: The bench can support a family.

They go boating and are on the beach alot so they wear hats. Sweating and wearing a hat makes your hairline go back.

Turnabout is fair play.

>be white
>pay $250,000 to be told you're a piece of chit

America in a nutshell

>**Edit.... not a Trump supporter by any means and it sucks to see this video being picked up and supported by a bunch of fucking RACISTS. This wasn't posted to bash Lopez. While I don't think he's funny (dude is way corny), I posted this to show how awkward things got at an awesome event. The racists using the comment section as a spouting ground for their nonsense can eat a bag of dicks**

good lord hispanics are not white, nor are they negroes or asian.......hispanics & native americans are their own race

When are americans going to stop being super cucks?

He went to a charity fund raising event to demonize the white people there for having money.

That's so funny, and you're a cuck if you attended and disagree.

Why the fuck would they even hire a gutter class nigger like this for such an event....

Obviously this "charity" is mostly about making money for themselves and fuck the kids......

Just charity pimps at work....

I wrote that and was just trolling, of course they're not white
They're Native American

unless its a family of obese niggers.

If there are any true 'based Hispanics' here, next time you see a white family, insult them with some racist shit. I'm being completely serious, make a scene, lend us a hand. Stuff like this makes whites start viewing themselves as a collection

>white privilage

Even millionaire shitskins are crying holy smokes

>How will he ever recover?
>>Pro-tip: He won't.

He's obviously trying to pivot to a new audience, like when Bob Saget went dirty.

It'll probably work, too.

Why the fuck would I do something embarrassing like that?

streaking in front of Santa Clause who's surrounded by children at the mall is less embarrassing.

I saw him in an ad for a new show. But yeah, George Lopez was the least funniest show.

I will donate $500,000 to charity if ever a charity event is fucking dumb enough to have this piece of shit George Lopez speak at their event again...


its not (((Trump))) (((they))) hate its the people that are awake to their schemes.

the shills must not believe their (((maters))).